You know, for a couple of bastards whose days were numbered a few days ago, they could've at least faked it for the camera. I asked for cute faces I don't know how many times but all I got were aggressive Animal Kingdom poses.
One thing most of us have a lot more of right now anyway is time and nobody ever said Saving Lives Doesn't Matter. These two came from Kentucky, 150 miles north, both are female. That's Cupcakes on the left, she's wearing white and brindle.
The handler said they're 20 weeks old. No idea what breed they are. I'm going with possibly Jack Russel or something similar mixed with a wiener dog maybe or maybe a basset hound or maybe not. We're told they're sisters. Ganache is on the right, that's her in chocolate and brindle.
Across every state in America and in numerous countries worldwide is a no-kill shelter operated by The Humane Society or similar agency. They're interlinked so any time a shelter needs space or has availability, they send out a memo and wait for a response.
Kill shelters are hesitant to kill puppies as their facilities become overcrowded. What typically happens is aggressive dogs are exterminated first. Next are the antisocial dogs followed by the old guys. Puppies are first to receive a second chance because they're easiest to adopt out.
So a kennel in Kentucky sent out a memo stating they have six puppies who need vaccinations, spayed / neutered and adopted. The Humane Society across town from us responded to the email and both of these horrendously unattractive little pains in the asses were shipped 150 miles south in a dog catcher truck.
It must've been noisy in there, poor things. Cupcake had poop on her paws and a little on her back when we got her. She was probably tossed around the back of an unaccommodating truck for several hours en route to Knoxville. Then we forced her in the kitchen sink for a warm bath. Both.
Ganache wouldn't come out of her cage the first day, that's another thing—cage. The Humane Society sends foster parents home with cages, shampoo, car carriers, temp fencing, food, pee pads, everything you need to cater to a puppy. No-kill shelters lack only space.
She was an emotional mess—Ganache. Stayed in her cage and wouldn't drink water or pee or anything the first few days. I feared she was sick. But she warmed up to us by the end of day two. Now she's pooping and peeing and chewing whatever she can sink her needle sharp teeth into undetected like a good girl.
When they arrive at the no-kill shelter, there's already a line of people waiting for a new puppy. Thing is, there's a 14 day gap between their first and second dose of vaccines where during the second dose they'll also be spayed / neutered. Once out of surgery and in recovery, they're officially available for adoption.
This is when The Humane Society reaches out to foster parent volunteers. Without temporary housing during that 14 day gap, the no-kill shelter has no choice but to refuse them. They re-home all pets, not just dogs, their facilities can only accommodate so many.
So we're on the list—no sweat. Just out here saving lives-n-stuff. We fenced off the living room, they have plenty of chew toys, food and water. They're just puppies. They entertain themselves for about 10 minutes, sleep it off for an hour, play 10, rinse, repeat.
Type 𝚗𝚘 𝚔𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚕 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚗𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚖𝚎 in your search bar and save lives. Tell all your friends. Now if you'll excuse me, Cupcake memorized all the rules to fetch on her first throw and now she won't stop dropping the ball at my feet. Pisses off Ganache by the way, she's a jealous broad, they're funny. And vocal too. Cage fight!!

Hi, I hope you guys are doing well. I have some questions about certain terms that I can't understand or token. Could you help me. where can I write to you to show what I don't understand please.
How are the puppies, how have you been feeling, how is Pura doing?
We returned the puppies last week and they're officially available for adoption this weekend. Prayers they get great homes today. Pura has some days not as bad as others, thank you for asking.
Anything I can help with the platform, feel free to ask me here, that way it's available for anyone who may be having the same issue. Plus, if it's something I don't understand, I can tag users better familiar for more assistance.
But I'm available for help in private, too, drop me a line:
Enjoy your weekend.
Of course the puppies will find a home where they will be eaten with kisses hehehehe.
I understand it's good to do it here, I thought it might be uncomfortable for others.
