An interesting weed, I read a little of the link, I wonder who would survive the turf war between kudzu and the Japanese Knotweed. What would happen if the two were combined into one thru genetic manipulation? Would they it be stronger or weaker?
There are a lot of aspects of life that are not perfect, sometimes those imperfections are seen as adverse or adversity. A small imperfection in a product purchased and hidden then discovered is reason to go off half cocked on some poor person working the returns counter at the store.
The purchaser sees it as being taken advantage of, the final straw in the camels back. All of lifes' imperfections added up to that one moment where they feel the world is conspiring against them. Not adversity at all, just some small imperfections.
I wonder do store return desk clerks have a greater or lesser ability to deal with adversity?
if stronger, they will take over the world and other planets.
People are triggered so easily these days - the slightest of slights and the world falls apart, as does any sense of ethical decency.
When I worked retail, I was given all of the worst customers, as I was able to handle them without taking it personally. I would say that experience matters in this.