6 long years that have somehow felt even longer.
I think the burnout got to me eventually, many say you don't even really realize you're in one and just keep dragging it out but your brain isn't really working as well as it should and your energy levels are constantly low. Needless to say the vacation I had recently was very refreshing and now I'm back just in time for my 6th year on this chain and looking forward to evolve and improve more of the projects I'm currently focusing on so I will be updating you a bit on that later in the post.
As for me personally, I've been travelling quite a lot lately, had to do some last medical procedures that took a while to recover from, mostly health related of things I've neglected and kept postponing to take care of as I was quite busy with things here. Yes, I know, real life and health should come first but I've always been the kind of person who focuses on one thing at a time, and since there's so many things to do here on and around Hive it has kept me quite busy.
I also finally got to meet my girlfriend, met her on chain initially almost three years ago but at the time crypto wasn't doing too well for me to travel and shortly after covid hit and blocked me from getting to meet her. Needless to say it was a long time coming and I've had a great time so far being with her.
Shot with my phone
Now that I've settled down a bit I'm catching up on things I've missed, wish the rest of the world would also as there's so much things going on on Hive that its marketcap is ridiculous compared to some of the literal garbage that is out there. Oh well, better opportunities for us I guess, can't help if most people want to be late to the party so let's keep building stuff until they get here.
Some things I've been doing while I've been "afk", is make sure @poshtoken has been keeping buy orders in for $POSH so those sharing their Hive links on Twitter have been able to collect some rewards for it in Hive. Most of this buy pressure has come from @poshtoken buying up posh by itself through curation or post rewards, some from my own Hive and there's been a few other buyers speculating on the token. I've also still been manually curating on my account through my phone, this time not read as much but every now and then and other times trusted that the authors I'm upvoting aren't abusing or anything after giving the posts a glance, I trust in their reputation.
As for POSH, I've been trying to get the account to grow and sort of become its own DAO where in the future it will be able to hire devs, more artists, etc, to create more projects and services surrounding the token. I'm quite proud of the distribution as you could probably say it is one of the fairest ones out there, maybe even more so than Hive (:P) although I'm constantly working on making that distribution fairer and better through @ocd, @ocdb, etc. The fair and long distribution of POSH is a great starting point to evolve from as it's one of the things most projects lack and in one way or another bites them in the ass later. I've been using the reward pool to grow the project, with people trusting me that I'm doing and will do with the funds what I say and if anything were to happen they'd go right back to the DHF or get burned (whatever the community thinks is best). I'm also happy to see that people are getting a bit more lenient with how the reward pool can be used, i.e. hbdstabilizer and certain other projects that aren't strictly content but aren't only profiting a single entity or project but the chain and ecosystem as a whole.
With that having said, whatever things we end up creating with and around POSH, the end game will always be to incentivize sharing of our links onto web2 and get more people to do so, maybe even have users sign up specifically for that even if they aren't content creators or interested in other things Hive.
One thing that we will focus on with POSH are a few changes that @rishi556 is working on currently. Figuring out what it is that is causing some users' eligible shares not to be counted (that darn twitter API) and after that getting the long talked POSH PETS NFT out there created by the amazing artist @astrocreator. That's something to look forward to, I know I am as I really love how they ended up looking and what it will mean for POSH holders and the buy back program of @poshtoken.
With OCD we will also be striving to improve things as we go forward. I recently asked @dalz if he could provide monthly statistic posts of our activities not just so others get a better look at them but also as something for us to look more concretely at and try to improve over time. We're hoping for more niche communities to join our incubation and maybe even create some of our own (one of our ideas was Hive Pets for instance which seems to have been doing rather well).
I have some other ideas and works in progress but I'll write about them when I get closer to crossing that bridge. I also need to get better at writing again as it feels like I'm posting once a month or something lately and I remember to really enjoy it and interact with my followers in the comment section of my posts and theirs.
One step at a time, for now just saying hi with a quick update and happy to be back. Let's see where the next few years will get us.
Here's to 2190 days, 1919 posts, 22488 comments and 104201 manual upvotes cast in that time with hopefully a lot more to come.
Happy cakeday mate, I tried to make you a Mew Cake but I only got this thing 😂 Here's to another 6 years :)

6years? is this like Mexico's elections?
Mewtwo was born in a lab after all, guess this was born in a lab of a virgin's basement xD
Happy Cakeday buddy. Gotta commend your consistency on the blockchain and contributions to the growth of Hive and all its users. It's been a long time coming..damn!!! SIX WHOLE YEARS!!!....Cheers to 6 more prosperous years on Hive and more greatness 🍻!!!