For the last post I uploaded I got something called pizza hive. and then they put my post in the contest and I won something DCC. I think all that goes directly to the Hive Tokens. is that right?
I'm still trying to understand well, I'm still researching but it's not that easy but I'll keep persisting.
Thanks for always being willing to help those of us who are just starting out.
Blessings to both of you and have a great weekend.
Absolutely. Really it's my pleasure, it took me so long to get acquainted with things, I understand what it's like. I'm still learning.
Pizza is a token like beer, engage, etc you see being handed out in comments and can be traded for hive in hive engine. As you're awarded tokens and stake them, you can hand them out too. Go there and sign in like you would at hive.
While I'm on subject, never ever ever ever use your master password. I have that one printed on paper and removed from my devices. Only time you need your master is to change your other keys. Private Posting for this and Active Private for transactions, that's all you need.
If you use, go to your wallet and click the drop down menu. I think it's easier to access hive-engine from PeakD. That's where your tokens are held. Scroll up and down, left, right, check it all out. "Staking, transferring," etc.
I hope this helps. Let me know when you need anything else.
@dandays, sorry! You need more $PIZZA to use this command.
The minimum requirement is 20.0 PIZZA liquid, and 0.0 PIZZA staked.
More $PIZZA is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex
Oops. Guess I don't have enough liquid yet. Helluva teach I am lol!
Hi. Thank you so much for taking the time and having the patience to teach what you already know and it cost you so much. I appreciate it and thank you very much.
Ok, I'm going to do what you tell me and I'll show you what I achieve.
Well here I am and I will continue to move forward without stopping, as they say here in my country, if you already rode on the donkey, then arrealo. jejeje
Have a great Sunday. Blessings
Well just look at You go...
That little bastard looks just like Ganache.
You Doubted the Gif-Meister..?
I am a...
I got a non-giffy response that required about 10 different phrases in the search bar. So the last one I went with would've been "I haven't had my coffee yet."
I failed. I was unable to compete the task. Midway I dropped everything and came here to tell you, type: "I haven't had my" in the search and see wtf happens.
Sum Dum Cunt and I disagree...
I wish that nerd boy who made that DVbot would come round the back of my trailer with me and help me check my taillights.
When he wakes up with a concussion a few hours later and his nwrd glasses are broken again. Do you think He will get the message..?
In the search bar...
Need more data...
Does not compute...
Fatal error... Rebooting.
No really. "The Search Bar."
Sounds like a gay singles club..?
I will do this on one condition. You type idiot into two search engines. Yes they are called search engines. + idiot + images. = non bias results.
Ghoulgool.con + idiot + images. = Manipulation & Propaganda.
OK... I am off to see the "I haven't had my" wizard... The wonderfool wizard of "I haven't had my..." ...OZ..?
All good here slappy...
This cat lady in a mansuit had his period last week. And my pap smear and my gyno doctor says I am gooooood to go..!!!
Does this mean you understand it's not in the search bar you're searching and instead it's I haven't had my.
You're a good confuser.
That’s a cool pair of hounds you got there. Hope they get a good home and get to stay together.
Raise your hand if you fell in love with them. 🤚🏻
I'll be real, I wouldn't count on them staying together BUT..
They're both out of surgery yesterday and in recovery together (same kennel). Both are officially available to be adopted out today. We miss them terribly and they added a lot of joy to our lives during the short period we prepped them for their new world. They're prepped now!
Together or not, they'll have loving families with kids and play toys and dirt to dig in and a yard and shoes to ruin, bones to bury and and and and.. we're looking forward to the next one.
How rude of me, I almost forgot. My wife's British too. That's not what I almost forgot.
It was: She's SO his mom.
Seems I'm not done yet, I do this sometimes. I almost forgot to give you this.
Thank you.
Haha! you are as cunning with your links as you are essential to those needy pups. Bravo.
