Please vote Return Proposal
Why? You ask. What is return proposal? Allow me to explain.
But first let me explain what DHF is. Hive DHF is Decentralized Hive Fund. Simply this is a space or instrument where an individual or a group write up a request of funding and if the hive stakeholders vote the proposal (not the post) high enough (will explain, this is where the return proposal come in) then it gets funded. It typically receives a daily HBD (which is equivalent in value of 1 USD) payment for the length of time it remains funded.
It is a short paragraph, but there is a lot to unpack there. First, where do you find these proposals. I find them in the PeakD link here:
Alternatively, here
When you go to that peakd link of the proposal page, you will see all the proposal currently getting funded. How do you know? Scroll down until you find this proposal by @gtg
It says to the right;
This is the base return proposal. Every proposal with less votes will not receive funds.
The purpose of this return proposal is to have a wall so that just any random proposal can't get funding. This is needed because currently proposal can't be downvoted like a post. Although I have a development ticket open so that particular feature can be added. It is second from the top on this list (please would you mind giving some thumbs up there?)
Secondly, every proposal have a start and end time. It can be voted before the start time, but it is NOT funded until the start date. Obviously, it is funded till the end date.
Thirdly, funding is dynamic. Meaning, a proposal can be funded on day 1, if it is above the return proposal, due to the cumulative vote by stakeholders, but, it if it falls below the total vote barrier of return proposal, say on day 5, it is not funded. Then say on day 13, some other hive stakeholder/s come in and vote the proposal in question above the net cumulative votes of return proposal, then it is funded again.
Finally, the situation is dynamic. The Return proposal can be upvoted by any hive stakeholder who doesn't want certain proposal to be funded anytime.
Why is this important?
Recently, there is a proposal by Leofinance that caught my attention. You can go to the proposal page above and access it. It is rather detailed and well articulated as a text.
It is the proposal #269. It will go active on September 01, 2023, and will remain active from that date throughout year 2024, If Funded.
This is what it demanded.
Proposal is demanding from you to pay $495/day, every day, for 16 months or 365 + 122 =
487 days so $241,065 total, if funded, yes from you. Why from you? Because you are the owner of DHF as a stakeholder.
Let us first digest this information. Please ask yourself, if you like to pay nearly $250K to Leofinance for a marketing and onboarding proposal from HIVE DHF, which doesn't even carry Hive LOGO. They have their own name and logo. Well they are planning to change it, and asking the community what people want it do be.
The current top suggestion is BLURT :)
I can rest my case here, but I won't:)
Here are my problems with it:
- It is too expensive, unnecesssary and untimely, and will NOT deliver any of its promises
- Leo doesn't carry the banner of Hive. They even have their own token.
- There are plenty of reasons to point to them being extractors of Hive.
- Admitting what they get out of it would be a hard sell to Hive (because it's pretty underhanded and mostly extractive)
All these 4 points are not my words, but several others have said the same thing at various places.
None of the leo holders own any meaningful amount of staked hive. The fundamental premise of founding LEO community was a mini-rebellion against large hive stakeholders, and forming their own token. They have openly said that they hated hive for years.
Don't get me wrong, they have done plenty of projects, all very opportunistic. I was involved in quite a few. I thought being opportunist is perhaps good. But in the end, all those projects are doomed, and they are out of funds. Well if they are not, why do they need money from you, us?
So, now their most successful item is actually leo.voter which runs a curation service on hive. Founders do not hold any meaningful amount of hive. It is community staked and I would argue a net negative for hive.
Onboarding typically get people excited. Heaven knows some hive people salivate the moment you mention onboarding. However, paying people to get in a platform never worked for us, We have tried all these technique the proposal have mentioned before and they have all failed in the past.
This time is different?

NO. It won't be. Nice book above, by the way, you LeoFinance people. Have you read it?
Why me?
Why am I writing this? Am I a good person? I am not. I downvote people, sometimes personally. I do that because I know the persons I am downvoting are farming hive or being a net extractor of hive at the expense of YOU. Downvoting does not give me any personal benefit. It redistribute the potential rewards, which was not theirs until payout, to the reward pool.
I do it.
I am a monster. I admit it.
