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RE: Introduction

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

A cool introductory post!

You once mentioned you weren't in tech but to be an early miner you'd have to somewhat computer savvy.

I've wondering what the German connection was because you've also mentioned your knowledge of German. Now we have learned that it was the anime.:)

You are not the only Finland Swedish Hive user who has grown up in a completely Swedish-speaking environment. I talked to a guy from Kokkola/Karleby about a year ago who practically didn't know any Finnish. Most living in the big cities are exposed to Finnish to a degree that makes them functionally bilingual. The current cabinet has two such ministers: Anna-Maja Henriksson and Li Andersson whose Finnish sounds so good that that any hints as to it being their second language are extremely subtle.

My Swedish teachers were both so incredibly good that despite having graduated from secondary school 28 years ago I can still understand nearly everything some talking head says on television if I happen to be watching SVT or FST. My active vocabulary is somewhat rusty from lack of use.

I was introduced to Bitcoin in 2013. But what I regret is not being open-minded enough to delve into altcoins at that stage. A few hundred invested in Ether in the very beginning and sold at the top would've paid off the mortgage and left some renovation money over. But who knows, I might have sold them at a much earlier stage as well.