Okay maybe I spiced up the title a little for some added suspense.
However, the questions and curiosities I have received over my Hive handle made me aware that it may be a little mysterious or rather peculiar to some. I am also aware that some are afraid they will misspell it when mentioning me in posts…this includes my OCD colleagues 😄.
It wasn’t that I was trying to have a strange and hard to announce handle but I wanted it to be significant to who I was. Knowing that you cannot make changes to the name after your account is created I had to be sure it was something that remained relevant and that I would not grow tired of hearing.
A quick thanks to @lauramica who recently asked me about my handle and reminded me it was time to write this post.
crosheille =
cro-she-lee - nope
cro-shy-lee - nope again
cro-she-ellie - not quite
cro-sheel - haha not that either
cro-she-luh - how about one more try
cro-shell-ee - close but no cigar
According to @lauramica it’s pronounced Crooo-sheee-i-lleeee! 😂
Were you pronouncing it in any of these ways? You’ll have to tell me in the comments. 😁
The proper pronunciation of my Hive handle is
Yep that’s it, just two simple syllables. 😊
I’m sure you’re wondering how in the heck did I come up with that name. Well I didn’t. It was a creative name that was given to me in more ways than one.
Sheille (as you now know is pronounced Shell) is part of my real birth middle name. I won’t share the full name because I’ve never been too fond of it so we’ll just stick with the part that matters.
My parents wanted me to have the name Shell but decided to get creative with the spelling of it 🤷🏽♀️😅. Most of my friends and family call me Shell but I took it into my own hands and started spelling it the more simple way as above, leaving out the i and the extra e. Eventually the original spelling of my name got lost and was hardly seen again (other than on my birth certificate).
You all know by now that I love crocheting. It was one of the first things I looked for when joining Hive. I wanted to blog mainly about my crochet work as it is a pretty big deal to me.
Around the time I started Hive I was also trying to start a crochet business. I wanted my Hive handle to reflect those two things about me…part of name and what I loved to do most.
Do you see it yet?
Now, let me introduce my infomercial brother to you. He’s a walking ad for anything he loves and believes is worth sharing about. He’s one of the best salesman I have ever met. That man could sell you your own toilet paper he’s so good. 🤣
He’s always encouraging me and giving me ways to be a successful entrepreneurial SAHM. He knew I was trying to take off with my crocheting business so one day he gave me a name that stuck with me ever since. I use it for almost everything social.
He came up with this slogan:
It’s not Crochet it’s CroShell!
When I first heard it I laughed. I thought he was so corny, what kind of name is that? But it quickly grew on me and I loved it. 😃
Knowing I loved crochet and I also wanted to honor the original name given to me by my parents I decided to spell it as Crosheille. Thus my Hive handle was born. 🥳
Sometimes I laugh at how men and women differentiate. When my husband saw my cover photo he said
Are you really about to create a whole post about your Hive name? All you have to say is it’s pronounced like this and my brother gave it to me. Done in two seconds.
Lol! This is why most of the time when he is telling me a story I only get the half of it. I need details, give me specifics, I want the whole gritty grind, don’t leave out any key points. Take your time so I can journey with you and step into that moment. Wow me with your words of expression. I’m all ears!
I am all about the story. I love the process it takes to get to the climax and then settling down getting ready for the closing. I appreciate details as it helps me gain a better understanding of things.
This is why I go into such details and expression when I am writing.
I hope I was able to destress your minds and give you some ease when saying my Hive handle. I admit when you don’t know how to pronounce a word it can get a little irritating when trying to say it in your mind. When you read my name I want it to be a delightful experience instead of a confusing one. 😆
I remember a few years back there was an initiative started for people to talk about their Hive handle and why they chose it. It was pretty cool learning about their names and the behind the scenes making of it. You can learn a lot about someone by understanding the origins of their name.
If you have never done this and/or are new to Hive, I challenge you to give us a brief background on your Hive handle in the comments below. If it’s hard to pronounce please give us the proper pronunciation of it.
