How My Posts Are Born

in OCD4 years ago


Lately I’ve been thinking about sharing how my posts come together. I’ve touched on this topic before but it was quite some time ago. Since then the way I do things has changed quite a bit.

That’s the beauty of learning and adapting. I try to keep up with the latest apps and tools that will enhance my publications. I have now incorporated quite a few of those into my process but still holding on to the ones I really love.

My goal when writing posts is always to improve and to do better than even the one before. I know in a sense this might not actually be current posts may not always be better than my last. However, reaching for that goal is what keeps me in check with quality.

As an author, if I tell myself make this even more entertaining, do something even more fun with the photos, change up this and that a little, it keeps me striving to be the best of me.

Challenging myself surprises me in the end when I see the results. I’m like

wow, I’m so glad I tried that.

This then motivates me even more to think outside the box and even sometimes getting out of my comfort zone.

I noticed over the years the more that I wrote and published my signature style became clear. Even though my style of writing tends to stay the same, I try to find ways to switch it up and add a little diversity here and there. To me change is good in this way as it remains fun for me to challenge myself and entertaining for my readers :)

Let’s start with...


What Inspires My Posts

My family calls me ‘Tнє Wαℓкιηg Bℓσg’. 😄

I can be sitting on the couch, cooking dinner, out on a walk, driving in the car or doing housework when my inspiration comes.

It could even be something someone says that sparks an idea.

When those ideas come I put them in my notes (on my iPhone) and quickly jot down a few words to help me remember what to touch on in that post.

Depending on where I am and if I have the time I even write down the sections of that post if it all comes to me in that moment. This has happened several times where I already see the vision of how that post will look from beginning to end.

It’s kind of funny hearing myself think. I am literally speaking the post in my head and all the things I will be writing about in it. From quotes, to questions I ask my readers, headings, photo layout and even the different fonts I would like to play around with.

Hmmmm 🤔 I think ‘The Walking Blog’ is quite accurate. 😁

One thing I’ve learned is to never force a post just to meet my quota for the week.

What I mean is I have a goal to publish at least two posts per week. Of course this doesn’t always happen. If I choose one of the post ideas from my notes to write about then afterwards realize I’m not feeling it, I stop.

If I am not feeling a topic or am not excited about it in that moment of writing, I just come back to it when I’m feeling it again.

I consider myself a flow writer. If my flow is off and I am struggling to find the words then I know it will not reflect the quality I shoot for. When I am really into a topic the words just come out and new ideas come to mind and that gets me excited. 😆

Most of the things I write about stem from my family life or life experiences I want to share. I’ve had a lot of funny moments growing up and it’s fun going down memory lane by sharing them here with you all. 😊

Photo Based


Hmmmm what does she mean by that?

Well, before I even begin writing my posts all of the photos I will be using are already taken and edited.

I base my writing off of the photos I take.

Immediately after jotting down topic ideas, I go back and write in which photos I will take for that particular post. When I have the photos in mind more inspiration for the body of the posts is born.

Photography is a BIG part in how I create my posts. I take photos based off of how I want the post to feel to my readers. Whether it’s fun, sad, deep thoughts, laughing moments I want the photos to display those emotions that relate to what I’m writing about.

Some may feel that the body of the post is the most important thing to focus on but I feel the photos are what equally, if not more, capture the attention and engagement of the reader.

This is one of the reasons the cover photos take the longest for me to complete because I want that first impression of my post to be a really great one. I want it to be magnetizing, pulling readers in with eagerness and curiosity of what awaits them inside. 😜

Also, the title of my posts are usually born from the photos. If I don’t have the photos ready, I won’t start writing because I know they are a big part of my flow.

Editing Tools

I am so grateful for the many editing tools we have available to use. It is really worth the time it takes learning how to use them all. The end results always end up way more amazing than expected.

I’ll be sharing the app I use for editing (adding text mainly) my cover photos. As stated before I put quite a bit of time into my photos, especially the cover.

I used to just let the first photo be the first photo. As time went on I always found a way to write the title of my post somewhere on the photo. Then finally, I started making an intentional effort to make an eye catching cover photo that displays the title.

