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RE: A sö sö whistler

in OCD4 years ago

That boomy character is a hilarious bad influence XD

because their brain is moving faster than their mouth is able to keep up

Seems to be true for youngest, though we've more or less got that under control now (it was bad enough to be mildly concerning for us and frustrating for him when he was in single digits).

Meanwhile I just kind of stop when my brain has finished the thought but the rest of me hasn't caught up yet. The people I communicate with regularly are used to this and will usually prompt me to finish ^_^;

unlike you and youngest I'm not smart though I'm a knucklehead like Galen

That isn't my lot though, as while my mouth isn't moving fast enough for my brain, it isn't the speed or clarity of thought that is the issue, it is the opposite. It seems to skip and jump more erratically now and it hits many blank spots, so my mouth is halfway through saying something and then the brain says - "I don't know where this sentence was going".

This is my normal x_x

but my thoughts are really, really fast, it's just having to convert them into comprehensible sounds for another person that's the problem, typing is much easier because it is both really fast (it still lags significantly behind the thought speed but not as much as writing which I used to get in trouble for because I couldn't keep up with myself, though I remember the teacher I told this to noting it down after I told her why my writing was so messy) and the conversion is a lot easier

I think it's something (not sure what yet but definitely something) that you're taking the help instead of pretending you'll be just fine (you may actually be just fine, but taking the help is good. Good luck with the rehab and stuff :D


He is a terrible influence. If my mother was alive, she would ban me from talking with him.

Meanwhile I just kind of stop when my brain has finished the thought but the rest of me hasn't caught up yet.

Wouldn't this be great if the body followed along on autopilot. Just think everything needed for the day during the morning, and then tune out for the rest :D

The writing helps for sure. I think part of the reason I find it relaxing is that it allows me the space to think a lot, but still keeps me constrained within the borders of the post. I reckon everyone would benefit from writing their thoughts more.

I am definitely not okay, but hopefully I don't avoid fixing what I can.

Speech impediments can have a profound effect on life experience I think. Not sure if it is better to fix them to blend in, or use them to stand out.

They’re only a problem if they cause comprehension issues, but I’m not sure how much of a problem even that actually is as I feel that sometimes people have comprehension issues that they need to fix 😆