Congratulations for your years in blockchain and for all the work you are doing from @ocd with your team, supporting so many authors in #hive. It's hard to carry everything at the same time, especially because life lately leaves us behind and overtakes us in speed, with so many events. However, you always have to take a break (as you did) and take care of what is neglected or perhaps relegated by other activities that are considered more urgent.
Health is one of these things and I'm not the best moral example of this hahaha but I always advise others to give it due attention. Success in everything you undertake that is of benefit and well being for the whole.ecosystem.
We trust #hive and we are still here giving you the best from our inspiration. This is a home that we must take care of and make it grow. Thank you for sharing your opinions and experiences. I wish you success, health, wellness and of course, lots of love in what surrounds you. Greetings from here. 🤗
Happy Cakeday @acidyo! Six years is a fantastic achievement. Ben and I are so glad that you have had chance to recharge your batteries and take some well earned rest. Finding a way to balance all that you have to do, need to do and want to do is the key, and your health and wellbeing is vital.
Here's to the next six years, and beyond.
Annabelle 😊
Happy Hive Birthday to you! Six years is a long time to be committed to something, it’s a job well done on your part…especially with all of the manual curating.
It would be good for you to try to focus on at least two things at once, Hive and your health ;)
It’s been nice working with you in OCD, let’s see what other fun things are to come. Please take care of yourself.
Gorgeous photo btw ~
Yeah my gf has been trying to get me to focus on that too, guess it'll be harder to forget about my health now with her around which is good long term. :P
Yes! We thank your gf for being around. Tell her to keep up the great work with you :D
talk about me more . i promise it will work.
im mewtwo
and the rare candy is on twitter
find the missing number on telos
unite the DPOS chains in an alliance (check)
Nintendo Pokemon looking into @splintrlands and wax?
Hive for schools? Lets Go Random (hierachial governance)
ur cake day is a lie
dan the dallai llama narrative larimer is a crypto christian and a crypto muslim lamaran
twitter and steem can be very posh if u ask for it to be E Z
just defeat justin sun final boss with $DREEM fork
Really cool. I kept seeing the posh token thing but didn't understand it. I don't really use Twitter but a lot of people do so that's a huge market to tap. That's great news about the girlfriend. The last post I saw, you were looking forward to it and I'm glad you weren't disappointed. I have had some girlfriends that weren't worth the wait. ;)
Cheers to a long and healthy life at home and on Hive. Congrats for making it this far!
I've been thinking about creating a new explainer post about POSH, maybe include some infographics that make it easier to understand as it's quite simple to use but quite complex under the hood nowadays.
Well, in my experience, simple is good and after buying Hive on Ionomy and finding no how to guides on here, I can say that the more guides, the better.
Hey there, I was wondering if you were on Discord or email. I have a few questions I need to ask you. I'm Chris Bird#2542 and [email protected] if you get a free moment or if there is a server I can join that you're in, that works too.
Congratulations on your 6th anniversary. More than 6 years as you said. I wish I had discovered you earlier. You are setting an example for us on this platform. I am looking forward to your new projects. I hope you will cross the bridge you mentioned in the best and healthiest way possible. We will always be with you on this bridge. Everything you get your heart desires. I made the comment with the help of google translate. I apologize in advance if there are any misunderstandings.
Happy cake day. That's amazing that you were able to meet your girlfriend for the first time. That must have been quite the experience after all of the covid and worldly drama that's been going on these past few years.
Yeah it was quite a long long distance relationship but happy we rode it out and finally got to experience it irl
Happy Cakeday! @acidyo, Thank you for your dedication to building the community and hope the Hive Project will continue to thrive in the years to come :) I'm glad to hear that your gf and you have finally met each other after a long time. It's absolutely worth the wait! Congrats 🙂
Happy 6th cakeday! 😋🎂
Beware my friend, a burnout does not just up and leave one and the mistake that we made after the first one was just to get stuck in again like "normal". The second burnout was a cat of a different color, as I had to go under the knive for a stent to be placed in a Carotid artery. An inner carotid artery that feeds the brain of all things. Still not fully recovered since Feb 2018 and they reckon it will take a long time to improve and I must avoid all stressors.
Believe me, you don't want a second one.
Congrats on the 6 years!
we all need med bed ultra sound CAT scan reverse engineered 3d body printers
we all need a blockchain ZAP
then post all our medical scans on the chain to let the peopel around teh world on hive work on us like a 6 million dollar person
Hire people in Africa and Venezuela to look over our medical scans :D
Happy cake-day, mate!
