
in OCD5 years ago



I never formally introduced myself in the past and it's coming close to almost 4 years of being on "this" chain and peer pressure was building from seeing all of the other introduction posts so here we go.

I'm Acid, yo! People have actually called me Acid ever since in middle school when a random kid who was really into wrestling didn't remember my name and called me Acid randomly after the wrestler Trent Acid and since nicknames are a popular thing in Finland the majority thought that'd be a fitting one for me for some reason. Aside from all the confusions it brought over the years, some of them being parents of girlfriends being wary of me thinking I either do a lot of LSD or sell it or them thinking I'm an english/american exchange student it's been a fun nickname so I haven't minded it much. Some close friends preferred to use my real name but the majority liked the nickname as well but enough about Acid!

I'd say I'm kind of a special person, not just because that's what my mom said but aside from the odds of being born during this time in the universe I also happened to live in a country which I didn't speak the language of. Basically there's a small percentage of the population in Finland who speak swedish as their main language and living in those parts you kind of never had any use of Finnish. Growing up my dad didn't like the low selection of free TV channels the Finns provided so he installed a satellite and during the days I wasn't in school I'd binge watch a ton of anime and cartoons in german. Since swedish is kind of similar to it I learned it quite quick and really started liking it but in turn it made me dislike Finnish more, maybe cause it was so different from these languages or maybe cause it was just harder to learn and barely anyone I was in contact with wanted to speak it I have to say I wasn't much of a fan. In high school they taught german and as I already knew a lot of it I started liking it even more and in contrast disliking finnish and doing worse and worse in those courses. Thankfully by the time I was in college a new law came in place which meant that you didn't have to write the finnish exam to finish college just a couple years before I was to write it, feeling like I hit the lotto I wrote the highest grade in german and decided to pursue it in further education.

After a year of studying it (partying mostly) I took a break from the studies to do my mandatory military training. Got lucky to just be average enough to not have to go to "school" there which meant staying another 6 months and teaching newbies what it was like to shoot and run and do nothing of value the rest of the time so managed to get away with just 6 months in. Then again I did pretty much nothing the next 6 months as I was waiting for the next university semester to begin aside from nerding myself in world of warcraft while now smoking cigarettes which I started doing in the last month of military training cause that's how boring it got there. Back in university I kind of started disliking the lectures, I still really liked german but wasn't sure if becoming a teacher was the right thing for me, either that or a translator which I wasn't much of a fan either considering the increase in automation and me getting really into Reddit and hearing about how humanity will be doomed "soon" enough cause automation was taking over. Well they weren't completely wrong but maybe a bit ahead of their time, much like Reddit itself was in early 2010 when i tried telling my friends it's amazing and they should try it but they just couldn't get into it because it was so bothersome to subscribe to specific subreddits or find them to make your homepage fun to read. So they stuck to their facebooks and instagrams while I just eyerolled at them because they just didn't understand. Anyway I decided to quit studying german and do something else with my life, got into IT for a couple years but I guess my brain just wasn't wired the right way to code things.

While failing at IT I stumbled upon Bitcoin in early 2013, yes I know, everyone and their grandmas will tell you they all got into Bitcoin at 2010-2013 and are now "blockchain influencers" and while I do consider myself lucky to have gotten into it as early as I did and at the same time even luckier that I stuck around long enough to learn more about what exactly it was I was also in a crappy position as a student to never really be able to invest much into it even though the prices were as low as $50 a coin at the time. I did get really fascinated by decentralization and blockchain though, so much so that by the time the altcoin era started I lost all interest in my IT studies and dived deep into this goldrush of opportunities. Ordered a couple GPU's with my last euros and became a full time miner looking for the next shitcoin launch to mine early. Had some decent luck to mine some good alts very early, one of them being x coin a.k.a. darkcoin a.k.a. dash but I was usually ahead of my time to call them for the shitcoins with unfair launches and distributions and underestimate the dumb money that would buy up most bags anyway later on and sold most of what I mined too early. Regrets were had, determination was being broken and I found myself taking time off from chasing the next altcoin to instead chasing the next girl and missed out on some other good ones like the ETH ICO and this unique coin that launched in a ninja way which I'm sure many of you might have heard of. ;)