I protect the hive reward pool for you at no personal benefit to me. Infact, I get a whole lot of personal abuse for the last five years, including death threats and personal bodily harm to me and my family. And you think why am I so rough sometimes? Please do what I do, and then come back and tell me.
Yet, I am here. I am here everyday. For me. Not for you. Because I like doing it. I am doing it for me. I am also writing this for me.
Mind you, I am NOT asking you for money. I never have. I am financially free. I have never sold a single hive net. I have power down a handful of times, all cases to purchase some Splinterlands assets. I have no net outflow of hive from my account. I currently stake nearly 1M hive, which I purchased with my own money mostly. I have no conflict of interest.
I have never asked you for money, never will.
Leofinance proposal is asking you for money.
DO NOT give it to them. Bear market is not the time for onboarding people. They will be net extractors. The new people will have very low retention. They will be most likely needy. They will take the money and run. This is a certainty.
Please unvote their proposal if you have voted. Please vote the Return Proposal on the proposal page, below:
My biggest concern is what leofinance have done with hbd on binance smart chain. On numerous occasions in the discord server a few of us have pointed out that the team minted bHBD without backing it with native HBD. This means when someone bridges it back to hive there isn't enough HBD to support the bridge transaction. Anyone on the blockchain can see these transactions and its obvious who owns the keys to the accounts and its also obvious where the minted funds went.
Same thing goes for the Leo.voter account, the hive power rewards keep getting powered down and sometimes sold which isn't good for the hive ecosystem.
On the positive the team are trying to onboard new hive users, create more apps and I do believe they could sucessfully broaden the hive ecosystem.
For me I'll start voting for it once the hbd is returned back to the ecosystem and bhbd is fully backed by native hbd, and also when the Leo.voter rewards are not just powered down and sold.
Until then it doesn't have my vote, but I'm not a swing factor.
Hey there.
The HBD that backs bHBD is here:
It's currently on savings while we are deploying the new bridge - as you know, the current one bugs too much. If you want more info I can elaborate here or point you to a video made by Khal going into detail on this.
The Leo.voter rewards are currently buying Leo and distributing to delegators. That being said, we're working in a solution that doesn't add sell pressure to Hive (albeit it stays in the internal market even when sold for Leo) so both hive and leo benefits from this delegation payments.
If you have any more questions, I am open to answering them!
You are not a swing factor and me neither, but I believe your questions are solved and any support is key to get the proposal to a spot where posts like the one here cannot affect the outcome. So we'd very much appreciate it if you decide to approve the proposal!
Credit deserved for this, I should have done a recent check before my post, but this has only just been repaid two weeks ago. This issue was long standing for months if not a year or more. This raises questions on governance on how was it possible for this to happen in the first place. I'll do a post correcting my position.
We answered the bHBD question on so many different occasions. The arb bot we built was designed to improve liquidity for the whole system by bridging back HBD earnings to the oracle
That being said, a great smear campaign by a few ppl who I won't name spooked some of the bHBD whales who all decided to pull liquidity simultaneously. That's fine and it's in their right to pull liquidity but it didn't give the model we had of keeping some HBD on-chain and reserving some for the arb bot enough time to unravel and be responsive.
The oracle now has 200k+ HBD (and growing). bHBD is and has always been fully backed 1:1, but the smear campaign continues even though the few users who point to it probably aren't even aware there's $200k in there. The model going forward will be 1:1 on-chain HBD and the positive to that is that these smear campaigns won’t be possible but the negative is that we lose this highly profitable activity that was speeding the growth of liquidity for bHBD-BUSD LP liquidity
This is a good outcome thanks for coming around to the realisation that a wrapped coin should be backed 1:1.
Before I commented I should have checked the accounts recent activity where 2 weeks ago the hbd was repaid.
But it's not a smear campaign when users simply want transparency on where the funds are stored backing their coins, the arb bot wasn't transparent which created uncertainty, and this meant leofinance couldn't honour withdrawals.
This won't happen. Previously, Leo was paid to hive delegators via extra inflation (not exactly inflation, but the end result was the same). This extra inflation is now over, so the Leo that is paid to delegators comes from the market. Bought with the hive that gets powered down.
