I couldn't ever figure out the piano either. My mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother played and the first song I ever heard my mom talk about was Für Elise. How ironic, must be popular.
Here is a video/post about Pianista I made the other day if you haven't already seen it. The game is fantastic. Free to play on mobile and a paid version on Switch. Both are fantastic.
I'm watching it now, the game looks pretty tough but also fun and relaxing! I'll download it for mobile because I don't have a switch, but if I like it a lot then I might just have to convince my friend to let me buy it and borrow her switch every now and again, because I'm a little bit worried about having to hit all of those notes just on my tiny phone!
The lower difficulties are not nearly as bad and still fun. The Mobile version should do you just fine. My Switch is pretty dusty, I spend most of my gaming time on PS5 these days.