It’s all about first impressions. If a photo catches someone's attention they will most likely click on the post to check it out even if it’s not their usual topic of interest.

All apps that I share in this post are free to download in the App Store.

All photos of apps are snapshots taken directly from my phone from the App Store.


Adobe Lightroom is the first editing app I use for my photos.

I use it to sharpen, lighten/darken, fix colors, crop etc. I usually get the results I want when using it. I also like to play around with some of the preset filters they have available.


Next up is Adobe Photo Fix.. I mainly use this app for the healing feature. It allows me to remove any spots, lines or unwanted blemishes from my photos.

Like right now we have this shadowed line that keeps showing up in all of my photos (I think it’s time for a camera cleaning 🤔). This app allows me to easily remove it.


I think this is where I have most of my fun...creating the cover photo text with Rookie Cam!

This is where I feel the birth of my posts really starts to happen. The finished look of the cover is what motivates me the most. It gets me more excited about the topic and inspires what I write for the body of the post.

I love using this app because it has many different fonts and colors to choose from. I barely use the filters they provide but they do have several of them that may be worth a look. 🙂


Snapseed is another good one to use for texts, adding details and other useful editing effects such as perspective, drama and even double exposure.


Font Generator:
If you are looking for a way to spice up your posts and make them more visually pleasing, I suggest you try this Font Generator site that gives you options for fancy fonts. I like using these throughout my posts but mainly for headings.

So instead of this font yours could look like 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈, ƭɦíʂ, 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 or even тнιѕ!

Changing up the font is a good way to keep eyes attentive to your publications.



...are up there in importance with the photos. If I am trying to capture eye captivating photos then the title of my blog posts needs to be just as captivating. A title and a photo cover go hand in hand.

I always try to nail the main point of my post in the title. Sometimes it may be poetic, clever, a play on words or just fun and unique. I try to play around with the photo composition in order to allow enough space for adding my title in an eye engaging way.

My title could be a question, a phrase or even just a few words that get to the point. I feel asking a question in the title pulls more interests from my readers, especially if it’s a question they want to know or see the answer to. Sometimes it could be a question they didn’t realize they want answered until reading the title.

All in all I like to be creative as I can with how I word it. Even if it’s not a play on words the font, colors and arrangement of the words all makeup how great it looks as a whole. My goal is to draw in my readers with the images and titles I choose. 🙂

The Body

As mentioned before my photo work takes the longest in the birth process. While I am working on and editing the photos the body of the post is already being brought into existence. This is due to the awakened inspiration from the photos.

I take my conceived jotted notes and expand on them until the body is completely formed.

If the body is lengthy (most times it is) I am careful to include subheadings, page dividers, bold and italicized words to help my readers navigate to important sections as well as to make the post more appealing to the eye.

As you see in this post I didn’t use a photo for every subheading but instead every other one. I always try to include a few along the way to make things more interesting and to help convey the mood of my writing. ☺️

Lastly, I always try to have a conclusion or some form of closing remark or paragraph to help tie everything in and sum up the main points for my readers. If I don’t do this I feel as if I’m just walking away without giving a proper adjournment.

Just like writing an essay, you have a beginning (intro), middle (body) and end (conclusion).

Time Management


My personal take on posting is this, I’d rather have fewer quality posts published than an abundance of quick mediocre ones that don’t really reflect what I’m capable of.

I started off making several posts a week but got burnt out quickly. On top of that my RL responsibilities were getting put on hold in order to meet my blogging goals. I couldn’t let that keep happening.

Fast forward, I found the amount of days per week that best fits my schedule to post. I’m not stressed out, I’m having fun and I look forward to when it’s my time to publish.

Another thing about this is I have gotten messages from other Hivers telling me they are looking forward to my next publication. I think because I don’t post as often it’s not a monotonous or mundane feeling for my readers. It’s almost like a special event because I post farther in between now.

Also, because I manage my time better I am able to make more lengthy, meaningful posts where I can take my time to relay the things I want my readers to learn or take away from my writing. I don’t feel rushed and overworked because I pace myself when getting things ready to make the type of posts that reflects my character. ☺️

Everyone’s time management looks different according to the makeup of their daily lives.

