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RE: Conspiracies, Freedoms: Hypocrisy in the USA

in OCD5 years ago

wrong tag, wrong title, even if the content about the hypocrisy of both fake wings of the fake two party fake political system to give you the fake illusion you have a say in anything when george carlin told you 30 years ago 'you have no choice, you have owners' is actually correct.

we laughed, and then we found out he wasn't joking: we are free range slaves and none are more hopelessly blind to that fact than those who still believe they are free, with apologies to goethe.

if you still haven't figured out the fraud of the federal reserve, and how your every thought, opinion and perception is programmed into you by mass 'education' and 'media' systems then it's time to wake up - you've been living in 1984 your whole life. peace.


Tags and title seem pretty apt to me. Granted, I initially started off with the goal of covering several areas including the science but this works perfectly fine in context of a follow up post.

we are free range slaves

Well, this goes deeper philosophically than you'd probably like. How do we define slavery, and if we get that down, what kind of life exactly is non-slavery? If one is to serve nothing, we perish, be it slaves to an authority of any kind, or a slave to our own primitive desires.

our every thought, opinion and perception is programmed into you by mass 'education' and 'media' systems then it's time to wake up

Who is to say you are any more woke than me or anyone else?

'Who is to say you are any more woke than me or anyone else?'

Because I am acutely aware that 'our every thought, opinion and perception is programmed into us by mass 'education' and 'media' systems' and you are not.

That's mighty arrogant of you lol. You sound like part of a cult, and cults are bred to think alike due to a single authority telling them so. You sound as indoctrinated as anyone else. But sure, your path through life is the real path. Everyone else who thinks their path is the real path is just wrong and uninformed.

Fun fact, there are 4,300 religions around the world. Barely 10% of the world is non-religious.
All religious people know for real that its their religion which is true, the others are simply misguided and have been lead down the wrong path, and the real religion simply neds to go out and make them acutely aware of their mistakes.

Makes you think, eh?

i'm not in a religion, you are (and you don't know it of course.)

masses be like.jpg

If you call 'changing my views based on facts and evidence' a religion, sure thang

there are only 2 religions in the world, God's and babylon. so if you ain't in God's..

never wondered why washington d.c. is shaped like a pentagram, or the monument is 666 feet tall in all, or why the eye of horus is on the dollar bill, if america was supposed to be founded as a christian country?

facts and evidence indeed.


Starting to think you're trolling now. but just in case you're being serious, here are some facts for you, easy for you to google:

1 - 'the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion' - Article 11, Treaty of Tripoli, 1797. Just because the religion had influence on the nation's moral design, does not mean it was 'supposed to be' Christian. It was specifically meant to be open to all religions. Source

2 - Washington monument is 554 feet tall. Before you throw it at me, the underground foundations are 36 feet 10 inches. You're way off. {Source](

3 - Geometry lesson; pick any 5 points of a circle and you can make yourself a pentagram. You can also make a regular pentagon or any number of other shapes. To suggest DC is shaped like a pentagram, you would need far more specific elements, which your map fails to do.

For example, one of the points leading to Mount Vernon Square is bunk because this didn't even exist until 1902.

The freemasons that would have been responsible would have necessarily made all lines equal length to symbolize the golden ratio - that's the whole point pretty much - but they're just not.

And finally, the pentagram wasn't even thought of as some special evil symbol until Éliphas Lévi wrote about it in 1896. Before that, the pentagram was a frequently used symbol in most religions and spiritual beliefs as a positive sign.

If you were a real Christian, you would know that Christians used it for the 'five stigmata of Christ' used to ward off demons. In China, the 'wu xing', are the five elements used in traditional medicine, healing, and so forth.

Currently, the pentagram on the Ethiopian flag is used to represent the unity of the people. The one on the Moroccan flag represents love, joy, wisdom, peace, and hope. Source

4 - It's the eye of providence. It's meant to be the eye of God. If it is specifically the God Horus, he wasn't even bad anyway.

Overall, we can ask 'why' about everything, but like all religions you are stamping with a big red stamp, answers that most easily make sense to you and make you feel in control of your surroundings, citing images and youtube videos from people who agree with you already as evidence. Non-religious people, like me, are totally fine with saying 'I don't know' and 'oops, my bad'

Unfortunately, all the above points are excessively easy to find answers to online so that's why I think this was a big troll because you could have simply copy-pasted your answers and within 3-4 seconds had the answers in front of you, as well as in-depth history and explanations. But it was a good troll because it was interesting for me to learn a bit about the freemasons and such.

But since that would be cognitively dissonant, you decide all the answers are false, right?