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RE: Community: Please vote Return Proposal

in OCD2 years ago

It was before Leo proposal, my concerns about return proposal is not about Leo or any other project as you can see in my 2 posts about the subject.
About Leo proposal I don't see any problem, DHF have actually a good method for each of us.
1- You don't like the proposal, don't unvote
2- You like the proposal, upvote
3- You like the proposal but you also think it's to much money, vote and unvote after some time, proposal don't need to be funded since the first day till the last.
The way DAO can be (not saying it will be) completely controled by 3 or 4, voting on proposals or either voting on proposal #0, or voting strategically on both, for me is the problem.I made 2 posts few weeks ago talking about proposal #0, you can check here


By the way, I'm glad that there still few like you, concerned with this type of things (DAO), no matter if it is Leo, return proposal or any other project/proposal. If you have time, take a good look of valueplan proposals (from far the biggest eater of DHF funds), the way valueplan manage and distribute all money and the income, or not, for the community and the Blockchain.

I read your post and blocktrades comment on that.

Now you understand why blocktrades can't vote the return proposal then everything will be unfunded. It is our job as community members to vote return proposal with smaller stake, and then vote the proposals we like above it.

With a downvote button for proposal it will be much easier. I have requested that tool.

Now you understand why blocktrades can't vote the return proposal then everything will be unfunded

Blocktrades vote and unvote on proposal #0 when he think it is convinent, according to his criteriums, like any of us.

It is our job as community members to vote return proposal with smaller stake, and then vote the proposals we like above it

That was what I've wasked in my post, but not because of Leo or any other proposal. If you think Leo don't deserve 100 but well, it deserves 10, vote until they got 10 and then unvote. If you think they deserve 0, don't vote.
If you have read all my reply, Leo is a drop of water compared to other dhf eaters that also don't show results, I'll wait to see if they can have results that fit for purpose.