I’ll be giving away 5 HIVE each to two commenters I enjoy! 🤩
Thank you for tuning in to this week’s episode of:
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔐𝔶𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔅𝔢𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢 ℌ𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔩𝔢
Don’t worry there won’t be any more episodes of this. Just thought I’d end it in a suspenseful way. 🕵🏼
So I DEFINITELY pronounced it wrong. But to justify in the languages I speak often the SH is pronounced S.....
All I can say: it was definitely MEANT TO BE Buckaroo! My question on seeing your post was more "what is a handle?" And, despite , many years here (okay more off than on the platform) I am learning something new! Like yours @crosheille, mine was born out of a combination of my name and the area where we live. Funnily enough after I initially chose the name for my sewing business (many years ago) my husband told me that it used to be a nickname - many years before he ever moved to this area! Of course the male goat is a BUCK and in Afrikaans the word for goat is BOK....
So a handle is another word for username. Since being on the platform I've been using that word instead because it just sounds more interesting to me.
Thanks for sharing about the origin of your handle (it’s such a fun name to read). I think it’s fun being able to mix around names and nicknames to come up with something that represents something about us or who we are.
@crosheille, for your user name, it made me think of crochet for the first part right away, probably because I have crocheted for years (LOL), but I pronounced the last part in my mind with a French accent. 😂 Great post, I loved reading how you arrived at your user name. 😊
My Hive handle:
"Nine" is what my number is in numerology. The "claws" thing is another story, from about a year ago, before I joined Hive. A native friend, not on Hive, gave me a native name "One-of-Many-Claws" because of things I did to help her out with one of my skills) Since I'm not native, it was quite an honour to have that given to me. I didn't feel comfortable with taking that as a Hive user name for that reason, so I altered it to "nineclaws" instead.
Wait, wait, wait...you had me at
Do you still crochet? If so will we ever see you in the NeedleWorkMonday Community? 😃🤩
Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed reading. ☺️
Oh my gosh I love the story behind your handle! That is such an awesome native name that was given to you. When I first saw your name I was so intrigued by it and now I know the making of it. Thanks for sharing ~
I do still crochet but I haven't done so in a long time. I've put aside crafts for the last two years, do to lack of time and other pressing matters to attend to. There's a lot I don't post on Hive because of lack of time, otherwise, I'd be happy to join in.
Glad you enjoyed the story of my user name. Pretty interesting thing to find out why people chose their user names and what it means. 😊
Oh wow, I would love to see your crochet work but fully understand about lack of time. 😊
It is very interesting and fun learning about the origins of usernames ~
I think all I have left are some crocheted socks. I had started a shawl but that's gone now. I've done afghans, the ones with the squares. I make up my own patterns usually. The most challenging I've done (with patterns) is the old style Irish lace. The book I have is I think 1900, a reprint of course. 😊😊
There's a lot of user names I'm curious about, but I've only asked about a few, lol.
Ooooh Irish lace is so beautiful. 😍
Lol me too! I’d like to know about a few more names myself.
It is beautiful. Very intricate and complex.
Hahaha, I think I'll ask more users what their names mean.
I have sent 5 HIVE to your wallet! Thanks again for your comment ;)
Thank you @crosheille, I appreciate it. I was happy to comment on your cool post! 😊
You're welcome ~ 🤗
Hugs and many smiles back to you. 😊🤗
I laughed reading this, CROSHEL! Perhaps it could be a bit obvious that the CRO is from CROCHET but I had never thought about it until now 😅. Yes it was a clever name, it combines several things, an explanation was necessary because I was never going to know. Now the story of the mysterious real name is missing.
For my part, when I created my username I wanted it to be easy to write and remember, and well, easier than my name nothing... 😂.
Thanks for answering my question and for adding me to the beneficiaries of your post. Anyway, I will keep Croshel in mind but I will keep saying Croooo-sheee-i-lleee so as not to misspell it 😂.
Greetings, good start to the week ❤️.
Hahaha so glad you got a good laugh from this! 😂
Hee hee hee that part will remain a mystery. 😁
I like that your name is easy to remember, I never have to rely on the autosuggest as I know it by heart lol!
You’re welcome, I appreciate the question that reminded me I needed to make this post.