So, you’ve stolen one of Our good ladies?? Hope she is representing the country by making you drink tea and eating an endless supply of Yorkshire puddings…
I guess it can’t always work out perfectly for the dogs and staying together would be a bonus. Like you said, they will go to loving homes. Thanks for the link to the UK shelter. I will share this to my friends and family as I’ve never heard about them before I read your post. Keep up the good work, buddy 👍
The cage fight was the best with the Rocky theme song.
Hope you are well, enjoy those pups!Hey there @dandays, those puppies are so adorable. You did a really great thing saving those little nuggets.
Well if it isn't my favorite Up Stater who rolled the dice and tempted me to crash that wedding. 😉
Thank you @farm-mom. I don't get too many tips, I really appreciate that. Whoever don't like dogs, you know what they say...
Cant be trusted.
Good morning pal, yeah, what you said...can't be trusted.
I kept looking for you and @lizelle, I was actually disappointed you guys didn't show.
Not as disappointed as I was when I learned my account stopped following @lizelle. Her and about a dozen others. This morning I learned my account stopped voting you and Sweed and who knows who else.
Not sure how or why these things happen but I fixed it. If it's human error, however, maybe I fixed it??
and I thought you threw me over for someone younger 😁😂🤣😍
All good bro, now I am going to try and tackle your latest post, which I read a day or two ago. Very powerful and certainly worth reading every word. Twice.
Stop making me say things like I wanna give you a hug right now or they'll think I'm soft!
C'mom, we all know you are a softie, hugs all around. We did a giant group hug on the dance floor last weekend, it took me awhile to untangle myself. hehehe
My hungry self 😋 thought you were talking about real cupcakes and ganache 🙈🤦
They're real. Just probably not the kind you'd find in a dessert menu.
True that 😅
Sorry I didn't notice the first time, I can be a real asshole sometimes. Welcome to Hive. I'd like to know what you think of your first three weeks.
Are you near the coast? Let's chat.. You and I, ain't like anyone else reads this stuff anyway.
All conversation stops when the sun drops!
I see what you did there 🤣. Nice👏
Sorry I'm just seeing this now
Yeah well it was day time when I wrote it.
Too bad the sun has gone down 😅...
Thank you for welcoming me
And I have one word for my 3 weeks on hive- exhausting
Oh man, that’s awesome! Beautiful pups and I love the names!
I can’t help but wonder how this affects your travel plans going forward though?
They're so addicting.
Nah man, they're fostered. We just provide space for two weeks until they're ready for surgery. +/- a day I'm sure, we're just helping for a minute.
Got a minute?
Bro I don't have enough minutes in a day right now. It's funny when you're on vacay time, it moves slow, no where to be, no obligations or agendas. Now it's like, shit, I got more shit to do than I have time. When will I be done with all this shit so I can open up shop?!
You know I know this. Even the currency is different, vacation money and money are two different things. I know you know that.
I don't know if anyone's told you yet but you should be proud of yourself.
Cupcake is most definitely a dalmatian, just look at those spots... True story: When neighbours dog adopted us, he got a bath (flea taxi), neighbours little girl said, he's a dalmatian, obviously never bathed him, so never knew he had spots! So know you know!
Ganache looks like her name, at a guess I would say mix of Fox terrier and Dachshund possibly, both drop dead gorgeous... Who wouldn't those big brown eyes.
Really Rocky music cage fight, now you inviting your friend dumbcunt to visit again!
!BEER and !PIZZA to share with your little monsties!
I've been cunted and in comes another after this response. Something needs to be done about that really. There needs to be mandatory reputation of something like 50+ as @frot mentioned in order to downvote. And there needs to be repercussion, too, blind downvote accounts need to yata yata yata and am I still talking?
How rude.
Thank you JoanStewart, your guess is probably more accurate than mine. All I know is they won't ruin anyones day. The dog you rescued from the neighbor, still have it?
I was downvoted the other day 100% by a newbie on my comment putting my art in the thread for the competition. Still don't get it.
