Bad start | Good end

in OCD3 years ago


Once you put everything in the right perspective, even bad times can be an opportunity to refresh your appetite, your desire.

Alex Zanardi

My day began normally, I woke up, but it spiralled out of control pretty quickly beginning with something I read quite early. Over the day I allowed that thing to poke at me [I was really quite mad about it] and before I knew it that one little thing had undermined my entire morning.

Come on G-dog, you know better than that, I thought just before 11:00 and decided to take control, treat that little thing as the poison it was, and cowboy up!

I saddled up the Big Dog, my 4x4, and headed over to the café I frequent daily for some food - I'd only had a cup of coffee for breakfast and was ravenous. I ordered, sat and plugged in my headset for some tunes; no work, no phone calls, no hive. Just tunes.

I hit random on my liked playlist and this track began playing; it's a beautiful and very passionate track and I'll admit I had a small crush on Amy Lee back in the day. Great song...But not mood-appropriate.

I heard it out though, I have a personality quirk that compels me not to cut tracks short, and swiped a few times to see what else might pop up and the start of something good began to play...I settled back, closed my eyes and let it wash over me, through me, taking with it the poison; cleansing my mind and soul. I drifted away with the music. Content.

My breakfast/lunch, I call it lunchfast, arrived and whilst it was simple it was very tasty, like me. [I mean I'm simple, not tasty.] It was a home made, thick cut, buttered rye toast topped with scrambled eggs, cheese, feta cheese and red chili. The green stuff is rocket, [arugula] which quickly got flicked over to the side. Coffee happened too.

As I ate I watched the video of the track I'd just listened to finding myself lost in thoughts of brunettes in summer dresses and cowgirl boots, open fields and spring days. You'll have to watch the video to know what I'm getting at. It was a nice moment that reset my day, sort of putting things into perspective. Thanks Daughtry, and eggs.

My day seemed a little easier from then, the blockage of that earlier thing had been dealt with, and faded away to the nothing it really was and I was back in the flow; feeling good.

I had a phone call with a close friend for a couple hours after work which basically brought about the most awesome end to the day and now...Well, now I'm working on my new posting contest due for release on Tuesday 7th September.

So...Perspective...It has an incredible ability to bump us back towards the direction we should be going, or desire to go, and can smooth out the bumps; sure they're still there, but they impact upon us less allowing us to turn a bad start into a good end.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209


We owe it to ourselves to be happy. Our happiness basically lays in our hands.

It's a good thing that your day ended on a good note.

Great post.

Posted via

I agree,there's little point in wallowing in the negatives; best to find a way/reason to turn it all around.

Thanks for your comments.

My pleasure.

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There are very few things that I miss due to working from home, versus working at the office.

One is ... If I'm having a bad start to my day, I miss the ability to go tap a co-worker/friend on the shoulder and then we take a 20 minute break, head down to the cafeteria, order from the "made to order" counter, then sit down to a simple meal (very similar to what you show above - but usually with a slice or two of bacon) and vent about whatever it is that's troubling me.

It's amazing how good a simple "refresh" is to your spirits and productivity.

Yep, it's that little reset that can make all the difference to productivity. I tend to work from the cafe for a few hours a day but it never feels like work.

First time I've ever heard of lunchfast - haha - we call it brunch. looks seriously delicious

Hi Lee, we call it brunch too. The first time I head of lunchfast was when I made up the word for my post yesterday.

Haha - it's a good made-up word on the spur of the moment

Just a bit of fun. I have a tendency to be far too serious in real life so here I relax a little. 😉

It's good to be creative - gives us our happiest moments in life..

A good meal can often change your perspective on the day! Speaking of which, it's almost noon and I haven't eaten yet. Time for Lunchfast for me! 😁

Agreed, the food, the time spent for used on it, thankful for it...A good reset.

I hope your lunchfast was pleasing. 😁

It was good... I have some deliciously heavy, seeded bakery bread that needs to be used so I made a grilled cheese sandwich with some sharp cheddar, some tomatoes and onions. It was quite delicious. Oh and I had some homemade salsa and a few tortilla chips. A delicious Lunchfast. Love your word.

I'd say that was a pretty legit lunchfast indeed! mine was good but I like the home-made aspect of yours. I might do a grilled cheese sandwich lunchfast tomorrow (Saturday). You inspired me.

Also, let's hope for some more on-track action this weekend right? And...Good to see Kimi making way for someone else to take the seat. He had a good career.

