A sö sö whistler

in OCD4 years ago

Tomorrow is my first speech therapy session with a therapist who doesn't speak English and requires a translator. Suffice to say, I am not getting my hopes up. I am sure I will get something out of it, but there is no way that they will be able to provide the nuanced support needed to get my speech back to where it was - or hopefully better.

I have some paralysis around the left side of my mouth which makes it feel like my lip is curling in when I speak, but worse than that - I can't whistle. Fair enough, I was never going to win any whistling awards, but my daughter laughed at me today and said "you are just blowing!"


Not being able to whistle a tune is not the end of the world, however I have wanted to go to a speech therapist since I was a child, because I have a lisp. While it was worse when I was younger and is only really noticeable to most people when I am tired, I would like to see if there is a way that I can correct it, rather than just avoid S-words. I also think that it has gotten a little worse now that my lip is paralyzed, even though I am probably better at tastin' the lady bacon.

and failing.That is my attempt at channeling my inner @meesterboom,

As someone who speaks a lot for a living, the qualities of my voice are quite important and have a large effect on outcomes. Generally, there is more information in how it is said, than what is actually said and if you are face to face, there is also the body language that gets coupled with the attributes of the voice. I would posit that talking IRL to many of the people who are so bold from behind the screen would make what they say far less influential. Probably seeing them would have this affect anyway.

What I am interested in learning from the therapist is firstly how they identify potential problem and target areas and then of course, how they go about troubleshooting them, as each person is slightly different or carries a somewhat unique cluster of points that lead to the issue. Shape of mouth, teeth or tongue, strength in muscles in and around the mouth and how fast they can move, as well as probably other things.

Since the stroke, I have also developed a bit of a stutter, which I kind of expected would happen now that my brain is not aligning well. I remember as a kid (may not be true) that a lot of the people with a stutter tend to be quite smart, because their brain is moving faster than their mouth is able to keep up. Anecdotally, the few people I have known with pronounced stutters have also been the people who have been pretty intelligent.

That isn't my lot though, as while my mouth isn't moving fast enough for my brain, it isn't the speed or clarity of thought that is the issue, it is the opposite. It seems to skip and jump more erratically now and it hits many blank spots, so my mouth is halfway through saying something and then the brain says - "I don't know where this sentence was going".

This sucks.

Because a lot of my value at work has come through being able to start a sentence without having a solution and my brain working through to find one by the time I finish speaking, making it seem like I had a solution all along, but was actually processing it on the spot. I do this in a slower form when I write too, as most everything I submit is a freewrite that has very little direction from the start, other than a barely formed idea, a sentence, a title or a picture. Often, where I start is not where I end up, because I process on the fly.

This is why it is cathartic for me to write, because I am able to dive into a piece in one frame of mind or concept and then explore alternative positions and perspectives as I go, processing many thousands of sentences to whittle it down to 1000-odd words. yes, this TL:DR is the concise version of my thoughts - I don't need to pad it out, the "challenge" is cutting it down.

But tomorrow I will know more as to whether this therapist can help me, but the loud laugh that escaped from my neurologist when I told him the situation, doesn't fill me with confidence. I will go in with an open mind though - and try to open my mouth.

This is actually a bit of a weird aversion, as while I talk a lot with people face to face and in front of largish groups, I really dislike having people judge my voice. When I talked to the therapist I asked for at the hospital two months ago, I had to force myself to fight the urge of saying, "I'm fine" and just keep my mouth shut, even though I know I need it.

I don't do karaoke.

But who knows, things might go really well with the rehab and soon I will end up with a voice made for radio, which would be great - as it would then match my face.

It is all about alignment.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


That boomy character is a hilarious bad influence XD

because their brain is moving faster than their mouth is able to keep up

Seems to be true for youngest, though we've more or less got that under control now (it was bad enough to be mildly concerning for us and frustrating for him when he was in single digits).

Meanwhile I just kind of stop when my brain has finished the thought but the rest of me hasn't caught up yet. The people I communicate with regularly are used to this and will usually prompt me to finish ^_^;

unlike you and youngest I'm not smart though I'm a knucklehead like Galen

That isn't my lot though, as while my mouth isn't moving fast enough for my brain, it isn't the speed or clarity of thought that is the issue, it is the opposite. It seems to skip and jump more erratically now and it hits many blank spots, so my mouth is halfway through saying something and then the brain says - "I don't know where this sentence was going".