Anyway cute dogs. Look like they've got a lot of energy! I'd say their breed is a Heinz 57. Which ultimately makes for a robust and healthier animal in my opinion. Pedigrees are over rated.
My family got a dog when I was younger. A miniature dachshund. This dog want even a foot long. Fine pedigree of grandfather interbred with granddaughter dating back good knows how many generations. And she was a real bitch. Jealous, destructive, bitey (once biting my son's legs in his bouncer when he was a baby-like I said jealous). She later until she was 21, damn thing. Rick and i rehomed Jenny dog a half poodle /terrier dog. Best dog ever, sweet, kind, playful, loyal, and no shedding. Unfortunately she came with medical issues, she had been run over in her youth, and whilst she pulled through with surgery, her insides never worked quite right ever again. Girl laid down to sleep in the sun and never woke up. That was about 5 years ago. Now we have caramelle. Again a mix, this time the vet thinks part chien de France compte mixed with maybe a little beagle. Shes another dog with a beautiful personality, a very different kind to old jenny. But she's patient and gentle with children.
I read this comment twice, I don't usually do that. Such a nice read. Thank you.
As a kid I had German Shepherds. Haven't had one since 2013. When I put down The Rook I said I won't do that again until I park. She traveled coast to coast in the US with me for a good 8 years. Putting her down was one of the toughest days of my life and I've had worse days than most.
About that downvote you got the other day. Since the account was new as you said, I would just chalk it up to user error. They probably meant to give you 100 up and clicked the wrong button.
Your welcome, I had to reread it twice too. Didn't notice so many mistakes at 7am this morning in the dark. Note to self proof read.
Speaking from personal experience, those things take time. I'm weird about it. I'll never admit how much time or days I spend editing one opening sentence. Titles are the worst! What really, really, really makes me crazy is when I have to edit after it's posted and then the blockchain shows "edited." I've come to terms with myself now that unless it's drastic, I wont touch it, I'll leave it onchain as is rather than "edited."
But that's just original content, comments don't count. They're just comments. Oh, that reminds me.
You'll hit anniversary two, three, etc etc and the only difference you'll notice is now you spend an equal amount of time
rewordingeditingrearranging comments!And dammit watch what buttons you press Lisa!
Rook looks like a beautiful soul I understand how difficult it is to make that decision for an animal, and it still weighs on me. I had to put my cat down several years ago. His loss still weighs on me and I think of him often. I did begin to write his story, but stopped when it became too long. I think I am going to turn it into a post instead.
I can tell you're not enjoying yourself here at all.
Yes, I often wonder how long The Rook would've lived had I not treated her like my mother and pulled the plug. But she was pooping on herself, Rook that is, couldn't get up anymore and would poop where she laid. Poor thing. I hated that day.
I don't think she appreciated my selfishness. She fell down a lot in her later years and cried in pain when it happened. Couldn't even stand up to pee or poop. Her hips bothered her so much and I'm such a sissy look what you've done to me!
I can't even begin to imagine. My deciding moment with William was when I was trying to give him some medicine and finally got him to open his mouth. Half his tongue had disappeared, it was just a huge infected mess. He had tried to slink off several times to die peacefully, but I'd caught him and taken him back to his bed to care for him. I know now that was selfish of me. It was that day I made the decision.
Oh hell yes, here was the story Adopt A Human he is as tall as he is round, my dalmatian 😆 almost three years with us and now seven years old.
Thick skin comes in handy, just hope newbies aren't affected sure older members will cope... Have a dandy day @dandays
Please... Let's make this happen.
Are you trying to say you want to duck hunting?
Down the DownVoters. Nuke em.
Easy to tell who's a child here and who isn't, isn't it? Only someone who lives at home, moms yelling "eat your vegetable you fuckin prick!" never got any ass and can type 1,000 words/minute in their sleep seeks attention via computer programming. Fuckin mutt.