Once I did hear about it again though I fell in love with it, it reminded me of the early times when I saw what Reddit could be before it became too big and lost that magic and ever since that day I've spent most of my time trying my best to do what I can to help this coin get to a place where more people would know about it. Unfortunately for me I realized way too late the early implications of the distributions and at the same time I didn't wanna make the same mistakes of having dumped coins too early so I held tight during the 2018 ATH's and even went back all in way too early into 2018 never to image the 98% drop that was about to come. So here we are now, some crazy markets behind us, a ton of life-changing opportunities pretty much wasted but I am happy that this coin I spent so much time and effort on helping its distribution, the coin that I like to call "how Bitcoin should have been" in terms of rewarding humans for being humans and doing what humans will always be good at in regards to increasing automation, I'm happy that it gets to live on and my efforts at distribution didn't go to waste now with Hive.

It feels like a new start, a more fair start and the sky is the limit. I'm overwhelmed by the positive movements from the community to show up and make a stand for decentralization and the true advantages to blockchain aside from the earning part and I know there are a lot of people here that truly value freedom and won't sell that out for any kind of money or billionaires. I found my home almost 4 years ago and it recently got renovated so for now I'm going to enjoy doing what I've been doing on Reddit for almost a decade but on top of that also finding the inspiration to write longer content like these aside from just commenting and curating and I'm looking forward to more people finding out about Hive and realizing its true potential and how it can improve you as a human if you use it right. Excited about the future and growing this amazing community!


There are 2 pages

Nice to finally read your backstory a bit!

I was a big fan of the finnish folk metal band Ensiferum. Heard about them?

Yes, listened a lot to them during my world of warcraft days. :3

Finns are natural talents at heavy metal!

ah another peer pressure to write a self-intro.

Wow I can't believe I'm reading this post 2.5 years later. I was wandering around the Hive and clicked from one place to another and I don't know how I ended up here. It was a pleasure to learn some of your life story Acid. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Thanks for this nostalgia trip down the comments.

It was a pleasure for me. didn't expect to find but happy to read. Wow, looks like it is time for a new AMAA hahaha.

A cool introductory post!

You once mentioned you weren't in tech but to be an early miner you'd have to somewhat computer savvy.

I've wondering what the German connection was because you've also mentioned your knowledge of German. Now we have learned that it was the anime.:)

You are not the only Finland Swedish Hive user who has grown up in a completely Swedish-speaking environment. I talked to a guy from Kokkola/Karleby about a year ago who practically didn't know any Finnish. Most living in the big cities are exposed to Finnish to a degree that makes them functionally bilingual. The current cabinet has two such ministers: Anna-Maja Henriksson and Li Andersson whose Finnish sounds so good that that any hints as to it being their second language are extremely subtle.

My Swedish teachers were both so incredibly good that despite having graduated from secondary school 28 years ago I can still understand nearly everything some talking head says on television if I happen to be watching SVT or FST. My active vocabulary is somewhat rusty from lack of use.

I was introduced to Bitcoin in 2013. But what I regret is not being open-minded enough to delve into altcoins at that stage. A few hundred invested in Ether in the very beginning and sold at the top would've paid off the mortgage and left some renovation money over. But who knows, I might have sold them at a much earlier stage as well.

Heeeeeeey - so great to read a proper background story about you :D Funny to read about the 'Fins who speak Swedish' thing, ever realized that. I hate German :D As a Dutch person it's just similar enough to have it be extra confusing because you constantly have to remind yourself how again it's different :') I'd rather learn a language that has no similarities as I can start fresh and just accept the language for what it is.

Anyway - great to be on Hive and see where this is going. I was a bit bummed with Steem before 'everything happened' anyway, but am excited to add some renewed energy and inspiration to this place.


I hate German :D As a Dutch person it's just similar enough

I’ve forgotten much of the German I learned in high school, but at one point in college I had need of doing research where most of the material was in Dutch and the German came in handy. It turned out that I could understand written Dutch fairly well because it seemed like every word was either almost like something in English or almost like something in German.

I’m a lot older now so my ability to learn other languages is diminished, but I’m working a bit on Spanish.


What do you call someone who speaks three languages? Trilingual.

What do you call someone who speaks two languages? Bilingual.

What do you call someone who speaks one language? American.

What do you call someone who speaks one language? American.

Ahahahahaha - this is so true.

