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RE: What's up Wednesday: Meetings and soup

in OCD4 years ago

Hahaha oh gosh, those gremlins, I know the ones you mean. Glad you survived it to tell/type the tale.

The soup looks like it was a nice reward for having had what sounds like a rather turbulent, tumultuous day.

Work will come through, you have put in a lot of effort through the years and clearly some of the people you currently work with/for value that. It's always nice to see that just after your resignation you've had some offers and referrals already, that's a vote of confidence in your skills as a person and employee. I just hope that something finds you that will tick all the boxes for you and not just for the potential future employer.

In the meantime, when things get stressful, just take a few minutes envisioning your coastal road trip, it'll give you something to look forward to in between the other stuff.

Also I'm pleased that you don't slurp soup in your local cafe and get it caught in your beard :)

May tomorrow be better and brighter.


Beards can be hazardous things...I once found a cheese cake in mine; I'd lost it earlier that week. It was good though because I was feeling like cheesecake right when I found it. I had a family of Starlings nesting in there last year too, they'd wake me up with their cheeping at 06:00 but again, I didn't mind.

I'm such an idiot right? ☝️

The soup was pretty good indeed...I like me some soup, or maybe it's just the bread slathered with butter I like? Gremlins though, me no likey gremlins. I managed to survive though...Not sure she will.

I'm fortunate to have a reasonably good name in certain circles, with selected people more to the point. If nothing comes of these initial leads I'll be ok with it, I have time. I'd rather have a few options to turn down which may make the eventual choice a little better. We'll see.

Today I'll go us on my actual job. Calls mainly. It'll suck but my office is comfortable and there's plenty of coffee so I'll make it through. I break it up with a stroll outside and some hiving so it's not all bad...Ok, maybe all close my office door for a snooze too!thanks for your comment. I hope you're ok.

Lol ok maybe beard comments can be hazardous things too? Didn't mean any disrespect though. Perhaps that was me being a gremlin.

Hope you have a good day Galen.

I was only just stroking my beard in thought and...Found a fucken gremlin in there!

OK, not really...It was more a garden gnome.

I didn't mind the comment...In truth I wish I found a cheesecake in there. Instead, just corn chip crumbs.