I see development has began muting blind reblog accounts like that tddtv or whatever it's called, the Dollar Vigilante one. I'm sure they're working on something to combat mindless downvotes.
Rep's need to play a factor or loss of rewards need to play a factor. Something needs to be done to combat the abuser black eye'ing the blockchain.
On that note, the neighbors mother is yelling at me, I better go!
True True...
$PIZZA@dandays! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @joanstewart.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (3/10)
That No kill animal shelter malarkey is a fantastic idea. Those two look like a couple of crackers!
No, really, I won't need dark sunglasses when we give them back to the shelter or anything. As if!
Dear @meesterboom:
Below are friends of all shapes and sizes eager and ready to steal only tools you desire most and bury them never to be seen again.
Bloody hell, I never thought for a minute that they would do this over here in the Motherland! Thats awesome. When my cats kark it I shall get something through here!
You just got even cooler, not sure how, I thought you were already maxed out already. Wrong again! I just saw I missed like a weeks worth of your content. I was in a rut for about that long.
Lol, thats alright, a weeks worth of my content these days is probably only two posts!
$PIZZA@dandays! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @meesterboom.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (3/20)
Canis lupus familiaris.Well, I would say they are indeed blood sisters. And nope, I don't agree with @joanstewart evaluation. None of them are dalmatian nor a mix of Fox terrier and Dachshund but just cannis vulgaris or maybe just
However, I have to admit that they both look beautiful and full of life in the photos after the great dose of love with which they were received in your home. Well done mate!! :)
That was dope! I appreciate it when I'm sent to the dictionary or in this case, search bar. You're a regular at this, definitely domesticated canisomethin lover giver awayers for free'er.
We're torn cuz we have to give them back and excited cuz we'll receive replacements sooner or later and the life saving cycle continues.
thank you. Your handle, explain the use of "pins" to me.@por500bolos,
That's wonderful and very worthy of you my friend. Very glad to know that you are always presto to lend a hand to these helpless little ones in the measure of your capacity. :)
Oh! fully understandable bro. Perhaps the key reside that with your good maneuvers you might be able to provide them all the confidence and self-esteem they need as soon as possible and then avoid the mutual attachment out of proportion that'd make the separation more difficult for everyone. And in this way, more of their fellow canis vulgaris can also benefit from your good work. :)
Hahaha yeah. What value could a handle like that have if it doesn't prick?
L o L!
Because now I know you understand, check out what we did: The one with poop on her, right, Cupcake, she obviously needed to come with us so we could clean her up. But the other, Ganache, she was so timid. She wouldn't approach us in the kennel, just cowered in the corner, the worst out of all of them. Could hardly get her out of her cage.
That's why I picked her. She needed the most help. I've been talking to them both too. They need to be happy and friendly and excited, not hiding and intimidated when the little kid walks in and has 6 to choose from. I'm happy to report these two are good to go.
Oh yeah? Hahahahaha🤓 I find this very entertaining. Crazy dogs and funny as hell poses.🤣
Whoever don't like dogs can't be trusted. That should be on all job applications actually. And housing. "Do you like dogs?"
Yes - In.
No - Out.
Yes, Of course, I love dogs.
I even own a dog myself.
So...... YES!! 🤓✌🏻
What kinda dog you got? Name, picture?
I see you're on the dumbcunts bus, too, dope! Nice seeing all these familiar faces.
A male dog, A cross breed, Name is Cleever, Ain't got his picture right now.
Hahahaha🤓 You noticed that, Who's that person called anddumbcunts by the way? I don't even know him, I just started seeing him downvoting my post for no goddamn reason.
Who the hell is he?
A kid. Has to be. No one like you or I would do that, think about it. I got on the bus for asking them to stop downvoting people on my page like an asshole.
Little fucker only knows computers, imagine that life and the only thing you know is a computer. Only ass they get is virtual. Even the cat thinks he's a punk. Mom's probably yellin at him now, "eat your vegetables!"