Most delegators of HIVE POWER to @leo.voter also just sell the LEO they get on a daily basis and buyback HIVE
On the whole, this is a net neutral for Hive but everyone seems to think they can point to it as a net negative
If you actually track what's happening, it's basically all a wash: hive rewards buy LEO to pay LEO to delegators. Delegators sell LEO to power up more HIVE.
This is good trading volume for us and for HIVE but these ppl again like to point it out as a net negative. Also consider how much value there is in our curation activities to actually support good authors and keep them on Hive. Seems they like to overlook that too
I was not even aware of this.
After their slow rugpull of CUB and PolyCUB I lost interest.
Hi there,
Many of you are following @azircon's advice and voting up the return proposal.
I would also ask that you take some time to review other proposals and decide if they have merit.
The controversy over Leofinance's large proposal has directly defunded my much more modest proposal which helps me keep running and develop my Hive/HBD bridge to the Lightning network.
Without more support I may have to consider stopping this. Much of the code for this is open source and I will release the main bridge code soon, I'm tidying it up for release. However, I am not sure anyone else has the skills and desire to run this service at the present time.
Whether or not you are upvoting the Prop 0, please take the time to look at other proposals, such as #265 and carefully consider them.
Support Proposal 265 on PeakD
Support Proposal 265 with Hivesigner
Support Proposal 265 on Ecency
Vote for Brianoflondon's Witness KeyChain or HiveSigner
Just for reference, this is the balance in Bitcoin of the node I maintain to run this service, these are all funds I've had to deploy and manage to run this. I have more than $30,000 USD on this node all of which I consider to be at risk to some degree.
Probably wrong direction
Kinda weird to attack single project by changing general rules...
Possible it's better to discuss proposals in more general approach as whole, not by singles, especially with change like that.
We all know that governance activity on blockchains is very low, it's relatively hard or even impossible to get proposal accepted without any politics, people completely don't care, people with stake often care less and need to be approached.
Here we already have much bigger problem with monopoly and even farming dhf, some people already know they can make proposal after proposal for anything and still will be voted, some of them might be not aware of farming they do, it's just opportunity you need to take. We need more diversification in proposals, more discussion about all the proposals, more chances for people who didn't farm dhf already for years, trying everything possible even leofinance. Even if they fail, we tried.
Overpricing proposals is another issue, we just need to agree it's happening and approach all the people creating proposals and have a discussion, like I already wrote above it's weird discussion with focus on single project when problem is general.
Very interesting way to tell someone they need hive logo :D
I need Hive logo too actually on my app, too bad no one told me, learning this way...
I tested it all.
I have 3-4 years old application, which is already very advanced, built for hive users not personal profit, 5-10x cheaper proposal than most of the other proposals, actually cost almost nothing compared to others, still didn't go through, seems like I need to beg whales to get it through. Most likely someone else with more hive friends will do weak copy of my application and do proposal for 10x more $ and it will be accepted first day.
Governance is hard.
The votes needed for a proposal to go through should be correlated to the HBD amount requested!
This would make small proposals possible. E.g. for a local community project to increase awareness, we would need e.g. just 100 HBD per year. Impossible to fund this, it would never go through as we don´t have the interest of the big boys. If the requirements were correlated to the request, things would look different.
Governance is hard! Agree.
Also agree governance activity is low at hive and it is hard to get funded unless you are within the know. That was the norm, but recently many other non-core proposals have been funded. The bar is rather low these days. I think community should change that. That is my opinion. Many share it. Many thinks this is a marketing proposal at bear market which never works.
You are onboarding people on hive, asking money from hive and don't have hive anywhere on your promotion?? Are you kidding me?? :)
I don't onboard people on hive, actually no one really does(opinion), onboarding people is some internal hive bs, try to list me examples of onboarding initiatives that worked... Every time someone mentions it I laugh, I guess am onboarding minimalist, I don't participate in it just trying to do my best to make life easier for hive users. This strategy might work even better, if people stop farming $ on onboarding and create more useful low cost application that will make hive simply better.
I made application for hive users, you basically need to know hive in first place when approaching my application, same for LeoFinance, Hive is so obvious and essential in this relation that I personally didn't even think about placing logo on my app(BeeSwap), but already on my list...
