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RE: Engage in Hive

in OCD5 years ago

I was thinking about creating some kind of threads where a topic is put in place, or a question and its stays on trending or some other comunity tab, on the top like for a week or at least few days.

User go there and share opinion and engage on the subject and the best ones organicly are put on a top of that thread/topic/question.

Like an open discution on a subject .... pinned on top for a week so everyone can go, comment, engage, vote .... etc ...


Something like reddit? I don't know the technical side of the mechanics, but it has been effective.

For example, I was looking for the acronym POSH, the original post that used it, and I couldn't find it. I found thousands of posts with #posh tag, but not the original. For this many smart developer around here, I think someone might want to step up to the challenge of 'search'.

I will find it for you ... but with quering the blockchain :)

Give me a day

Thank you! A simple tool can be useful for the masses. (25/11/2019)

I know I mentioned Dan but this is the earliest top level post with 'posh' as the category and looks to be the one.

Cool! We reserve the right to change our view, if @dalz finds an earlier one 😀

I will be asking the hiveSQL owner for a refund if so! :D

Eh ... I wont bother :)
I'm surprised that this things is like just 5 months old