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RE: My Problem With 'First World Problems'

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

Or we could just ignore it all, not bother to whine, not bother to lift a finger to help someone in need, not bother to figure out a way to help. For myself, I just try not to bother with any of it. I will help people, but people need to want the help, or to accept the help. If people need help they need to reach out for the help, they need to take the first step and say "hey a little help over here, Please", much like some of the people from Venezuela did over on steem, and they received help.

DO you suffer from First World problems? Do you want help to get through those First World Problems? have I got a solution for you. First off you have to learn to like Meatloaf, I love meatloaf when it is well prepared. It is spicy tasty and has a lot of flavor. With some mashed potatoes with brown, or white, gravy, and some green beans a very simple and tasty filling and satisfying meal. Okay now that you have re-learned to like and enjoy Meatloaf the dinner again, it is time to reintroduce yourself to Meatloaf the musician again. But first you need a glass of red wine, after all is not red wine the wine of choice for meat dishes? if you don't like wine, then a good savory beer, or other smoke-able legal substance from your area. Now that you have your after dinner aperitif, sit back in a comfortable position, adjust your volume and enjoy:
Meatloaf I want my Money Back:

that sucked the first link did not work

Now back to your regular scheduled life. I do like that song.


Hey, @bashadow.

Well, alrighty then. :)

I wondered how someone might react to this topic. Now I know. :)

I think apathy is generally where we're at, but with the whining, so two out of three ain't bad.

Certainly can't judge myself, as I've not done much myself, and I really don't see how I will affect on my own enough change for it to be noticed. However, I wrote what I wrote and now maybe I can move on to some other topic.

re: meat loaf

Already like meatloaf, the food, so I'm good there. As for Meatloaf the singer/group, I guess that might be more of an acquired taste. At least on this particular song, though it certainly appears to apply.

I try not to stress over a lot of stuff I can do nothing about. A lot of people say why don't you do something, yet when you ask them what they come back with "I don't know". If someone needs help, or a country needs help, and they do not ask for help, then they really did not need nor want the help.

I do like a little whine every now and then, but it is a very rare thing, just like the drinking wine.