
This is you spreading your dandaysness infection to others. It's already impacted me once, thank you

@crosheille, he just wants to confirm others are suffering with him on this and if possible spread it further so he feels "okay" about it all.

 3 years ago  

Lol this is hilarious! I'm enjoying reading these comments.

dandaysness infection


Although I do admit when you know others are dealing with the same thing it does give you a sense of comfort. 😁😆Thanks for the heads up of what’s really going on @nineclaws. 😅

Ever since I met him it's been this ongoing thing like a couple of kids. He nailed my attention down with his cheeky snark immediately and off it went into a tennis game of comments. So much fun. 😂😂😂

I felt it necessary to give you a heads up since I never had an issue with titles until @dandays started talking about what he experiences. The very next post, I hit the "Title Wall" and I had to ask him for his assistance. He was most obliging and gave me the idea for the title of my most recent post. I still cannot look at it without bursting out laughing. Thank you @dandays, you're best, a real friend.

Although I do admit when you know others are dealing with the same thing it does give you a sense of comfort. 😁😆

That is so true and I feel the same.

 3 years ago  

Oh wow I love that! I can tell how much fun it has been. 😄

The very next post, I hit the "Title Wall"

Lol that explains the infection comment 😂. It’s so great when you can get help from a fellow Hivizen and have fun along the way.

Thanks so much for sharing that. I look forward to reading content from you both ~ 😉

It has and I kind of need a large amount of fun regularly (like every day). If there isn't some, I'll create it, even alone. 😂😂😂

I thought you'd like the full story. Lots of lovely people here I've met. Kindness. Assistance. Patience. It's best when I get to know people, take the time to do that. It makes for a very rich experience, especially with a whole lot of people in the same place.

Thanks so much for sharing that. I look forward to reading content from you both ~ 😉

You're welcome and thank you. For @dandays, I sit and savour slowly because there is so much deliciousness in his posts, it's a requirement for me. 😂

 3 years ago  

If there isn't some, I'll create it, even alone.

Hahaha yes I feel you on that, I’m the same way…gotta make it fun!

That is one of the reasons I’ve been here for so long (even in times of uncertainty) was because of the rich experience of getting to know people. The connections I’ve made here have been such a blessing.

Hahaha well maybe I’ll get to catch more of these tennis ball conversations and join in the game!



the rich experience of getting to know people

Yes, this is one of the most valuable things in life to me....that rich experience.

Please feel free to join in the tennis game, I'm all for it, totally, one hundred percent! I'll just have to tag you when the game is on. 😉

 3 years ago  

Hahaha that's so funny. Nope you're not alone on that...the struggle is real. 😅