
Agreed, the food, the time spent for used on it, thankful for it...A good reset.

I hope your lunchfast was pleasing. 😁

It was good... I have some deliciously heavy, seeded bakery bread that needs to be used so I made a grilled cheese sandwich with some sharp cheddar, some tomatoes and onions. It was quite delicious. Oh and I had some homemade salsa and a few tortilla chips. A delicious Lunchfast. Love your word.

I'd say that was a pretty legit lunchfast indeed! mine was good but I like the home-made aspect of yours. I might do a grilled cheese sandwich lunchfast tomorrow (Saturday). You inspired me.

Also, let's hope for some more on-track action this weekend right? And...Good to see Kimi making way for someone else to take the seat. He had a good career.

I had not heard Kimi was done. I've been so busy with hosting the Ladies of Hive contest on top of the Shadow Contest that I suspect I've missed a lot this week. It will be fun to see someone new on track. I'm excited for the weekend! My son and fam will be here, so I will have someone to cheer with!

He and Alfa Romeo announced it this week. A strong career and I'm sure he'll move on to something just as rewarding.

Good you've got some company for the race weekend. Let's hope the McBoys get a good result.