🤣🤣🤣 I actually like the way you say it!
Yes, here’s to a great start of the week ~ ❤️
"Tothe" rhymes with "cloth." I took a common typo mashing two words together without a space as my online moniker. End of story, alas.
I am really glad you took on this challenge because I was literally separating those two words and saying “Jacob to the”. 😂
I always thought you wanted it to be a mystery and left it for us to guess what the rest of it was…Jacob to the (fill in the blank). So glad I know how to properly announce it.
Thanks for joining in ~
Hi @crosheille,
Thank you for sharing the origin of your name in such detail, indeed, whenever I go to write your Hive name I always hesitate , thank goodness that the application when I place the at sign gives me the suggestion, then I select without problems and without hesitation your name.
I love that you put the picture of the doll in your profile, it gives an awesome glow to your profile😀.
How comical your husband, I can't imagine you creating a post without such a perfect sequence as the one you share with us.
How cool about your brother, I loved the slogan, it really is perfect for a crochet lover in perfect combination with your name😍.
Now then, my hive name has something that gives it a lot of life, I have two adorable nieces that call me in many ways, except aunt, one of the way is a diminutive, my name is Jineth, they call me Ji, and well they are also crochet lover and as I was thinking to publish only everything related to things I do in crochet, so JI+Crochet=JiCrochet. Then I realized that I could post content other than crochet; I really like cooking and at first I was limited to post my recipes or other content, since my name is jicrochet, I was tempted to create an account that was more generic, then I said no, my Hive username is perfect.... That, my story.
I hope your kids are already recovered.
Best regards😘
It was fun making this post to explain my Hive name. Thanks for taking the time to read it. I am very grateful for the name suggestions that come up on PeakD which makes it so much easier.
Thank you! I had a plan to use her photo as my profile as soon as I knew she was on her way to me. ☺️
Lol yes he loves being comical. It keeps me on my toes.
I’m so grateful for my brother’s creative mind. He is always so helpful with things of that nature.
I love the story of how you came to your username. It’s so sweet that you used the name your nieces call you. Thanks so much for sharing ~ ❤️
Thank you for sharing such an interesting piece of information.
Regarding my user is my name, nothing in particular to add my name is Belkys and my sisters call me Kys.
Blessings!Hi @crosheille, since I saw your user in the sewing group I thought it was a name composed of your love of knitting and your last name; I never imagined that your middle name would have "shell" in it, when you posted your decorating progress which is worth saying is very beautiful, I particularly liked the Pastoral Celebration; I could see a picture of your profile and by that time I assumed that your user was linked to crochet and also to the initials of your children's names, the only thing I got right so to speak was the syllable "cro", it was your passion for knitting, as for the pronunciation I am surprised how simple it is, I have always pronounced it incorrectly : Cro- she- ille.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Hi @belkyscabrera! Yep, my username is linked to my passion for crocheting. Thanks for checking out my photography work. My cousin decorated that Pastoral event and I just took photos of it ;)
I’m glad I shared this info to inform you of the correct pronunciation.
Oh wow. You just never know who is using their real name vs. a made up name. I don’t think I would have guessed your handle was your real name. Just to make sure I’m right is Kys pronounced like keys?
Thanks so much for commenting and sharing about your handle ~
My name consists of two syllables Bel- kys , it is not pronounced as key only "kys".
Blessings!Greetings @crosheille, your username is very particular, thank you for revealing the meaning and composition.
Got it! Thanks so much for clarifying that for me. 😉
I've never attempted to say your name out aloud. There was no reason to as everything is online, but yeah, it probably would have been cro-shell. Though I have to admit, I spell it different every time I type it.
As to mine, it looks long and most people get confused when they first see it. But if you break it down its three words - Living UK Taiwan, though a lot of people may not be familiar with Taiwan, adding to the confusion. That's why I always write it as LivingUKTaiwan to make it a tad easier to read. The reason for it was pretty simple. I started blogging when I went to live in Taiwan 5 years ago, blogging about my life in both countries. Naturally, I adapted it for Hive and all my other social media accounts.