Yeah, That's right.
Hahahahahaha, You didn't just kill it, You fucking nailed it!
That motherfucker most likely a kid and as his username implies, He a dumbcunt.😂😂
Lost a pup once and it broke my heart. Beautiful creatures
My man I've shed just as many tears burying a dog as I have living relatives.
It must have been so heartbreaking 😟
awwhhhh! they're so cute when they cuddle one another, hopefully they'll go to a good home afterwards. Are you just on the foster parent list, or adopting also? Must be quite upsetting for them to move homes again in a couple of weeks time
No we're not looking to adopt. I know it's terrible we're just so unsettled still. I haven't had a dog for almost 9 years now, my last one went all over the US with me and she was huge, it was a challenge. That was irresponsible of me that the time. Best dog ever but still.
We've thought about that too. It's gotta be pretty traumatizing for them in and out of places waiting to get all fixed up and ready for adoption. So we intentionally grabbed the ones we thought needed the most attention. Ganache wouldn't come out of the corner, all cowered down and Cupcake would.not shut up.
Psst... they're ready for good homes now. =D
Those eyes!!! They nearly melt my heart (ps not a dog lover )
I can imagine how much of a commitment it is to keep pets, so don't blame you. Got to make balances in life sometimes. Great job on giving them some TLC for two weeks
I remember you and dogs. I think it was your sisters dog you were a fan of, otherwise not your thing. He/she was black and white, Border Collie if I'm not mistaken.
While I got you. Thanks for keeping an eye on me this long. You've been a pleasure to follow.
The pleasure is on my @dandays, I don't comment that much as I'm so lazy but I enjoy reading your (sometimes crazy) posts. Take care and say hi to Pura, hope she's doing well
little bastards the lot of them, as you can see I'm hugely anti dog.

Caramelle got interested in the video, equally blurry cause she wont sit still.
Congrats Cupcakes and Ganache.
Sadly the chewing seems to last a while. I got no draws left.
Is Carmelle pretty old? Do I see gray or no? Dude whoever don't like dogs can't be trusted.
When we got these two guys they were nowhere near ready for a little kid to walk through all "yes! This one!!" and wanna go get all WWF with them. Eh, they're ready now.
What are you trying to protect anyway, right?
Nah it's her natural color, she's just turned 2. She was more than ready for the bodyslams the boy throws her way. As for people who don't like dogs I agree. Can't trust em,
Funny thing is the dog is scared of the cat. But the cat is gangsta as fuck so fair play.
Protection is overated.
We gotta take these little guys back this evening. I've been preparing for 24 hours.
That won't suck like Octomom didn't.
Good luck with the return trip man, its always a kick in the balls. I used to rehome mistreated dogs back in the day and it never gets easy.
I was going to leave a comment here but I died of a cuteness overdose so nevermind.
We're losin'em! AED!!
What have you done to @brandt?
I guess he's dead. I hope Cakeface and Glazeface are happy.
I haven't been around them enough to know if this means happy or agitated.
Thanks for the links! Wish I could adopt, but I ain't got space for a pup the way I'm living these days.
You also have nurturing skills! Did you think for a second of adopting them?
Oh of course. If we weren't still so temporary I'd adopt all six of them Ed. "Sold!"
Aww, you guys have BIG hearts!!! 🐾
That's a terrific thing you're doing.
Two words: PUPPY BREATH👅
Giving them back sucks worse than clicking on a dumbcunts notification. From one dog lover to another—thank you more than *THIS NinaHaskin.
this long.@eii. My pleasure as always. Thank you for supporting
0.100 WINEXCongratulations, @eii You Successfully Shared With @dandays.
You Earned 0.100 WINEX As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/2 Successful Calls.
Contact Us : WINEX Token Discord Channel
WINEX Current Market Price : 0.120
$PIZZA@dandays! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eii.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (7/10)
@dandays, you've been given LUV from @eii.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/10)
They are to eat them, and you guys made it easier for me with those names hehehe they fit perfectly.