This is my normal x_x

but my thoughts are really, really fast, it's just having to convert them into comprehensible sounds for another person that's the problem, typing is much easier because it is both really fast (it still lags significantly behind the thought speed but not as much as writing which I used to get in trouble for because I couldn't keep up with myself, though I remember the teacher I told this to noting it down after I told her why my writing was so messy) and the conversion is a lot easier

I think it's something (not sure what yet but definitely something) that you're taking the help instead of pretending you'll be just fine (you may actually be just fine, but taking the help is good. Good luck with the rehab and stuff :D

He is a terrible influence. If my mother was alive, she would ban me from talking with him.

Meanwhile I just kind of stop when my brain has finished the thought but the rest of me hasn't caught up yet.

Wouldn't this be great if the body followed along on autopilot. Just think everything needed for the day during the morning, and then tune out for the rest :D

The writing helps for sure. I think part of the reason I find it relaxing is that it allows me the space to think a lot, but still keeps me constrained within the borders of the post. I reckon everyone would benefit from writing their thoughts more.

I am definitely not okay, but hopefully I don't avoid fixing what I can.

Speech impediments can have a profound effect on life experience I think. Not sure if it is better to fix them to blend in, or use them to stand out.

They’re only a problem if they cause comprehension issues, but I’m not sure how much of a problem even that actually is as I feel that sometimes people have comprehension issues that they need to fix 😆

People think something is impossible until someone overcomes this barrier! Good luck !


Speech isn't the biggest challenge I am facing, but it is significant still :)

Oh man.

Being articulate in speech is something I struggle with.

I did not realize your dealing with physical impediments like the lip/speech thing.

I went thru a bout of Bells Palsy with an abscess tooth 15 or so years back. Also, it is a known side effect of these creepy human experiments with the MRNA injections disguised as vaccines. And a nightmare I never want to re-live.

I guess I did not think it was that bad as You have a way of turning these life lemons into a cool crisp icy drink.

I envy you for that...

I did not realize your dealing with physical impediments like the lip/speech thing.

It is mild in my case, but does have implications.

I haven't heard of Bells Palsy, so will have to look it up.

Since there is nothing I can do to go back in time, nor even if I could, I couldn't change things - I guess it is best just to deal with it the best I can now.

There was an alcoholic lemon drink from Australia (I think) that was created when two brothers who were told to pick the lemons from a tree, didn't and they went bad. Getting drunk on laziness sounds like a decent outcome :)

I did chuckle at the lady bacon.

Let's see if I will get a rise out of my wife.

Let's see...

You want me to watch? Dude I don't think I'm comfortable with that.

Good luck with the therapy Taraz, try to be patient and stay positive. I have a friend who had stroke when he was just 32, he worked hard to not only speak again but also walk again. He was inspiring and he is also one of the happiest and funniest people I know.
My best wishes are coming your way 👍😊


There is a guy here in Finland I have gotten to know a bit who had a snowboarding accident (pro snowboarder) and had to come back from far worse than the shape I am in. He will never recover fully, but uses his experience as a motivational speaker and does a great job with it. He is also a funny guy - I think it takes that kind of attitude to make it through the worst of it.

Attitude is everything. My youngest sister was in a car accident at the age of 29 that left her paralyzed from the chest down. She fought hard to just stay alive. Now some 26 years later she is still going strong and inspiring others to live life with joy in their hearts. She never ceases to amaze me.
So suck it up brother, you can do this!!!
Sending hugs.

As a little child, i remember going to an eye and vision therapist as my eyes were a bit wonky. Not only improved my overall vision, but those exercices made me reach incredible performances using my eyes muscle. Specialists that are really good at what they do are rare, but their solution, even if they may seems simple, can be effective. Do the work and enjoy the results.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I really hope that I will be surprised, but if not, the neurologist said there are other bridges to cross.

It is a funny thing with many improvement exercises, as most are simple, they just have to be done. PEople just don't want to do the work, they want a pill solution.

I really hope you are doing well and hope you will recover as usual.
I also hope that after you go to therapy, I want to hear good news from you.
Hope you get well soon my friend @tarazkp

Thanks. I hope for some good news too.

Hopefully so.

Hey Taraz.

