How do i hide text so its blacked out unless someone clicks it or hovers over it? My explkanation as to why im so pisssed off is here and its too complicated and involves teh war in ukraine and lots of high emotions and civil war and ideological struggles
I was just really angry this morning , just sick of how im still being downvoted by steemcleaners everyday on every post, just because i made a post months ago saying i dont liek zelensky and dont support ukraine. like how dare i have a political disagreement, downvotes came at me with same sort of one siodedness as anyone who thinks their right about vaccines masks etc and that the other side is not using science and that science is one sided etc, just pisses me off to have to be downvoted and then when i ask why, im given somebullshit story about how i posted someones art without citing it? WHen that person turned outr to be a very pro nazi pro ukrainian azov deviant art user, and they came to hive, i paid then a few hive as a "sorry" message but then i fopund out how much pro nazi pro ukraine shit they had, and i still get downvoted because of their posts, which is so convoluted bvecause they posted some art on devbiant art that i fopund on a pro russian telegram showing us troops surrendering to russian and texan troops inteh snopw, that image mad eme think they were pro russia,then i found images of swastikas crushing american flags, its too co0mpolicated
its far too complicated to explain