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RE: Are you onboarding people to Hive using referral links?

in OCD2 years ago

Take your time but I've heard from many onboarded users who eventually learned enough to onboard people themselves that it feels very rewarding to do so. Not cause of the incentives we put to the table at @ocd but in general seeing how the people they've invited are thriving, free to write and do whatever they want, at this time happy to not have to see ads everywhere and slowly but surely be rewarded and grow their stake alongside others.

And yeah, sharing on Twitter through @poshtoken there's also been some that have mentioned having people interested in what this platform is they're posting onto and making their way to their own account here as well. :)


Hopefully soon, but if I can't onboard somebody but atleast I can let them know about hive and refer them to those onboarder.