I had not heard Kimi was done. I've been so busy with hosting the Ladies of Hive contest on top of the Shadow Contest that I suspect I've missed a lot this week. It will be fun to see someone new on track. I'm excited for the weekend! My son and fam will be here, so I will have someone to cheer with!

He and Alfa Romeo announced it this week. A strong career and I'm sure he'll move on to something just as rewarding.

Good you've got some company for the race weekend. Let's hope the McBoys get a good result.

It's amazing/annoying how something small and stupid and really not that important in the grand scheme can sit there and niggle and nag forever and destroy an indeterminate time period if you let it isn't it XD

Glad your day got better :)

I agree...It's not even the fault of the thing, or person who caused the thing...One only has oneself to blame, hence my reset and redeploy.

To blame or not to blame 😄...What about instead of blaming accepting our emotions. Assigning blame to ourselves is not the way for us, only through acceptance can we let go and grow. And at the same time, acceptance of our emotions paves the way to more empathy. Also for ourselves, who likes to be blamed all the time?...Lol Amen 😄

Hey Anna, always good to gets comment from you.

I've got nothing to add to your comment as it stands alone so will just say happy weekend!. I hope all is well with you and Jose! 😁

Woop Woop.!!

B D J in Da House.!!

Or would we say...

Bark Bark..?

😂 I'm really good in giving advice and sharing my wisdom...if only it would work for myself lol...

Nice reset. But I got no quirks. OK a shit ton of em. But not That one.

I would have quickly switched to this one...

Going Under

You see the mystical OCD that we all have to one degree or another is justified if you nuke one but reset to the same artist. At least in my weird world of quirkisms...


For Me it would have been...




Ah yes, Amy Lee...Might have had massive crush on that girl.

Never really √'d her out.

Looks like I missed something good. Cuz I am lookin' now, droolin' and thinkin' humminahumminahummina


Lol @ humminahummina...

Evanescence... mmmmm I love that song. sung sooooo beautifully painful, simple and raw!!

I've never seen that video! For some reason, I had another video in my mind for that song hahhaha

Daughtry - he has grown so much from American Idol hahaha - but he was incredible on there too!

So - my husband noticed something that I never did.

Whenever I'm in one of those "can't shake it" moods where the noise in my head won't quiet and leave me any peace...

He turns on country music. Like 90's country. early 2000's. And like magic, I start singing, then start belting, then start feeling music soothing the savage beast! hehehe

so very nice choice to let music pull you into a new diretion! I've never heard that Daughtry song - but that is a feel good song if I ever heard one! hehehe

"design and create your ideal life"

Amen brotha.

Too many people let fear (or reluctance to leave the predictable) prevent them from taking the steps to rewrite the script.

but it is all about taking ownership back of our lives and convincing ourselves that we are worth every chance!

Probably 60% of what I listen to is country music. Not the really old stuff though. It find it more real than most music and I certainly can't listen to most of the manufactured rubbish created these days. (I never listen to the radio, just can't do it.)

You see that line I end all my posts with? That's my life-motto/ethos. I live by it. Works.

it absolutely works - that's really what "dreem" actually means.

It's taking your dreams from the clouds - and bringing them to the earth with feet and vision and a plan :)

I also live by that mentality.

I don't listen to the radio either - don't have tv. I don't listen to the really old country either (not like Cash or Hank) I always had a thing against country growing up.. because all my friends said it wasn't "cool" hehehe

one day - I heard an amazing song while waiting for my order at a restaurant.

the next week - i kept listening to the radio (back in 90s hahahaha) trying to find THAT song.

It took me a while to find it -though I eventually did. BUT... in the meantime, I could not believe how many AMAZING songwriters and PHENOMENAL harmonies and musicianship I was hearing.

I was sold. Here I was - a singer for years - and completey limiting my scope!!! and I normally sang alto - so HARMONIES. come on hahaha is there any better genre for harmonies than country!!?!

and i agree - it is so REAL. the lyrics take you on a journey with heart!

You're a legit singer and it's pretty clear to see you're passionate about it just by watching you sing. Hive needs more real personalities like you; you know, kooky and crazy and flawed and fallible...Human.

I very much appreciate that.

