I am lucky in that I have never taken any kind of creative writing class or Googled "how to write well",
I haven't either. I have read Steven King's "On Writing" and Strunk and White's "Elements of Style" is dog eared and tattered :)
The Prophet has probably had more impact on my life than any other volume. I have spent much time reading and contemplating it.
I'm not going to go into my love life or life love but will say that I agree with Tennyson completely.
"Nice Post" There is a comment around here that will explain that...
Perhaps I should have read more - but then, would I lose myself in the frameworks?
On Love and On Children were the highlights that stuck to me.
I think this has had an affect on me as a parent.
I think (opinion) those are some of the most profound words ever written.
The fact that they have had an affect on you as a parent says lots of really good things.
There is more truth in art than most give credit. While people think they are informed by looking at charts and numbers, they are moved by the stories they hold.