I like it. I mean really like it. It really could provide an interface between Hive and the general public.
While I was reading the first time I wondered about the possibility of breaking into the 'evergreen' realm then saw this:
A place to create links to older content while opening a new payout window
You and I both know that there are a huge number of posts that deserve to be re seen and re considered. Viola, a pathway. I can think of half a dozen right this instant without looking at all.
I haven't looked at the comments, my hope is that one of the serious devs responds with 'we can do that'.
Big time idea. One of my mentors used to say "Ideas are a dime a dozen. Good ideas are worth maybe a dime each. Actionable ideas that can change the landscape are priceless." I think maybe you've hit the actionable category.
I am hoping too, as I don't think it is actually too much work and a lot of it can be recycled code.
My goal was to make it as easy as possible for someone to get started on it and I think the comments that are coming in will add even more to flesh it out further, other than the code itself :)