Fruits of Labor

When my work comes to completion it is such a rewarding and accomplished feeling. It’s really exciting seeing how it all came together.

Sometimes I’ll start a post and won’t get back to it for weeks. I’m adding pieces here and there, rearranging text and adding/removing things to make it better. It could be due to time restraints or because I’m not enthused about that topic/post at the moment.

I will only publish a post I would enjoy reading myself. That has always been my golden rule. Even at the beginning stages I am always asking myself

would I enjoy reading this?

If I would enjoy it I believe my readers would too. 😊

It’s a pretty awesome feeling knowing that I am able to publish work that others enjoy reading. The funny thing is even though it is work I don’t see it that way. I see it as a fun hobby that enables me to express myself and share my life with the people I am connected to.

In the end, I see it as getting rewarded for my hobby. I am literally being rewarded for something I really enjoy doing and I would have never imagined something like this. It is worth every minute I put into it because I am truly enjoying the fruits of my labor ~ ❤️

All photos are my own and were taken with our Cannon EOS Rebel T6.

If you are looking for insight on what curators are looking for when making their selections please view my previous post So What’s The Criteria For A Quality Post? - How Curators Make Their Selections...

Thank You So Much for Reading! I hope I shared something that could be of use to you as you continue on your Hive writing journey! 😉

very complete tool that you share with us and thank you for taking the time to explain a very complete guide.

 4 years ago  

Thank you. You're welcome. I appreciate you reading it ;)

Yeay, I know one more useful tool "Font Generator". Never try it before. Thank you so much for sharing your behind story about your posts.

Have a great day!

 4 years ago  

Yay awesome!! I think you'll love it! 😉

There's quite a few to play around with to match the feel of your posts. Enjoy! 😃

Thank you!! You have a great day too!

 4 years ago  

Always a fresh perspective to read! 🙌🙌🙌

I think you're really suited to these help tips type of content. I don't know if it's just me or I can really feel the warmth of your aura through your posts.

I always tell myself it's either I entertain or educate in my posts for me to satisfy myself. I think you're really good at educating people.

 4 years ago  

Wow! Thank you so much for your sweet words @ybanezkim26, that means a lot. 🙂

I really appreciate the feedback. I’ve just had this desire lately to share the things I’ve learned and hope it helps someone else along the way. I do quite enjoy being informative and helpful. ☺️

Thanks for reading and giving your support ~

I loved your publication, I think the same with respect to the photos, we should always lean towards those that make an impression and that go hand in hand with the title. If there is no inspiration it is difficult to concentrate, it has happened to me that I take several photos with the intention of writing but I feel that something is missing in those photos and I end up writing something else accompanied with a good image from my cell phone. Thanks for taking the time to show these applications and I'm going to download them.

By the way I love your profile picture you know I love Barbie and her style. Greetings and a big hug.😄

 4 years ago  

Hey @ayleenr, thank you!!

but I feel that something is missing in those photos and I end up writing something else accompanied with a good image

Yes! This happens to me too. If something is missing I just go to other photos I know I can pull from and work with those, eventually I figure out what’s missing and then that other post can finally have it’s birth day. 😄

So glad you found the apps useful, I hope they help enhance your publications in the way you would like.

Hahaha thank you! I try to change up my profile and background at least once a year, it was time for a fresh look. I couldn’t think of anything better than letting my favorite Barbie represent me! 😁

Thanks so much for reading and adding your input ~ 🤗


Sounds like you have a great method to create.
I’ll be using font generator to make my blog more creative. Thanks for the recommendation.