How beautiful it is that everyone does a little for others, that is what we are in essence, that is love, deciding to see the needs of others and go to give what we can to make them less and see happy in this case these two wonderful puppies.
Thank you made me smile a lot.
One question, are you a foster home and if no one adopts them?
Although I think they would love them very quickly, they are very beautiful and funny.
Good morning. I'm such a softie for dogs.
We really enjoyed their company, we had to take them back last night. Today they will get their second round of vaccines and spayed. Then tomorrow they're ready for adoption, Yay!!
It was really difficult. They're puppies so they'll have no problem finding new homes. Pura is keeping in touch with The Humane Society just so we can remain updated.
We fostered the two we did because they needed the most help. Super yappy was Cupcake and Ganache wouldn't socialize. But they're both ready for loving homes now!
Thank you.
Oh my God. I just searched No Kill Shelters in Venezuela and all I found was stuff like this. 🥶 God bless Venezuela.
Oh what wonderful noses, it's so beautiful even if we can't keep them always know that we gave them love and a great opportunity to have an excellent life. Ah please I would like to hear from them when Pura is informed. It is so gratifying to hear good news.
And yes, here the shelters are overcrowded, at least the animals that arrive at my door I try to take them to be spayed or neutered is the first thing, if I can't find them a home, I leave them if they are very small inside my house but when they grow up they live outside, I take care of feeding them and if they get sick I take care of them, of course and give them love but I can't take them all, it is like having an open air shelter.
Thank you for your blessings, I know that God is in everything. Blessings to you
I would love to do that. I've talked about it for decades, Pura would love it as well. Have a nice plot of land somewhere and just be nice to all the dogs who make their way there. I like dogs more than people and I'm not ashamed to say it.
Only problem is we can't sit still long enough to stay interested in land. That's the problem, "where?" We've been quite a few places and still haven't found somewhere we want to stay. So we just keep praying.
Oh well but they already have a plan for old age and what better than that? While they enjoy getting from here to there, helping out here and there. There are so many ways to help, with money, with time, as a host place as you did and so many places, shelters and foundations to help, as volunteers. and when you settle down in the perfect time you will do that, and it will be a wonderful life.
I will be praying for you and your plans.
Very cute and happy dogs! I enjoyed watching them playing together via your video. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
My pleasure I'm glad you enjoyed it. While I got you; thanks for keeping an eye on me this long.
You are much welcome! ;)
Awesome dogs! Quite a cheerful post. Can't believe puppies could end up in the "kill list", yet they still do. You did well by saving them. My wife worked with animals for over a decade, and yeah, they need us 😄
I'm such a softie for dogs. We're just fostering and these, have to go back tomorrow. They'll get surgery tomorrow night and be ready for a new home on the first.
They were timid and scared before we got them. They're excited and ready for a new home now and we're excited to prep some more.
Hola. Son unos perritos muy lindos, me agrada mucho como se ven de felices y deben hacer tus días iguales, gracias por compartir tus mascotas. Un abrazo desde Colombia.
Hey thank you. And thanks for translating to English, makes this much easier.
They're adorable. We returned them this evening so they could be spayed and go to new homes Friday. Mission accomplished. We really enjoyed their company.
Espero encuentren un buen hogar y de paso mucha felicidad, es un buen trabajo. Saludos y bendiciones.
Thank you for translating.
They're out of surgery now and up for adoption today. Both them and their little sisters will have good, welcoming and nice homes to be happy in for many years by the end of this weekend.
I hope you consider fostering animals who need you.
Enjoy your weekend! Thank you.
Ohh me alegro que su futuro sea próspero, yo por mi parte he adoptado 2 gatos a los cuales amo con todo mi corazón, feliz fin de semana. Saludos.
Total shameless dog porn. Can you get up close any further, maybe into Ganache's nostril? I feel like I almost made direct contact with her nose.
