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RE: Bad start | Good end

in OCD3 years ago

hey you!
I'm putting this comment on an old post since its unlikely that anyone but you will read it LOL

sorry i've been absent - went on my little impromptu adventure to go visit my parents - and literally walked into a covid hotbed. My parents told me they were sick when we were making the transfer to the second plane on our way to their house - so... no going back then. but they had no idea it was covid until our last day there. But by then - we had been all in the same space, parents coughing all over the place..etc LOL

Both my daughter and I have had covid before (back in Feb 2020) so I knew if we got exposed this time, it would be fast and furious. My daughter accidentally drank from a water bottle that she thought was hers - and was my dads- on day 2 of our little adventure. Before she even got one symptom - she just blasted her body with all kind of vitamins, quercitin, immune boosters, apple cider vinegar... you name it. she took it hahaha I think that is what spared her - because drinking off my dad's water bottle was pretty much a surefire way to get it.

i didn't take anything for 2 days and that was at the first sign of a tickle in the back of my throat.

As soon as we touched down back home, I got in the car, and fell right to sleep. woke up with aches and pains and a fever - went right to bed, woke up feeling all the covid symptoms and knew i had it.

went down the mountain to go to my doctor's office and get all the meds - and that was just a day from hell. I mean - it never surprises me how they treat people. as if only their time matters. you have to make appointmetns for exact time and if you're not there when they call you - they'll skip you. but you have to wait HOURS on their schedule. and if i told you exactly how many hours we had to wait in exactly how many places - your head would roll. just an insane amount of time... but... at least i'm home now - with meds - and already feeling on the mend.

First bout with covid was weeks of pain. it was awful. like a truck hit me, and my lungs were on fire, and then filling with liquid and drowning. ugh... terrible.

but this time (just got my test results and they are positive for covid. of course, i didn't expect anything less) due to my antibodies from first time, meds, vitamins, etc - this is about hour 48 and I feel almost completely healed. which is incredible. Thank God for natural antibodies!!!!

Anyway - I meant to do your weekend fun! hehehe but now i'm so far behind on everything I think I better just clear the slate and start fresh for today. but i'll tell you - if i could teleport... it would be probably one year ago today with all the knowledge I have now taken back with me hehehehe I would know just what to avoid, and what to run to! hehehe would be quite a new life! hehehe lots of fun! hehehe i hope you're doing ok! :)


oh - and @galenkp ... adding onto the comment above - my daughter got her test back yesterday - she is negative :) so hooray for her youth, and immunity, and fast thinking!!! :)

Oh no!

I wondered where you had gotten to but figured you'd just been busy. I never expected this.

Obviously you're feeling better but twice? Come on covid! WTF.

I'm sorry you're not feeling well and hope you improve exponentially. How odd that your daughter is clear despite the same level of exposure.

Your doctor's visit debacle sounds about right but certainly worse than around here. We still wait on them though, I think my longest was about 45 minutes. The world is breaking down, failing. It's so fundamentally changed and will get worse. I said to someone only a few days ago, it's fast becoming a world I don't fit in.

Anyway, I hope you continue to improve. I've not had covid but as a diabetic I assume it wouldn't go so well for me. I'm not vaccinated either, not sure I trust that.

Thanks for letting me know and don't worry at all about the weekend-engagement topic, there's a mother this week so you can catch up if you like.

Take it easy and look after yourself.
