Well. This is interesting. I think i've spent about an hour reading the post and all the comments. I joined several new communities over the last day or two, and in (i think) two of them i crossposted my introduceyourself post. Maybe i did so with another of my posts, i cant remember now.
Although i had already realised through reading info somewhere, that a new instance of my post would be created and therefore potentially new rewards, i didn't crosspost it for that purpose, but simply to introduce myself (without spending another hour or two) crafting another post to do so. Also, the main reason i am wanting to introduc myself, is not for vanity sake, but for a particular purpose, to share and attract help/support for the Matrix-8 multi-level governance platform, which i have a very strong conviction will remove the need for the current corrupt governmental systems which basically rape the general population of money and health.
So, what do i do in future? I have several posts which i spent many hours writing which i think could be usefully re-shared from time to time in different places, for a very good cause. Of course what i could do (and have been doing) is to share links to these posts within a new post or comment, and i will continue to do that. But sometimes, not often i don't think, i would like to re-post some old posts. Perhaps i can set the rewards on the post to @null, or to a worthy party. For now i will refrain from crossposting my own posts until a concensus is reached on how this feature can be ethically used.
Now, i am new here, and still learning, trying to get my head round a lot of new stuff, but this post has brought up some other concerns that i've been dwelling on.
Auto-votes is one of them. When i first noticed two very quick votes on one of my posts i asked them not to vote on my posts unless they actually read them. No responce received, and they continue to (what now realise is) autovote all my posts (including i noticed the two (i think) cross posts i made, which made me pause for thought).
While on the one hand the little greedy part of me (and the entrepreneurial businessman part) which still poke thier heads sometimes, want all the votes they can get, on the other hand the now much more dominant authentic side of me does not want them. Also I'm fortunate that i have a small pension pot (which i paid into for about 30 years) so do not need to earn money any more, and as i live a frugal life in a cheap country.
Having said that, a week or so ago i delegated some SP to @curangel and @sbi and maybe a couple of others, and i see some of them are now autovoting my posts. So this seems like i am just paying to get my posts voted on. It all seems like just ways to get more money out of the pool. Of course it's still nice to earn on posts, or from delegations i make, then i can choose what i do with those earnings, and likely help others in need, or to pay costs of creating the Matrix-8 platform. What to do!
Also, these Engage tokens, and Beer, and COffee, and Pancakes and Steemitboard awards etc. etc. etc. i keep seeing, seems to me to be spammy auto comments again to take money out the pot. Perhaps i'm wrong and there is actually a good purpose.
I am curious. Please enlighten me.