I speak native of fairly well: Dutch, English, Spanish
I speak 'holiday proof': French, German
I can deduct a lot of Italian (thanks to Spanish) and Swedish and probably a few other languages I don't think about right now. I feel blessed to be able to navigate the world a bit easier thanks to this - I wouldn't want to have it otherwise.

When I learned the Cyrillic Alphabet it was fun to travel through Russia and 'spell' the Cyrillic letters and realize everything comes from English :D Then I crossed the border to Mongolia and I could still spell Cyrillic but there was NO word that I could recognize, apparently they have no such influence over there.

Speaking/reading languages makes the world a whole lot more interesting :-)

It turned out that I could understand written Dutch fairly well

This surprised me at first but then I realized I have the same even with languages I don't speak perfectly - I can still understand other languages better due to it (see the Italian thanks to Spanish).

That's so much talent in one man. The gift of different languages wow! We can call it the gift to speak in tongues perhaps! 😊

There are three major West Germanic languages: English, Dutch and German. The minor ones are Frisian and Afrikaans, the latter of which I believe is practically Dutch. People say Dutch has some features that may help speakers of North Germanic (Scandinavian) languages understand it.

I know English, Swedish and German because I studied them all in school. For me, Dutch has so many unfamiliar basic words that I'm quickly lost if I have to read even a simple Dutch language text.

There is a 5% Finland Swedish minority in the country. In rural areas, there are people who do not know the majority language at all. The maternal grandmother of my sister's ex husband did not know any Finnish. My sister is a language teacher and Swedish is one of her languages. My sister was able to communicate better with her than she could with her own grandson.

great history! greetings my friend

Happy to learn a bit more about you man, you’ve been instrumental in keeping me here. I would not have stayed without some people with larger accounts who did they’re best to make this place better for content creators.

I finally put some Fiat cashinto my stake and powered up. May do a bit more. I brought back the Deadpost initiative and I want to double down on trying to bring new users to the platform and especially bringing back steemians who left during the bidbot days.

Thanks for everything you do


Heart-warming to read your story.

From military to IT to mining to now here.

Love the transition.

You are certainly the most active and consistent person in this town.

Wishing you more and more love!

Hi Acid,

Wish you well in the future! Great meeting you good and proper at long last, you sound a lot like my son with Warcraft and cryptos and the like! I've always admired how you support the community, you've certainly turned many of our mundane days into a kind of Christmas present day when you & @ocd show up in our posts! I've still not gotten into Reddit good & proper but am really thankful for Hive, at least we can continue here & not be lost in the wilderness!

Engineer... Coming from a small village, he and most of his peers did not really finish university to get a title. So they just gave themselves each a title they'd carry with them for many years - Engineer, Fiscal, Atty.... Lol.It was great to read about you, @acidyo. The nickname! I suddenly remember how my father got his nickname -

Very interesting introduction I read, although it was quite long. Following you for a long time. HIVE ON

Nice to read a decent background story,

I had assumed you were into Acid, no negative judgement there, whether you've done it or not!

I assume you're a full-time on Hive/ Reddit now, rather than having a 'proper job'...?

This is cracking 😂😂😂 into Acid

yo! :DI always wondered who this @acidyo guy is, that everyone was talking about and reading your posts for so long. Now I'm so happy to learn more about you and where the nickname comes from! Nice to meet you,

Welcome to Hive @acidyo Acid yo! I kept calling this name throughout today. You sure had a wonderful blog on steem. I hope we continue this way here and maybe me getting closer as well. Have a great stay here welcome Acid yo!

I found my home almost 4 years ago and it recently got renovated

That’s a good way of putting it. Hive is both old and new. Like any old house, it needs periodic renovation. This year, we redid the foundation. Over the next year, we can work on rewiring the place.

Hey, cool thing to get to know you that way^^ If you ever want to speak some german, message me x)

What a story. Not knowing Finnish but living there is funny (although it didn’t seem to matter much for you) thank goodness for that new law before college started. Mandatory military training sounds useful, besides the cigs (why was it mandatory). The ups and downs of crypto of course.
My favorite parts were the origin of your nickname and your choice of Mew to represent yourself.

You’d probably enjoy my belly tattoo, or at least I’d assume.


yay finally got to read a bit about you! Please continue these long posts, I actually enjoy reading them LOL. Happy weekend :)

in a crappy position as a student to never really be able to invest much

I think that is everyone's story 😂. Granted for many it is true!

