What's up Wednesday: Meetings and soup

in OCD4 years ago

Change (2).png

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”

Albert Einstein

My world changed recently when I resigned from a well-paying and comfortable job in an industry I've worked in for twenty years; it's probably fair to say I changed my thinking and whilst it's seemed a little daunting at moments I've felt good about it. The fact I chose to resign, tender my required four weeks of notice, without having another job to go to made it uncomfortable at times and even still to some degree, but it was change I felt was required and when I get something in my head...Well, I act pretty decisively.

I finish up at the end of the first week of September and with various entitlements and payments probably could not work again until the end of the year although I'd certainly not leave it that long. I've not started looking for work yet but feel somewhat irresponsible not having a job to go to so intend to start looking in the next week or so; I'm still busy wrapping up my current role and I'll not compromise my integrity by doing a poor job at it; I'll leave it in better shape than I found it.

The meetings

A couple nights ago I felt inclined to text message a mate of mine who is a professional reference on my curriculum vitae; I wanted to let him know to expect calls from companies or recruiters. We chatted and he mentioned the availability of a role at his company, a large international company begun in Australia some fifty years ago. My ears pricked up and we decided to meet, which happened today. Breakfast meetings are always fun and when it's a mate I actually want to see they're even better.

I'm not quite ready to talk about the potential job situation just yet although things move apace and there's an opportunity for that situation to develop over the next couple of weeks. My mate was excited at the opportunity to work with me again and I was pleased it was in an industry different from my current job. I'm feeling reasonably good about it.

My second meeting was with the office manager at my current employer, a disgusting little grunty gremlin of a woman who has zero clue what she's doing. I'm at a much higher level than she is and whilst I treat everyone with respect, even disgusting grunty gremlins, it was a pretty awful thirty minutes; she's grunty...And gremliny! I endured though, somehow.

She didn't get much out of me. I'd actually met with the Director I report to a day earlier, had breakfast, and covered off on many things, most of which are above the gremlin's pay-grade. So...Gremlin-meeting done I was off to my next meeting, this time at a pub called The Republic. This meeting was a client; a very good one.

Due to the nature of my work I'll not have the chance to farewell many of my clients although there's a few who have some how or other found out I've resigned in the last week. This one insisted on farewell drinks, even knowing I'd not drink during work time. Farewell drinks was code for, I have a work opportunity for you though and so we caught up and chatted about that. I actually had a beer with him naughtily breaking my no drinking at work rule mainly because I had no other appointments for the day.

Again, things went well although this opportunity is a little farther away which may mean I'll miss it as it's likely I'll be employed elsewhere by then. Still, it was great to have that little confidence-boost of knowing he thought highly enough of me about me to mention the opportunity.

The Soup

After finishing with the client I was super-hungry and whilst the client offered to buy lunch I declined as it didn't seem appropriate to have him do so. I hit the café I go to most days for something instead. I'd planned on a focaccia with some fillings but decided on the soup instead, which they change daily. Today's was a cultural blend of two legit flavours being minestrone soup with chorizo. I know right? Yum!

The girls served the homemade soup with their own homemade bread, toasted, with lashings of butter on the side...Not that margarine rubbish, real butter!

I sat back and slurped up soup and toast...Not really slurped, I have manners y'all.

As I ate I contemplated the day and the opportunities that came from it. I thought myself lucky that people would think so much of me, but then I figured luck didn't really play a part in that, many other things do though. I guess years of effort and consistency pay off.

I've got a few other things on the go all of which seem suitable at this stage, but nothing has firmed up. In a few minutes I have a phone interview with a national company whose recruitment agency reached out on a professional network I am on and that's cool - Good annual remuneration plus commissions and bonuses, phone, laptop, iPad and fully maintained new car. I suppose they'll want some work done after all that huh? I fit the role so I'll hear them out and see what hey have to offer as an all-round package. It's a good opportunity but I don't want to jump at the first thing, I'll be a little choosey; I value my skills.

Anyway, that's what's up on Wednesday y'all...Boring job stuff. It seems changing my thinking is working out though. What about you?

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209


Glad to hear that you survived the gremlin encounter -- some people don't.

Lol...Feed them after midnight and chaos ensues. I survived the encounter and hope not to repeat it. 😊

I feel hungry after seeing this

Looks good huh?

Sounds like you have some good prospects for being reasonably well employed soon - though I do hope you get a decent break and some tranquilisation as well. That soup sounds good - I make a nice spanish chorizo and chestnut soup but I haven't made it for years. Tonight's dinner is sri lankan curry. I found a new green grocers that has lots of unusual (but cheap) things I like, like fresh curry leaves, which are great in that kind of curry. Plus I'm stoked I also found a new Indian grocers with cheap paneer - half the price of Coles. I'm rambling, haha - just starving, and your soup has me thinking of food - hurry up rice, cook!

