Canis lupus familiaris.Well, I would say they are indeed blood sisters. And nope, I don't agree with @joanstewart evaluation. None of them are dalmatian nor a mix of Fox terrier and Dachshund but just cannis vulgaris or maybe just
However, I have to admit that they both look beautiful and full of life in the photos after the great dose of love with which they were received in your home. Well done mate!! :)
That was dope! I appreciate it when I'm sent to the dictionary or in this case, search bar. You're a regular at this, definitely domesticated canisomethin lover giver awayers for free'er.
We're torn cuz we have to give them back and excited cuz we'll receive replacements sooner or later and the life saving cycle continues.
thank you. Your handle, explain the use of "pins" to me.@por500bolos,
That's wonderful and very worthy of you my friend. Very glad to know that you are always presto to lend a hand to these helpless little ones in the measure of your capacity. :)
Oh! fully understandable bro. Perhaps the key reside that with your good maneuvers you might be able to provide them all the confidence and self-esteem they need as soon as possible and then avoid the mutual attachment out of proportion that'd make the separation more difficult for everyone. And in this way, more of their fellow canis vulgaris can also benefit from your good work. :)
Hahaha yeah. What value could a handle like that have if it doesn't prick?
L o L!
Because now I know you understand, check out what we did: The one with poop on her, right, Cupcake, she obviously needed to come with us so we could clean her up. But the other, Ganache, she was so timid. She wouldn't approach us in the kennel, just cowered in the corner, the worst out of all of them. Could hardly get her out of her cage.
That's why I picked her. She needed the most help. I've been talking to them both too. They need to be happy and friendly and excited, not hiding and intimidated when the little kid walks in and has 6 to choose from. I'm happy to report these two are good to go.