Hey Taraz.
I'm so sorry to read this, but the brain has amazing regenerative properties. I know a fair bit about strokes from what I read up after my father had a brain aneurism. It takes time but your brain will form new synaptic pathways with time and practice.
A few years ago I was told a story about someone who had experienced a stroke and lost their speech completely. His wife insisted on him sucking on a bottle/dummy as she believed that as with young babies, the formation of speech relies a lot on the correct muscle formation being "retaught" and she swore by this. I'm not suggesting you doing this, but perhaps look into similar things that can help to get those muscles working again. If it helps awesome, if it doesn't help improve anything, you wouldn't have done damage.
Good luck with the speech therapist, I hope that him/her needing a translator doesn't get too frustrating for you.
Go easy on yourself, these things take time.
I am also hoping to gain some superpowers. :)
That is interesting with the dummy. I am not sure what is needed for me specifically, but I wonder if there are dedicated tools for strengthening muscles in the mouth.
Thanks. The translator is fine under normal circumstances, but I am worried that the therapist just won't be able to hear the differences required. It is hard for non-natives to differentiate subtle sounds at the best of times.