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RE: The Ultimate Guide: How To Create Awesome Images And Animations For Your Hive Posts

in OCD5 years ago

I like your mention of how the image matters to elicit a response (downtrodden image or joyous image). A little psychology...I saw a TED talk a while back about how to get people to slow down while driving in urban areas. We've all seen the digitial signs that report back to us the speed we're driving. They usually flash if we're over. Instead, some folks decided to try an alternative approach. Instead of reporting your speed (which you can see on your speedometer anyway), the sign would show either a frown face if you were driving over the limit, or a smiley face if you were under the limit. Apparently, it worked much better at getting people to slow down. The emotional reaction is intrinsic.


Gosh! That's a lovely story. Simple yet profound. Thank you!


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