I'm happy for you that you're finding better balance now, a girlfriend tends to help out a lot in that department 😍
And also, your contribution to this chain (as well as the old one) is hard for any of us to fathom. All the great content you've exposed people to, and all the happy creators who got attention for something they put their hearts into.
Great work, and thanks for all support along the way 🤗
Happy cake day! I raise my glass to you! Many happy returns on it.
Health first, so that you can continue to do your work here. Really glad that you and the girlfriend met after three years. I have to ask; did anything surprise you about her?
I follow the niche commubities and really like this unique project. Usually small communties get buried into obscurity. So my hat is off to you.
I'm glad you got some much needed time off. As hard as it is to put this aside for a day or three, the refreshed and ready to deal feeling is worth it!
All this deserves celebration...🌷🌷. Six years of strong commetment is a big time. It definitely makes one prefer the platform over other things. Yes, we should care for our health but in the pursuit of dreems the thing that is affected the most is the health, one way or the other. Balance is difficult to attain, but we should be trying to achieve it. A break is good to let our mind refresh. I am glad to hear that you are back after the break.
Meeting someone after 3 years and that the person is your live. Such a moment is memorable filled with emotions.
Reading many posts is not possible everyday but sending a rewrd to deserving is important. 6 years of experience is a big time and I think it would give your eyes a scanner that would judge in seconds if the post is original or not.
Many good wishes for all your project and your cardiac health as well ☺
Happy 6th Hive birthday & about time you took a break, sounds lovely!
Guess what, it's my RL birthday today, one year from my big 7th, with a zero behind it🙃
We are blessed to have you here on Hive, always at work improving the blockchain experience for everyone, it dies not go unnoticed 🙂
Happy bday @lizelle! :D Hopefully the next one comes with a big bang on Hive and a lot more users to wish you a happy one!
Thank you! I'll certainly still be blogging here till I say goodbye to this world one day, but certainly hope we're going to get way more bizzy here🤗
Congratulations and happy cake day @acidyo. More power to help more people. Thank you for your initiative 😊
Happy Happy Hive Birthday @Acidyo. 6 years must have been a roller coaster for you. How does it feel to witness all the ups and downs?
Love how much value you are creating with OCD and POSH. 🔥 Both of these projects are amazing and so helpful for all the creators out there including me. On this beautiful occasion, I just want to thank you for your support. :)) Keep shining mate. Cheers and have a great anniversary. 🥳🎂
Wow 6 years is really a lot of time. And shows how much you have invested into Hive. Hopefully Posh get as far as you plan it to be and as for Hive, let’s keep building up still we get there!
Also a wow, keeping a long distance relationship for almost 3 years. Never thought that would be possible but great that were able to meet her.
Wow! Didn't realize how much work you've put into this. Glad you got to take that trip and meet your GF. Looking forward to seeing all the new things being built. Thanks for all the work you continue to put in.
Time flies, it's always good to take a little rest. Your consistency on the chain is really respectable. Thank you for all the hard work, dedication and motivation. Lets see what next is comming, it will be a fun ride :)]
Congrats! (I would make you an easy homemade carrot chesecake)
Take care of yourself, continue being hivemazing, stay happy, strong & healthy!
Happy Hiversary mate. Keep'em counting until we are old and grey. Next month will be my 5th. You are one of the originals, let's go.
Congrats on the 6 years! A break is always needed. Thanks for all the things you do, this place would not be nowhere near it is without the work you have put in.
Happy Anniversary! I remember the days when everyone was a social media blockchain noob. We've seen a lot of changes and a lot of people came and went. Glad you're still here! :)
Hehe yeah a lot has happened, likewise mate!
Happy HIVE birthday 🎂 🥳🎉 to 6 more years…
Love the photographs… it’s so peaceful.
Some great news about the token and that you finally met your gf. And took some time to sort out much things that you had set aside. Do remember health is soooo important.
Enjoy your special day today! 👋🏻🤩
yo, Happy cake day Acid!
Nice you finally gotta meet your loved one! Good health and other good things will follow i guess hehe
Seems like a long long journey for you here! Looking forwards for the years to come as well!
That one piece for you lol
how nice :p
I had to be the 1001 upvote I could not help myself. We appreciate everything you do and I hope someday to get to meet you in person. Cheers my friend.
For any ups and down, if your loved one is with you, then everything will be ended with happiness!
Happy Hive Birthday! 🎂 I hope you have a real cake and eat it too. Eat my slice too as I'm on a diet 😂
I'm glad to hear you had some relaxing time as burning out is a real thing, I can feel it too.