Still whole thing should be discussed in relation to all proposals, this post should list all the proposal and we should discuss it all. If we want ALL overpriced proposals to be cheaper, we should talk about it. Asking for increasing required proposal limit cause single proposal is pure ignorance.
Is it problem with The bar for proposals being low issue here, or there is a problem with LeoFinance proposal? Only this proposal is over priced or half of them are over priced? Humans have tendency to over simplification. It's not like you going to solve a problem here, you might just push it away, or will create another problem like increasing monopolization, and decreasing governance participation.
That "you" is not directed at you. It's the Royal you and directed at Leo.
I know what you do. I know you don't onboard people but the Leo proposal is about that and yes it is BS! None of the onboarding initiatives worked. My goodness we are in total agreement!
I said it, the problem is the Leofinance proposal is expensive, unnecessary and untimely and it will not deliver anything.
And yes there is other expensive proposals too. My post asks community to vote on return proposals which is about raising the bar for all proposals. Then each proposal maker will have to lobby individually to get funded.
So you understand that you attack my not even voted in cheap proposal by attacking this single proposal, trying to create rules that will make it harder to everyone to get voted with quite an ignorance towards everything wrong that is already voted.
I don’t even know if you have a proposal.
It is your job to let me know that.
If you have a proposal you are asking for money. You have to convince me. I am the consumer and I get to do whatever I want and I don’t even have to explain :)
This is the reality my friend. Warm up to it.
It's there for 150 days not that hard to find, there is only 20-30 proposals ? Somehow you found leo proposal and are against it, same way you can find mine and be for it or against it. It is quite simple, you can vote all of them if you want.
I know that I can pay you or others, or convince you many other ways, quite bad if it's all based on convincing not matter itself. I guess we all have some experience with real life governments. We know systems like that have tendency towards corruption.
We can assume more people who could decide wait for some "convincing" one way or another, maybe it's already long term relation like: "You convince me, I convince You" and everything else matter less, and this way reached these ignorance levels.
Once again, am just pointing out that it is completely wrong to discuss governance topic like that cause single project, there is much more happening, it's bit more complicated, there is much more to fix, ignorance might be one of the first thing to work on if you want improve hive governance.
This is a less than ideal result of having the ability to vote on as many proposals as you want. I think the ability to express negation on proposals themselves would be better.
As for setting the bar:
There are 168 Million Hive staked as HP. Of this, only ~24 million vote for the return proposal representing about 14%.
14% is not a sufficiently high enough bar. Especially when the other 86% have to share the outcome.
how much of staked HP participate in proposals governance? all ?
Seems like in your opinion it's too easy to be funded and there is more proposals to deny.
Which proposals should not be funded in your opinion? Where we should move The bar?
It’s a sliding scale. It will be net effect when a lot more common people will vote for return proposal. Now hardly anyone knows it exist.
My opinion will be different from yours. If you want to sway my opinion and if you have a proposal you want funding you need to lobby for it and convince me or other individuals.
Can't answer the question? You want to move The bar here! not me Where it should be moved? Which projects should be declined ? Is it only LeoFinance proposal you are against and you took completely wrong approach and can't answer simple question about topic you started.
There is something wrong with approach, mentioned it in first comment. Communication is important, I don't think we need to vote return proposal and change it for all proposals cause this proposal is over priced or wrong, we should talk about it, and show creators better way, point mistakes, it's not a problem to add hive logo to webpage...
I already know that lobbying is more important than proposal, I knew this before making proposal, it's still very cool experiment and proof for people who were trying to convince me it works properly. Like I already said, someone will make weak copy of my application and take 10x more $ from fund, and people will not realize as awareness is super low, people don't even know how this return thing works, some people still locked in proxy after justin sun event.
If there is something else I can do to improve my application just tell me. Don't tell my governance lobbying is more important than my application, cause that's a proof of broken system.
Return proposal was much higher before, so I guess someone stopped voting it, maybe it was to push some crap proposals over The bar or maybe someone realized it stops any development as governance activity is super low. Can't fight with low activity in governance by increasing required limits...
Sure can. Watch me :)
Its one of the few proposals I have voted with lots of uncertainty. The only reason I decided to do so is because khal promised he will return the money if they fail to deliver. Of course this is internet so... And if I was to take a bet, they will fail to deliver so I guess I shouldn't be voting for it
Seeing how a large chunk of the users that receive those votes dump both hive and leo, I can't disagree with that.
