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RE: How My Posts Are Born

in OCD4 years ago

I love getting to know some of the creative details, stylistic choices, and unique methods other writers have.

I follow a similar process to your own 'sparks of inspiration', well-chosen photo material with an eye towards the emotion I'm aiming for, titles having equal importance, my own suite of tools for editing, and so on.

At the same time, I know I do things way differently. For example, I posted 6 posts in as many days in my first week here on Hive, all written from scratch. I'm not sure I'll continue that pace, perhaps I'll drop down to about two a week, like you. Then again, also like you, I won't force anything.

Anyway, all this rambling is just to say thanks for sharing an inside look at your process, it brought me a smile, and it may inspire me to do the same someday.

 4 years ago  

After being here for so long I knew I had to figure out a way that worked for my schedule and a way I wouldn't get so stressed. It took me a couple of years to realize posting more than up to three times a week was just too much for me.

It's great reading these responses and seeing that others have similar methods. I'm glad you liked the read :)

Thanks so much for your feedback ~

Well, you've clearly figured out a way, and I'm glad, because self-care is so important for creators. I'm about to be at 7 posts in 7 days, but I'm definitely open to dropping down to 2 or 3 a week tops. Thanks for leading the way. :)

Yes, comments are fun and engaging, especially when people are able to express themselves kindly.

Thanks again!

 4 years ago  

Self care is definitely important :)

Wow! I don’t think I ever did 7 in a week but I remember doing up to 5 per week. Everyone can’t handle that but if you have the time and drive I commend you. Yes, if you feel yourself getting burnt out then that would be a good solution ;)

comments are fun and engaging, especially when people are able to express themselves kindly

I completely agree. Have a wonderful weekend ~

lol, yeah, excellent point. Despite me being fairly driven/ambitious, this pace probably isn't sustainable without a team to help me.

Thanks for the support, and wishing you an awesome weekend too!

 4 years ago  

Absolutely ;)