I work hard to not just pursue my drEEms, but to provide opportunities to do the same for others who are just as passionate and willing to take those steps.

and i'm very human hehehe and love to share that with people so that they can feel comfortable in their humanity too

but i am very much a dreemer too. hehehe and love to share that with people so that they can link arms and move intentionally (together)


All you say here...I feel the same and I find a nice outlet here on Hive. Also the ability to help a few who want to help themselves.

i'm glad to have connected with you!

sometimes, we get a little isolated here. and it feels like lately - some very key things are happening at the same time, supporting the true growth of Hive, and I really feel like it's a good time to be here. you know?

i have such plans for this coming year (my year goes from birthday to birthday hehe) so - 11 months and 1 week from now, I hope to have made those dreems true! hehehe

what about you? what are you goals for this coming year?

It is amazing that someone can ruin your morning just as easily as someone else can make it, with the same amount of words or less.

Removing yourself from the situation, good food, calm mood music... Oh, yeah. That can certainly change gears for you.

It's a power we all have,the zap or sap thing. I guess though, it's up to us to not permit other people's rubbish to affect us. Difficult not to at times though. I was pleased with the way out it in its place and moved forward.

Its always amazing to see such an about face, yes.

You've done it, same sort of thing? I'm sure you must have.

Of sorts. Yes. The lifting of ones soul.

hey you!
I'm putting this comment on an old post since its unlikely that anyone but you will read it LOL

sorry i've been absent - went on my little impromptu adventure to go visit my parents - and literally walked into a covid hotbed. My parents told me they were sick when we were making the transfer to the second plane on our way to their house - so... no going back then. but they had no idea it was covid until our last day there. But by then - we had been all in the same space, parents coughing all over the place..etc LOL

Both my daughter and I have had covid before (back in Feb 2020) so I knew if we got exposed this time, it would be fast and furious. My daughter accidentally drank from a water bottle that she thought was hers - and was my dads- on day 2 of our little adventure. Before she even got one symptom - she just blasted her body with all kind of vitamins, quercitin, immune boosters, apple cider vinegar... you name it. she took it hahaha I think that is what spared her - because drinking off my dad's water bottle was pretty much a surefire way to get it.

i didn't take anything for 2 days and that was at the first sign of a tickle in the back of my throat.

As soon as we touched down back home, I got in the car, and fell right to sleep. woke up with aches and pains and a fever - went right to bed, woke up feeling all the covid symptoms and knew i had it.

went down the mountain to go to my doctor's office and get all the meds - and that was just a day from hell. I mean - it never surprises me how they treat people. as if only their time matters. you have to make appointmetns for exact time and if you're not there when they call you - they'll skip you. but you have to wait HOURS on their schedule. and if i told you exactly how many hours we had to wait in exactly how many places - your head would roll. just an insane amount of time... but... at least i'm home now - with meds - and already feeling on the mend.

First bout with covid was weeks of pain. it was awful. like a truck hit me, and my lungs were on fire, and then filling with liquid and drowning. ugh... terrible.

but this time (just got my test results and they are positive for covid. of course, i didn't expect anything less) due to my antibodies from first time, meds, vitamins, etc - this is about hour 48 and I feel almost completely healed. which is incredible. Thank God for natural antibodies!!!!

Anyway - I meant to do your weekend fun! hehehe but now i'm so far behind on everything I think I better just clear the slate and start fresh for today. but i'll tell you - if i could teleport... it would be probably one year ago today with all the knowledge I have now taken back with me hehehehe I would know just what to avoid, and what to run to! hehehe would be quite a new life! hehehe lots of fun! hehehe i hope you're doing ok! :)

oh - and @galenkp ... adding onto the comment above - my daughter got her test back yesterday - she is negative :) so hooray for her youth, and immunity, and fast thinking!!! :)

Oh no!

I wondered where you had gotten to but figured you'd just been busy. I never expected this.

Obviously you're feeling better but twice? Come on covid! WTF.

I'm sorry you're not feeling well and hope you improve exponentially. How odd that your daughter is clear despite the same level of exposure.

Your doctor's visit debacle sounds about right but certainly worse than around here. We still wait on them though, I think my longest was about 45 minutes. The world is breaking down, failing. It's so fundamentally changed and will get worse. I said to someone only a few days ago, it's fast becoming a world I don't fit in.

Anyway, I hope you continue to improve. I've not had covid but as a diabetic I assume it wouldn't go so well for me. I'm not vaccinated either, not sure I trust that.

Thanks for letting me know and don't worry at all about the weekend-engagement topic, there's a mother this week so you can catch up if you like.

Take it easy and look after yourself.


delicious and delicious food

Yes, it was pretty legit.