Supposedly ad buy backs could fix that and turn it into a positive and they are coming "soon". Last eta was December 2022 and it keeps getting postponed so I wouldn't hold my breath.
At least they do a decent work on the front end these days and they have onboarded a good chunk of hive users on threads + no more shitty tokens, so there's that.
We agree on most things :)
I think your comment on the rebranding post was divine! :)
You pay people to onboard during global recession? Of course you will get people. Needy people. They will take your money and run. There will be no retention and complete waste of funds
I've been around for quite some time and have had quite some requests from people wanting to promote their proposal, but this is the first time I read something about this return proposal.
And if you hadn't explained it I still wouldn't have known it.
I think it would be good if there attention for the things users must fo to keep Hive healthy.
The importance of voting for witnesses is another one of those things I discovered a long time after becoming active on Hive.
Thanks for sharing!
Clearly as a stakeholder we don’t do a good job. We assume people know but they don’t. Fault in communication is ours, not yours. But better late than never
I didn't mean to blame anyone. It was just an observation. And I'm a stakeholder too. A much smaller one, but I am one.
What I missed when I joined Hive was a FAQ, instructions or guidelines about how it works.
I've found the info along the way by following the right persons and asking a lot in the discord channels, but how do new users het the info about what they should do?
There is just so much you have to learn when you register on Hive; keys, resource credits, Hive Power, HBD, the different interfaces...
I did find a great beginners tutorial ( but again new users do have to find that.
It would be good if there was a guide (not a post) that contains all the objective info about Hive where everyone can refer to. Maybe something like a wiki page.
And then find a way to present this guide to everyone who logs in for the first time from every possible interface... That might be a thing 😀
We could start a proposal for setting this up 😉
You did find probably the best onboarding document. We have materials but they are scattered everywhere and there is no easy way to find it. That's the problem.
I like the idea of the Leoglossary. But that one is focussed on financial terminology.
A central Hive Glossary would be nice. And that all interfaces would have a link to that (that might be a difficult one). But that way you get more unity...
It's just an idea...
Please help enlighten me on like a few counter arguments. I state this with full respect.
If leofinance won’t be pushing thru with this, who will give efforts to onboard new users? I believe they are in prime position given the size of the community and their growth and track record.
I believe that similar to the infancy of the internet, hive is too big to understand by a casual user like myself. It would be nice to have an app that would serve as gateway into the world of hive. Same with like what khal said For the internet it was email. For me, my gateway into hive was splinterlands.
Khal said if this fails he would personally provide a full refund of everything. That entire full amount of more than 200k will be given back by him using his own money. So i don’t really understand the risk. I might be missing something out.
The fund they want will be used for marketing and not developing the app itself. They would be paying soc med influencers to get the word out.
Splinterlands as a gateway is a much better path.
Let the proposal go unfunded and let him fund it. He is rich :)
Social media influeners do not onboard anyone permanently. It is expensive and very low retention. We have tried this with Splinterlands, and failed. So believe me we know!
Thank you so much for addressing each and every point. I find your statements very informative and explains the other side of the coin clearly. There’s a lot i still dont know and would need to study further. I appreciate the exchanges that you and leo team do here as it allows us to make an informed decision.
You can also check my full response here fren
I will do that sir. I just woke up. But ill find time to read. Thank you.
The return proposal sounds like an essential tool to safeguard from DAO draining, it's weird that it still hasn't been in placement!
It is in placement Amor. Please go and vote on it at the proposals page on peakd
Yeah, voted just now. I'm a bit confused that it's still a proposal.
it is a constant proposal by design. That's the way it is. I wish we have a better way, but there is none.
You actually must go to this link
Find the return proposal and vote is there.
It was before Leo proposal, my concerns about return proposal is not about Leo or any other project as you can see in my 2 posts about the subject.
About Leo proposal I don't see any problem, DHF have actually a good method for each of us.
1- You don't like the proposal, don't unvote
2- You like the proposal, upvote
3- You like the proposal but you also think it's to much money, vote and unvote after some time, proposal don't need to be funded since the first day till the last.