I'm so sorry to read this, but the brain has amazing regenerative properties. I know a fair bit about strokes from what I read up after my father had a brain aneurism. It takes time but your brain will form new synaptic pathways with time and practice.

A few years ago I was told a story about someone who had experienced a stroke and lost their speech completely. His wife insisted on him sucking on a bottle/dummy as she believed that as with young babies, the formation of speech relies a lot on the correct muscle formation being "retaught" and she swore by this. I'm not suggesting you doing this, but perhaps look into similar things that can help to get those muscles working again. If it helps awesome, if it doesn't help improve anything, you wouldn't have done damage.

Good luck with the speech therapist, I hope that him/her needing a translator doesn't get too frustrating for you.

Go easy on yourself, these things take time.

It takes time but your brain will form new synaptic pathways with time and practice.

I am also hoping to gain some superpowers. :)

That is interesting with the dummy. I am not sure what is needed for me specifically, but I wonder if there are dedicated tools for strengthening muscles in the mouth.

Good luck with the speech therapist, I hope that him/her needing a translator doesn't get too frustrating for you.

Thanks. The translator is fine under normal circumstances, but I am worried that the therapist just won't be able to hear the differences required. It is hard for non-natives to differentiate subtle sounds at the best of times.

I wish you good luck with your speech therapy, can’t wait to read about your progress on the therapy.

Lady bacon.. uhuuu! I see that😅.

Anyways about the whistling, don't get worked-up about it. I Know a lot of people with perfect mouths and tongues that can't still whistle, so I guess it would be fine.

I never knew that there were therapist for such things, it's good to know.

I hope your therapy session goes well and you return to normal in a short while.

Thank you for sharing this information with us.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

In Finland, they have classes for kids sho can't pronounce some of the sounds in the language properly. :)

At least people thought to make a move and help kids pronounce properly.

It's a good deed.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

So the kids end up pronouncing properly?

Posted via proofofbrain.io

You should do your best then let's see what will happen. Life has many surprises, I hope this will be your turning point. Get well soon.

wasn't quite, but maybe the next session will be.

@tarazkp I understand when you say that writing is a kind of catharsis, it's the same for me, it helps me to let off steam and also to clarify my thoughts.

Regarding your therapy, your state of mind influences a lot for the exercises, you should always try to be relaxed and with a good attitude to do it, I had facial paralysis and that's why I tell you that as far as possible you should avoid stress, being tense does not help.

Writing is probably the most valuable pastime I have ever taken up.

completely off topic :

When I make gaming videos with 3speak I don't include any beneficiaries. But once the posts are made in the information about payout it says:
spk.beneficiary 11.00%. Do you know why this happens?

Yes, using 3speak applies a beneficiary automatically for using the interface. It is part of their model. They used to charge a subscription I think.

I do this in a slower form when I write too, as most everything I submit is a freewrite that has very little direction from the start, other than a barely formed idea, a sentence, a title or a picture

I think you mentioned this to me about a month or so ago and I learned this from you. When I started writing more seriously, I used to take time out to properly develop my topic. These days, I just form latch on a topic and start writing, proceeding to different branches as the the ideas come

It is a lot more fun too, isn't it?

but the loud laugh that escaped from my neurologist when I told him the situation, doesn't fill me with confidence.

Christ! I hope that Finnish neurologist who can't say a word in english hadn't been as evil and imprudent as this one below.

The Truth.jpg

Don't pay much attention to me, buddy. I couldn't help it. It was just my also failed boomy style attempt to comment something funny that eventually could make you laugh. :)

The neurologist spoke English well - seems he had the brains for it.

Tomorrow is my first speech therapy session with a therapist who doesn't speak English and requires a translator.

Oh! I see. You are right! It looks like I mistook your therapist for the neurologist. Sorry.

But in the end... I made you laugh even a little with my stupid comment?

I wish you luck with the therapist. If it doesn't work out, keep looking for the right one!

Am glad that I'm not the only one who has trouble whittling an article down!!!In particular the fictional works tend to go too long. But I am working on that!

Everything is impossible bro, when it is finally accomplished. But those have courage can finally make ways through the woods and challenges and set a new trend in the end.
Lots of wishes. 💗💗

Life goes on, regardless of what we think about it.

People have such a terrible feeling but he can't believe it before he can do it. nice posy sir.