Looking at your stats, your comment/post ratio is great. It's 11.718, so I had to check mine,which is 11.868, achieved in 4.5 years.
Anyway, keep up the good work, enjoy your Hive Birthday and see you soon (don't drink too much though 😂).
Happy On chain Birthday, quite a bumpy ride, huh ?
This should be a good benchmark for everyone who wants to show consistency on this chain. How exciting it must be to meet her after three years - once more it proves that you are very committed to what you promise. Take care of your health, that should be the highest priority.
Happy Steem/Hive birthday.
While six years may sound like a long time, 2016 sounds like as if it would have been yesterday. The time is flying. By the way, I registered on 2017.05.17 (approximately one year later than you), so my six years Steem/Hive anniversary will be in the next year.
Good luck and all the best.
Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.
Congrats On The 6 Year Mark ✨🍷 And Damn That Must Have Some Impressive Long Distance Relationship, Glad To See It Worked Out ❤
Happy CAKEDAY to you and here is to the next six years!
It is good to be focused, but we do need to take care of our health too.
I wonder what happened to the POSH PETS NFTs but now I know!
All the best and glad to see your Hi and update:)
Happy cake day to you. We should probably find our own unique words to celebrate user's anniversaries on here. We need to be different from reddit.
Glad to see that focus is still on the posh project. Will be looking to buy more rather than just earn them in the coming days. More pictures of your travel? Bring them on.
Might be a bit late but
Happy birthday yo 🎉🎂!
Best Wishes and hope you get the most and anything you wish for in life! ^^
The feeling of your writing is really awesome. I study the thoughts very well. You are writing this block. Your writing style has been awesome. The use of Twitter is playing an important role. We are very happy to get new news and find our lost friends here. I wish you all the best for the work you are doing.@acidyo
the posh project should be combined with tipi.io and discussions.app
im suprised @acidyo hasnt made the hive engine tip bot on twitter yet that i outlined would be the fastest way for anyone to create a token on anyc hain LOL via a tweet, like whenu collect enuf swap.hive or BEE you literaly make a twitter post with command liek $createtoken maxsupply:1000 name: whatever :symbol whatever etc etc"
u get the idea lol freakin creatin hive engine tokens with a fuggin TWEET
next we do layer 2 curation on tweets with a tip bot that sends the delegated hive power or cashed outr rewards to the user in straight PBTC or PETH :D
@mughat said you can have your cake and eat it too if you just read enough ayn rand and build your oven infrastructure up and have private farms for the wheat and eggs. I dunno where you get the sugar tho . probly imperialism
Happy cakeday! Good to hear you had a nice holiday. Burnout is no joke.
Happy sixth anniversary; you are doing an amazing journey on the blockchainI think there are many of us who agree with your expression @acidyo that health should come first, but as you say, we are so involved that we don't realize it.
That Foto is very Middle Earth like, it‘s insane what those digital cams can do with good natural lighting.
Posh is working very good 👍 maybe Musk can turn Twitter around and create an even stronger case for using it.
Happy 6th !
That's an awesome photo.
Thanks :)
Thanks for catching up with news, what you been up to, congrats on the years creating a better place to dive right into at Hive.
Have an awesome day!
Congratulations on your anniversary in this blockchaim it is said easy but I imagine it is not I have little time and I realize that breaking through is not so easy ... good that you are taking care of your health that is the most important thing I wish you many more years full of success and blessings 🙏🎉🎉🎉🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂
Happy Birthday Buddy! 🎂🍰Celebrate this day to the fullest! 6 years old, this is an old-timer on the platform, I remember you and your activities since then 😀 I wish you further development and good luck.
6 years?! Wow, that is so incredible!
Thank you for the dedication and for the many things you do in the chain!
Hopefully you won't stop doing what you do!
Cheers to more years! 🍻
Happy 6 years cakeday! So glad you finally meet hidden and also get the break you deserve. Here is to more years on chain! 🍻
Happy 6th year on Hive! Congrats on all the achievements and thanks for all you've done for this little nook on the blockchain. I really have to wrap my head around POSH. It's something I've not focused on since I don't really do Twitter (or do I really have to be active on Twitter to get posh?)
Here's to many more years to come on the chain, more successful projects, and best health to you always!🥂
Wow happy birthday, it is throughly well deserved with commitment and hardwork.
six years on this chain is amazing... it means having seen the future when there was really a lot of fog, when it was almost impossible to see it. Congratulations.
aha that is really great 6 years of hive 🚀, I hope we all will get old here together 😅
!giphy congarts
Via Tenor