The both of them are such posers. I don't know how you could have them and then let them go. I don't think I could. Really awesome thing to do and they look so happy.
My favourite is the video clip at the end, LOL!
You mean tonight? Yeah, that's not gonna suck like Octomom. I just used that joke in a previous response and laughed enough it's worthy of a repeat, get it? It's cuz she didn't suck.. that's why she birthed eight kids.
The explanation is part of the joke

When we picked up the two, there was 6 total, other fosters grabbed the others. Knowing we're too indecisive still, itching to be mobile again and, well, until we park (which could be never), bringing a dog along the journey is irresponsible.
So we halfway housed the two who needed it most. Ganache wouldn't come out of the corner, cowered down, tail between her legs. Cupcake wouldn't SHUT UP! No way a little kid would walk through there and be "that one!" But you know what? They're ready now.
And because of that, I can't wait to do it again!
It's worthy of eight repeats.
That's the way to go. Ideal for your situation and a total win-win!
Shoulda stopped at one.
It's obvious you need to keep going eight more times since you have the time.
Who let the dogs out?!
That's awesome man, great for you and Pura! We want to do stuff like this but we know we'd fall in love and end up keeping the animals. I have nothing against animals but I also want a bit of a break in my life where I don't have to take care of one. When we had to get rid of our cat it was rough and even when the fish we had ended up dying it was pretty tough as well. I don't know how many more times I can willingly sign up for that lol.
How long do foster parents keep the animals for, roughly? I know with puppies it's probably not too long
I edited this to say I should've been more specific. There's several ways to foster, they can use help in many areas. We helped out with the one that meant watch a couple puppies in between their shots.
Oh it's challenging for sure. The way I see it is we went in there and were asked to foster two out of 6. I grabbed the two needed the most help, Ganache for sure, she was way too timid and scared. Poor things.
They're both ready now! Now when the little kid or whoever comes to get a new puppy, they're gonna be "pick me!" So that's what makes the tough part of giving them back easier.
Depending on weekends, two weeks. You're just fostering between their first and second dose of vaccines and spay recovery. Then they're off.
It is tough though. I'd rather run my own rescue than temporarily borrow.
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Your appreciation is interesting. Thank you!
You better keep them puppers. 😊
Jack Russell and some hunting dog. Cool that you can actually get a DnA test to see for sure. Thank yalls for your services. Love n Light
Of course! Thank you for the reblog. I'd be lying if I didn't say it was difficult to return them to the shelter. Thought for sure they'd have a home over the weekend.
Out of about 15 puppies for adoption on Sunday, 3 are still available. Damn Cupcake and Ganache are two of them, dammit! Those two and a third sister, Tiramasu. Say a prayer for them Jon.
Cupcake is cute... how do you find it not cute, LOL. look at how she looks into the camera. So you're giving them shelter for 2 weeks?
Yes, they have to go back tomorrow night actually. 🥶 Pay no attention if you see me wearing sunglasses tomorrow night. 😎
They've been so fun. Looking forward to doing it again. You'd love it Cici.
Thank you.
yes.. I believe you love it, that's part of your interrupted journey anyway :D Take care of them make you happier and perhaps healthier, the dog just like cat and kid, they're fun to watch
Why are they downvoting your comments? What am I missing?
a baddie who used to be my teammate and good friend throw his tantrum on everyone who used to be his teammate but none of the others hanging around to blog, but I did. So he's targetting me because he can't touch anyone. He blame us for his own bad behavior (cursing and bad-mouthing us) thought that we did the same thing on him, the fact is WE DIDN'T! sorry for making you inconvenience with it.. Just Ignore
You're not inconveniencing me young lady. As you'll see when I send this, myself along with about 50% of the people I pay attention to receive automatic downvotes from an account called anddumbcunts. Children.
Well, I'm sorry that's happening to you Cici.
this different... my downvoter only digital-fortress