About darn time you introduced yourself. Welcome to Hive.

Some close friends preferred to use my real name but the majority liked the nickname as well but enough about Acid!


Been following you for quite a while. Nice to know a little bit of your personal story
Thanks for sharing.
PS. Finish is a tough language I can understand why you hate it :)

you are a wonderful person. though i have not met you before i have felt your attribute. glad to welcome you to the hive community

Damn! So you're a real a human being with a family, went to school and had a proper job like the rest of us 😖

Now you've gone and broken all mysterious images I had of you in my head.


Haha. I wanted to write exactly the same. The myth is gone. What a shame

Welcome to hive @acidyo - nice to meet a Finnish guy not jumping from hills lol.

On a serious note - an interesting story I enjoyed reading!

Vielen Dank! :)

Aber gerne doch - ich liebe Acid Tunes :-)

Thanks Acid! My 4 year anniversary will be July 8th!!

I was interested to read your story, but I haven't figured out the cryptocurrency yet,
I don't understand much about bitcoin and other currencies,
I just like to communicate with interesting people :-)

I'm a bad businessman, but I'm a good teacher, so my students say...

Good luck to you in the future, and a great mood!
And most importantly in our time-I wish you health!

It took me a while before doing comment because I enjoyed reading the comments. They're just so curious about you that's why many of us obliged to same something about your introduction.

Anyways, just know you from a curator but you spoke up now. What an interesting story by the way..

Really hapoy to know more about you. Your story have a lot of ups and downs, and it seems that it will keep going that way. This Hive journey will be a rollercoaster, but we'll be here to enjoy the trip!

Funny how Swedes sees German close enough to your language so its easy!
We Danes think the same :p

Yet when I try to understand danish I'd rather choose Japanese. xD

Hahaha c'mon dude! Danish and Swedish is closer than Danish/German and Swedish/German :P
Finnish is the fucked language here :P

I think this video explains what I mean pretty well. ;P

I know the video haha xD

Neat name, (70's with a little sunshine or strawberry fields), nicknames are a great way to intro.

Nice to meet the person behind the name, even if the name is not what most assumed.

I guess peer pressure got the best of you :P

Finally! An even more amazing story behind you that I could've imagined.

I think loads of people have assumed the Acid was from LSD! Nice to hear the story behind it

That's a quite different life. Maybe your 'past life' experience helped you to learn crypto these well. And, what you are doing here is also noticeable.
Good to know more of you!

Wow, that was a lot of looooooong sentences. Beat even me there. :D

I blame the German in me for that. :P

I bet you love creating new words by tying them together.


So I saw the term military never knew an acid in human form learnt how to kick ass. Erhmmm what of your selfie?

Only my gf gets that honor. ;)

Ahhh I'll just have to steal it from her🤣🤣🤣

Sweet story bro, and might I add, you can go back to chasing the skirts once the next Bull run comes along

Don't think the gf would appreciate that :P

Oh well, you can just marry her then. Give her that cinderalla wedding

howdy @acidyo I've known about you for many years... You could say just basically how a nickname sticks with a person. I've seen you pop up over the 4years of my history here on the chain. Didn't think you would of hung those boots up though and swapped it for ciggys. laters

Great to read your story @acidyo and thanks for everything you've done on the Steem chain and now Hive - exciting times ahead for sure. 👍

Herzlich Willkommen im Club -:)

Vielen Dank :D

what a legend

no u!

Welcome to Hive 😁

Sounds like you've had a lot of good practice on how to avoid doing things you don't want to do (learn Finnish, not do as much tough military exercises as you should) 😀

You missed out a bit about getting wrecked on counter strike though haha

I didn't miss anything. ;p

Oh I see. You've "Men In Blacked" it? 😂😂


lol that's a nice gif, but nah I meant I didn't add it on purpose :P

hehe i remember checking bitcoin when it was 50$ as well but i had no money and even if i found some i was too afraid to take the risk, create wallets and buy................worst decision ever :P

WTAF I never would have guessed in a million years that english wasn't your first language. Whoa...

It is a delight to read your story🙋

It I good to know you #acidyo. You are a reach hive acid. Congrats

Welcome to Hive @Acidyo. Don't burn people here oooo

my brain just wasn't wired the right way to code things

It is meant to drive others code things 😀 A latest photograph is missing in the intro.

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