I'm looking for 2-4 weeks as a gap but it might not be that long. These opportunities are coming from current relationships and if one stands out I'll rock it. Time will tell. I'm happy to take some time. Who knows, a Great Ocean road trip might happen whilst I'm waiting. Pandemic permitting.

I just got home...Could go some curry...Mexican burrito bowl tonight though. Still good right?

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Hahaha oh gosh, those gremlins, I know the ones you mean. Glad you survived it to tell/type the tale.

The soup looks like it was a nice reward for having had what sounds like a rather turbulent, tumultuous day.

Work will come through, you have put in a lot of effort through the years and clearly some of the people you currently work with/for value that. It's always nice to see that just after your resignation you've had some offers and referrals already, that's a vote of confidence in your skills as a person and employee. I just hope that something finds you that will tick all the boxes for you and not just for the potential future employer.

In the meantime, when things get stressful, just take a few minutes envisioning your coastal road trip, it'll give you something to look forward to in between the other stuff.

Also I'm pleased that you don't slurp soup in your local cafe and get it caught in your beard :)

May tomorrow be better and brighter.

Beards can be hazardous things...I once found a cheese cake in mine; I'd lost it earlier that week. It was good though because I was feeling like cheesecake right when I found it. I had a family of Starlings nesting in there last year too, they'd wake me up with their cheeping at 06:00 but again, I didn't mind.

I'm such an idiot right? ☝️

The soup was pretty good indeed...I like me some soup, or maybe it's just the bread slathered with butter I like? Gremlins though, me no likey gremlins. I managed to survive though...Not sure she will.

I'm fortunate to have a reasonably good name in certain circles, with selected people more to the point. If nothing comes of these initial leads I'll be ok with it, I have time. I'd rather have a few options to turn down which may make the eventual choice a little better. We'll see.

Today I'll go us on my actual job. Calls mainly. It'll suck but my office is comfortable and there's plenty of coffee so I'll make it through. I break it up with a stroll outside and some hiving so it's not all bad...Ok, maybe all close my office door for a snooze too!thanks for your comment. I hope you're ok.

Lol ok maybe beard comments can be hazardous things too? Didn't mean any disrespect though. Perhaps that was me being a gremlin.

Hope you have a good day Galen.

I was only just stroking my beard in thought and...Found a fucken gremlin in there!

OK, not really...It was more a garden gnome.

I didn't mind the comment...In truth I wish I found a cheesecake in there. Instead, just corn chip crumbs.

It has been a bit cold here the last couple days so I had soup for lunch today as well. Not as tasty as yours looked but it was warm enough.

Soup is such great meal in the colder months.

Donuts too. 😏

On today's to do list.



You need to reevaluate your food-choices.

That is a big...

No Shitter..!

I just try to go hungry when my Will Power

I had Tuna and Cheesy crackers last night. Broke my after 6pm rule. And paid the REGURGE price. 3am wake up call.

Tummy still feeling yucky.

You do realize if I had no Will Power I would look like this.


Those damn gremlins! I work with some and they are obnoxious indeed. Thankfully I don’t get into contact with them too often otherwise I would get very frustrated lol.

It sounds like you’ve got plenty of prospects but that’s a great thing. It’s good to be choosy for a role if you left one that you were good at but bored with. Shaking things up keeps it fresh and can lead to some enjoyable years of work instead of numbing dreary just to get a paycheck.

A ballsy approach! I'd be more in favour of lining up a new job first, as I find it easier to find a job, while your in a job. I admire your confidence though and your few encounters so far suggest that you are sought after and have a saught after skillset. Best of luck finding something which suits you and your lifestyle 👍

I'm not one to shy away from challenge, and if I don't work for a few months I'd be ok with it, end of the year, maybe January. I don't think I'll get that luxury though as things are progressing.

Ya, I see what ya mean alright, i just wouldn't be ballsy enough to do that myself, even though I know my skillset is souggt after in my industry and i get many approaches on LinkedIn.

I've no doubt, but it'll work out for you anyway and hopefully the new job is a good challenge. I think we need that challenge to keep things fresh and interesting.

we need that challenge to keep things fresh and interesting.

I have learned that without challenge one doesn't overstretch ones comfort zone. Some of my finest moments, and most life-changing ones, have come through challenge and its in those moments I learn more about myself, what I'm capable of physically and what my mind can cause me to do - In a positive way I mean.