The way DAO can be (not saying it will be) completely controled by 3 or 4, voting on proposals or either voting on proposal #0, or voting strategically on both, for me is the problem.I made 2 posts few weeks ago talking about proposal #0, you can check here
By the way, I'm glad that there still few like you, concerned with this type of things (DAO), no matter if it is Leo, return proposal or any other project/proposal. If you have time, take a good look of valueplan proposals (from far the biggest eater of DHF funds), the way valueplan manage and distribute all money and the income, or not, for the community and the Blockchain.
I read your post and blocktrades comment on that.
Now you understand why blocktrades can't vote the return proposal then everything will be unfunded. It is our job as community members to vote return proposal with smaller stake, and then vote the proposals we like above it.
With a downvote button for proposal it will be much easier. I have requested that tool.
Blocktrades vote and unvote on proposal #0 when he think it is convinent, according to his criteriums, like any of us.
That was what I've wasked in my post, but not because of Leo or any other proposal. If you think Leo don't deserve 100 but well, it deserves 10, vote until they got 10 and then unvote. If you think they deserve 0, don't vote.
If you have read all my reply, Leo is a drop of water compared to other dhf eaters that also don't show results, I'll wait to see if they can have results that fit for purpose.
Wow, getting in the proposal page left me in awe. Many projects ask for lots of money DAILY. I personally am just a content creator but common sense strikes me hard when it comes to having guarantees. Living in a country corrupted at it's core does that to people.
I don't believe my vote would do much diference, but yes, let's protect the pool or eventually will dilute into nothing.
Alternately, I would like to know the criteria you use for downvoting. Maybe it's harder when it comes to writed content, because normally, fresh people coming to hive require experience to learn how to make a proper post and by doing well they are rewarded so the issue kind of solves on itself. So what kind of posts do you downvote? Perhaps I can help too.
Awareness is important. You were not aware of this and now you are. That is the step in the right direction.
Don't worry about downvote now. I typically don't ask anyone to downvote. It is an occuputation hazard, and I do not want it on anyone else. Thank you for visiting.
Vote done sir!
Oh boy! Don't you troll me now!
I mean to be fair, when users sign up on leofinance they are making a Hive account. So I think some of that will trickle to the bigger Hive ecosystem at large. Although I agree that I am not sure how effective it will be; I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt for now
Yes. Feel free because Leo haven’t broken your trust yet. They will soon enough.
Why do you think they are rebranding? Because they have tarnished their brand :)
I heavily criticized their p cub project. This was one of the worst ones in the crypto space in terms of performance (I don't think the team themselves rug pulled it). The rebranding makes sense to me since leofinance is way too niche. Short form content should be marketed to everyone.
Both CUB and pCUB is a slow rugpull. So many people lost so much money. Only Khal made money from it. I am so surprised that Leo Community still trusts him. Why? I don't need an answer.
I don't trust him with my money. He is not getting anymore money from me.
Voted on it. A great step towards Hive Safety. Also, there should be a downvote button like we see in Splinterlands proposals.
I encourage you to read my reply to this post and make a decision afterwards. Thanks for getting involved in governance, we need more people like you no matter the votes or the hive power.
The button next to return proposal should be orange (when you use PeakD) for most stakeholders.
Voted !!!
All done!

Lol which one did you vote? I hope you voted the return proposal
I hope so too, lol! I'm not sure which one I voted as I'm pretty noob on that side of the blockchain haha
This is the Return Proposal
, scroll down the page.
Alright, fixed!

Here's my response to this post, he muted it here to avoid people seeing it, but you can read it here
Your dedication to safeguarding the Hive reward pool is commendable.
It is very important to vote the return proposal to have a say in the hive DAO, otherwise only a very small minority is required to pass Hive proposals (currently about 12% of staked HP only), in the past a single big account could approve all proposals.
I fully agree.
I made a counter suggestion to BLURT...
W3X ... pronounced wex.
Web 3 X - a vision for the future of leothreads.
W3X . Com is available. It's short and catchy. Feels like something that would be on Hive. Web3 X ... I love it.
Vote proposal #269. We all want more users and we also need all the marketing possible. Someone is trying to make things better at #HIVE but some lazy ass whales hate hardworking bees who want to make things better.
but some lazy ass whales hate hardworking bees