 4 years ago  

Thank you! It's what I've come to from posting over the years, it really works for me. 😊

Oh great! So glad to hear that. I hope you have fun with the different fonts! 😃

Thanks so much for visiting ~

Wow I appreciate this tips of yours so much

 4 years ago  


Thanks for reading ~

You're welcome 😁

"because I manage my time better I am able to make more lengthy, meaningful posts" YES! Isn't this life? Thanks for the app suggestions, definitely going to incorporateWow! Agree with - and experience - so much the same. Title is soooooo important. So is that cover photo. The photos help the flow and if the flow doesn't go then I have to wait for it to glow ;) I've been out of it for a couple years now so battling to get into the swing of things again. But my husband always knows when I have that writing itch. Oh....and SNAP....on the Canon @crosheille!! Love mine. It's like an extra appendage

 4 years ago (edited) 

It’s so good to hear from you! I’ve missed you a bunch :)

The photos help the flow and if the flow doesn't go then I have to wait for it to glow

:D that was nice! I’m glad you agree on those.

So are you going to start with a new account or use this current one? So sorry to hear about what happened to your original one :(

Yes, love our Cannon. I’m looking forward to upgrading soon. I’m thinking we will stick with Cannon but it’s just right now we have an entry level camera and I can’t do some of the things I’m ready to experiment with.

Oh sure no problem. I hope you can get some good use out of them ;)

Thanks so much for stopping in, was such a nice surprise!! ❤️

Update: Just saw you have an intro post. I will read it tomorrow ;)

So you DID figure out who I am ;) Did you see my post "Marrying Africa"? I think you'll appreciate it @crosheille. Happy weekend

 4 years ago  

Yes I did!! 😄

I saw that and planned on reading it! I will definitely make time for it!

Yes Happy weekend ~

I love getting to know some of the creative details, stylistic choices, and unique methods other writers have.

I follow a similar process to your own 'sparks of inspiration', well-chosen photo material with an eye towards the emotion I'm aiming for, titles having equal importance, my own suite of tools for editing, and so on.

At the same time, I know I do things way differently. For example, I posted 6 posts in as many days in my first week here on Hive, all written from scratch. I'm not sure I'll continue that pace, perhaps I'll drop down to about two a week, like you. Then again, also like you, I won't force anything.

Anyway, all this rambling is just to say thanks for sharing an inside look at your process, it brought me a smile, and it may inspire me to do the same someday.

 4 years ago  

After being here for so long I knew I had to figure out a way that worked for my schedule and a way I wouldn't get so stressed. It took me a couple of years to realize posting more than up to three times a week was just too much for me.

It's great reading these responses and seeing that others have similar methods. I'm glad you liked the read :)

Thanks so much for your feedback ~

Well, you've clearly figured out a way, and I'm glad, because self-care is so important for creators. I'm about to be at 7 posts in 7 days, but I'm definitely open to dropping down to 2 or 3 a week tops. Thanks for leading the way. :)

Yes, comments are fun and engaging, especially when people are able to express themselves kindly.

Thanks again!

 4 years ago  

Self care is definitely important :)

Wow! I don’t think I ever did 7 in a week but I remember doing up to 5 per week. Everyone can’t handle that but if you have the time and drive I commend you. Yes, if you feel yourself getting burnt out then that would be a good solution ;)

comments are fun and engaging, especially when people are able to express themselves kindly

I completely agree. Have a wonderful weekend ~

lol, yeah, excellent point. Despite me being fairly driven/ambitious, this pace probably isn't sustainable without a team to help me.

Thanks for the support, and wishing you an awesome weekend too!

 4 years ago  

Absolutely ;)

You really put a lot into writing your posts. While I do some of the things you do like the way you find things to write about I really just kinda write the post and whatever pics I use will usually inspire a little more. As for my flow and pic editing I usually just do it as I go, but like you if I start to write something and it doesn't feel right, I will just stop.

Hope to see more from you soon.

 4 years ago  

Thank you for that :)

Even though this is a hobby I treat it also as my profession, especially since I try to live by example and be the best leader and supporter I can be. Whether I'm creating content or doing curation I do put my best into both. Most of what I do is from being apart of this platform, learning and experimenting along the way :)

Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your comment ~

this very interesting article. this article is very useful for me I am only a photographer, not a writer. but I keep trying to be able to write using interesting words. although in a photo there are a thousand words. 😀😀😀😁😁🤗🤗

 4 years ago  

Hahaha thanks @my451r for adding your feedback.