Lol I hear ya. Now that you've said that I normally don't say anyone's handle out loud either but when reading it I like to know I'm pronouncing it correctly in my head. 😄
Oh yes that’s right, I remember reading about your name on another occasion. Once you break it down it doesn’t seem as long any more. Thanks for sharing why you chose those three words ~
crosheille first of all I must admit with you that what you were going through was a global challenge because I also went through such thing about my name.
Secondly, about your brother, he is a true motivator, yeeh! I so much love people like him, who never see the negative side but always believing on something good. You made mention that he can even sell your toilet tissue, is that one true? He must be a strategic thinker and this is also the number two reason I must admit that I love his style.
Now, the secret behind my name here on hive is that, I was really confused when I joined this platform, I keep asking myself questions each and everyday, before I could create and account it took me more than three days, and after so many research and I was able to create account here on hive, I decided to name my account @repayme4568
Now, I gave my hive handle repayme4568 because I got inspiration from three different angles:
I got inspiration from Nature, which is what I love most and if you look at my hive contents, it is full of natural post.
Inspiration from Spirituality: this also is one of the reasons behind my handle here on hive, because those moments I was unable to set up my hive account, I used to have some night mare about hive community that triggers to the name.
Inspiration from the Block chain: lastly, The hive blockchain community itself also serves as an inspiration to my hive handle, because I used to come on hive as anonymous and check on user's activities and the names that is allowed on the Hive community.
Thanks for reading my commet ❤️❤️
Yes my brother is always motivating the people he loves and is a very strategic thinker, planner and organizer. He is always thinking on his feet and finding clever ways to help his family and reach their goals. The selling your toilet paper was just an expression but I wouldn't doubt he could really do that. 😄
Thank you for sharing where the inspirations for your handle came from.
Wow! That's so sweet and kind of him, you are welcome ❤️
I remember this story!
I loved reading it and disagree with your husband- what’s the point of “the story behind” if you don’t write the story?
@crosheille, you've been given LUV from @metzli.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. LUV changes soon. (1/5)
Hey Metz! It's nice hearing from you! Thanks so much for visiting ~
My point exactly. 😂
Thanks for the LUV!
I've always pronounced it crow-shyle in my head. I twigged on the crochet part, hence pronouncing that way, but had no ideas for the rest.
My handle is an attempt at tongue in cheek. In England we call a homestead a small holding and that is a dream of mine. Instead the best I have is a large garden, so it's smaller than a small holding, hence a Miniature Small Holding. That was a bit long as a handle, so minismallholding was born, on Instagram originally.
Hahaha shyle! At least you figured out the Cro part. 😄
Oh my gosh I love this! I have been wanting to ask you about your handle so I am so glad you took the time to explain it. That is so neat and I love how you incorporated your dream into your handle. Thanks for the explanation ~
I'm guessing that pronunciation came from the German side, because they pronounce 'ei' that way. After all, the English way would have been to pronounce 'ee' as in ceiling, which makes less sense. Either way I'm going to have to relearn it. 😆
I have sent 5 HIVE to your wallet. Thanks again for your comment ;)
Thank you. That's very sweet of you. I was wondering why I got that notification.
I enjoyed joining in the conversation.
You’re very welcome ~ 😊😉😘
Yay I’m glad you enjoyed!! It was fun learning how all of these names came to be.
Okay, I accept your challenge Ms. CRO SHELL- my name sunnyag and this is my real name. Suny the short form of my real name (my mum called me suny) sunny as ma'am Marrianne West did it when registering me on this site and Ag is again the short form of my surname. Simple as that :) so this is suny ag now known as sunnyag.
Great so glad you accepted the challenge!
Cool another real name. You’re right it’s simple and easy to pronounce ;)
Thanks for sharing ~
I'm still gonna misspLeL it regularly. Now that I typed out that sentence I realize it's a lie cuz I can spell Andrek Klestari so yours should be a cinch!
D and A
Hahaha well I must admit I'm glad you caught yourself in that lie. But even if you spell my name wrong it's okay...at least you know how it's pronounced now :D
Yes, creating a whole post out of one name is possible and even better? You made it lots of fun to read :)
I am happy to know you better & to know where that comes from ..!