Before joining this platform I was neither a photographer or a writer. I literally became both by being apart of this. Although my interest started mainly in photography, I wanted to develop both skills together so that I could reach my audience in great heights in both ways.

A photo does speak a thousands words but the way Hive works is we let the photos speak for themselves and then it’s up to us to do the rest of the speaking through what we share about those photos, giving any background, emotions or stories that ties it all in.

I’ve known several photographers here that have been successful by only sharing their photos and maybe giving a brief about them. However, my question to you is how much of a connection do you want with your readers? Do you want them to come by and just admire your photos or would you rather them engage with your posts by relating to the text you share? If both were present, admiration of your photos and connection with what you write, you’d be amazed how much more interaction your publications would receive.

Your posts are already amazing to me, I love supporting your photography work. I’m just going off of your comment about wanting to write using interesting words. It’s more about the background and story that draw your readers in.

Can I challenge you? The next time you post try to make it a 4 to 5 minute post instead of just 1 or 2 minutes. Try to add in how you were feeling when you took those photos, what was the setting like around you, what made you take those particular photos. Do any of the photos relate to your character or any stories of your past that you could share? How about your family life and how it relates. You don’t have to use interesting words but instead try to tie in your photography with who you are and your passions :)

I hope this helps ~

thank you for wanting to reply. I am happy to read your feedback on my comments. To be honest, I have absolutely no writing base at all. because I graduated with an engineering degree. 😀😀 ..
but while joining hive in 2017. I started to get used to reading and writing.

And now I also join one of the local news media in my area. because I have expertise in photography so I'm not used to writing longer. The important thing is to have for 5W 1 H.

Well, I accept your challenge, I will try and get used to writing longer from now on.

replies to your comments really helped me and became my motivation to write even better on the hive blog.

thank you 😉😉😊😊

 4 years ago  

For sure! I love helping and challenging others. 😉

Thanks for sharing your background with me...and just like that I feel better connected to who you are and your story just from you sharing that bit! 😃😊

I am so glad the comments and replies have been helpful. Yay mission accomplished! 🥳

I am looking forward to seeing your next publication. Feel free to ding me so I won’t miss it. 😁😄

Hola @crosheille, me encantó tu articulo, compartimos ciertas practicas en nuestras publicaciones... pero sin duda lo mejor es que disfrutamos publicar lo que amamos hacer, en mi caso crear cosas útiles con material reciclado o nuevo.

A mis publicaciones me gusta impregnarlas de amor, mucho amor y aunque aun me falta mucho por aprender para mejorar la estética de mis publicaciones (estoy aprendiendo) espero estar haciéndolo bien… me gusta tratar de mostrar fotos limpias y claras con contenido preciso y detallado..

A los creadores de contenido les diría sean cuidadosos con las fotos, pues hay muchos que están cargando imágenes muy oscuras y borrosas y se pierde en algunos casos interés en revisar la publicación.


Hi @crosheille, I loved your article, we share certain practices in our publications... but without a doubt the best thing is that we enjoy publishing what we love to do, in my case creating useful things with recycled or new material.

I like to imbue my publications with love, lots of love and although I still have a lot to learn to improve the aesthetics of my publications (I'm learning) I hope I'm doing well... I like to try to show clean and clear photos with precise and detailed content...

To the content creators I would say be careful with the photos, as there are many who are uploading very dark and blurry images and in some cases you lose interest in reviewing the publication.


 4 years ago  

Hi @keco! I'm glad you liked the article :)

As long as we have life we are learning ;)

there are many who are uploading very dark and blurry images and in some cases you lose interest in reviewing the publication.

I try to talk about this often and urge content creators to publish the best photos they have. A photo could very well deter a potential reader/follower from supporting one’s work.

Thanks for adding your input ~

good article, word for word you embrace into a very useful sentence, you are a great writer in my opinion.