About my name, it is just part of .. my names too!
Take care and thanks for the fun post!
Thank you! I'm glad you thought it was a fun read, that's exactly what I was going for. Had to tell the full story! 😁😆
Oh cool. I guessed that was the case for your name because of the Kate part.
Thanks so much for stopping by ~
In my head I read your handle as "croy-shell". I dont know why, but i always think there's "i" after "cro". Thanks to peakd, there's an auto-suggedt when typing the user name. Sooo...
Lol I can see why you thought it sounded like croy since you thought there was an extra i.
I am so grateful for that auto suggest! 😅
Thanks for visiting ~
Hello, whenever I stop to read your content I have always pronounced your name crochet, because my mind associates it with the knitting that you usually share in your publication. The brain often works with sight, perhaps that is the reason for my pronunciation of the name you chose for this platform. I liked the idea of sharing the meaning of our name in HIVE.
Hi @lesliekat! Oh wow that's pretty neat that you associated the pronunciation of my name with what I share in my posts. I was actually hoping that was a big hint on how it was pronounced, kudos to you. 😄
Well I am proud of myself not only was I pronouncing it right all be it with a down under accent but I had guessed the Cro was tied to crochet
Woot woot!!! Go JJ!! Okay so I know in your handle it says jay, but never knew why the second J?
So cool you’ve been pronouncing it right all of this time!! 😎
I was wondering how many people knew the Cro was for crochet. 😁
So glad you stopped by and commented, thank you ~
I actually have 3 J’s
My first two names are John Joseph and fir my confirmation name I chose James
But I prefer to be called JJ I don’t answer to John lol
Oh okay now I see. I'll be sure to never call you John. 😄
Thanks for the explanation ~
LOL JJ is fine thats what I have been called for decades LOL
Have a great day
Lol got it! 👌🏽
You have a great one as well ~
Interesting story of your user name. I thought it was crochet pluse elle she in French done stylishly.
I appreciate you reading the story and sharing how you thought it sounded ~
It was a fun read @crosheille
It makes me very funny because I imagined that your name was for the brand of products derived from petroleum or something related to it and it also sounded like crochet to me but I was not sure, now I know what the name owes, the pronunciation does not worry me , I already pronounced it almost well, hahaha luck ...
Hahaha now that's funny how you thought that. Thanks for sharing ;)
Now that's creative!
I wasn't that far off though, in my head it was Croshey.
Thanks! ☺️
Oh yea that wasn’t too far off.
Funny thing :)
You are lucky that a reminder happens in the address field of the internet browser once you have visited someone's blog. The first letters then do the rest. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to remember a name like yours. Any marketing expert would have advised you against this creation. LOL. But I think it's good to choose your name according to other considerations, even if my husband would call it "strategically not very smart".
I actually got the pronunciation "correct" as my brain was unable to do anything with the "iei" parts. So I just skipped them and simplified it. The story behind it is good and I read you like it when you can provide an anecdote, it's the same here :)
My own username is more of a pragmatic nature. It contains my initials and my country. Nevertheless, people ask where I come from, although I thought it was obvious.
In fact, I often wonder what is behind the names and what someone's intention might have been.
Yes, I am glad the final letters of a username pops in when using PeakD, it is quite handy especially when the spelling may be uncertain.
I’m sure the marketing experts probably wouldn’t have agreed with my name but it wasn’t created just for online or marketing. It was a brand name that was given to me that I plan to use in other ways (as you stated above it was for other considerations as well). I wanted it to be unique and set apart from the average name. Although it may not be the easiest pronunciation to figure out I do love that it stands out and I wouldn’t change it. Many brands that didn’t stick to the status quote are huge now and a big part of that was their boldness to be unique (not saying I am trying to be a huge brand lol, just stating an example).
I figured right off that you were from Germany or at least had origins there. I think it’s neat when a name is created using personal initials or words that represent something real about that person :)
Yes, it’s fun learning the mystery behind a handle.
Thanks for reading ~
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