 4 years ago  

Wow thank you so much for such a nice compliment. ☺️

I really appreciate you reading and leaving me feedback ~ 😊

I love your post, not only because I am in general very curious and I love to learn more about each other, no I especially love to learn how to write better posts and yes, you have a lot I want to incorporate in the future (if I manage). Because in my view you nailed it: the post should be a good amalgamation of information, fun, connection and design. Especially on the latter I have a lot to learn. I always admire the clear outlook of your posts with an instantly visible and comprehensive structure. I love the dividers you use for the paragraphs (and honestly I want to copy-steal this from you 😱) Your post seem to breathe... they have air and do not overwhelm with to much of everything (yes, I know, I must learn a lot)
Besides it is very helpful to learn about your tools. I mainly use Canva to arrange the photos and to insert text into the photos, but I seldom edit the photo itself. I am still a bit unsure which route I should go. Right now it takes me a lot of time to take usable photos (where I can live with myself without vomiting instantly) but as much as I love beautiful photos (and people) I also want to learn to live with the „real“ me which perhaps has more double chin, creases and other funny things than I want to admit... sorry, I again started to ramble.
Back to your post: love it <3

 4 years ago  

I always love hearing your feedback and thoughts. Thank you. 😊

You won’t be copying or stealing anything. I learned about using dividers here on the platform long ago, many use them and it helps to break up text and keeps things visually neat. Have at it! 😉

The breathing and air part you speak of is me separating thoughts throughout the posts. I learned that a paragraph in a post shouldn’t be more than just 3 sentences in order to keep the reader active and interested. I don’t always follow that rule but use it as a guide. Even a one sentence paragraph helps break things up and keeps things fun. I like using those one sentences as a question or a thought.

I get it about the editing, if you feel your photos are already great than no need. It’s just the photographer that was born in me from being here. Sometimes I don’t edit photo to fix anything but mainly to enhance it. If I feel it could use a bit more color or sharpness that’s what I shoot for.

So don’t feel you have to edit your looks. The photos you take modeling your outfits are already beautiful. Maybe it could be more of editing your process photos or any objects you feel could use enhancement for better eye traction. 🙂❤️

My goodness, I'm still at the of writing and post every day. I have noticed that when I spend time on my post they tend to do better.

I use Inkscape to make vector designs, I am trying to find free time to learn flat vectors so I can also start free lancing on Hive and on Fiverr. I enjoyed your post because everything here is very relateable.

 4 years ago  

I have noticed that when I spend time on my post they tend to do better.

Yes, when you put more time and effort into your work that is usually the result...especially when you’re excited about sharing something ;)

That’s pretty cool what you’re trying to do. I appreciate you visiting and leaving a comment ~

You are welcome. Thanks for such a helpful post

Me gustó mucho tu publicación, por ahora estoy muy nueva en HIVE pero me encanta leer este tipo de publicación de las cuales pueda tomar ideas y recomendaciones que me ayuden a mejorar la manera de presentar mi contenido, siempre sin olvidar la originalidad 😉

 4 years ago  

Thank you! I’m really glad you liked my post and could take away some ideas to help you along the way ;)

Thanks for your comment ~

Hi crosheille,
I hope it's not to late to reply to your post. I replied to another one of yours as well, when I first started, but I wanted to up my game further and am in the process of creating dividers. How do you do yours, if I may ask? I try to do mine in canva, but without the pro version, you can't download the design with transparency. Do you have another idea or do you create yours with a specific software, you can recommend?
Thanks in advance.

 3 years ago  

Hi @freedomprepper!

I actually don't make my own dividers. I search for the ones that are free to use. If you are looking for the Hive dividers I used in this post and ones similar you can use these on this site that were made available for us to use ;)

Sorry I couldn’t help you with how to make your own but hope the website could be of use to you ~

That is perfect, thank you very much :o). Actually even better, I thought, I had to learn a whole lot about graphic design ^^.

 3 years ago  

Oh great glad it was very helpful to you. Here are a few other free images for use. If you search for Hive page dividers on Google or PeakD you’ll see that several Hivizens have already created some nice ones to use. 😉

You’ll just want to be sure to give them their credits when using their dividers. 😊

Enjoy ~

Bookmarked all of them :o). Over time, I will get to design a few myself, but until then, I will use the dividers of and credit the Hiveians, who came before me :o).

 3 years ago  

Awesome ;D