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RE: Burning The Midnight Lard

in OCD3 years ago

"Shut the front door!"

I shopped for a while. The rack is amazing and seriously helps with condensing what's space you need to work out in. My 7ft bar is hard to see, but that bar hanger is also amazing. I'm in Utah and I kept having horror thoughts of that bar sitting horizontal on the rack and a big earthquake hitting (we are due for it here) and that bar just getting shot right at my head. The couch is just to the left of this a bit.

I'm not that big, I am probably around 154lbs. I'm on vacation ATM and so, probably some vacation pounds have been added!!😂😂 It's now just dawned on my why they don't have a scale in the bathroom at the hotel here. Lolol


Seems like you have a decent set up and know how to use it. With all those weights you do, if there's an earthquake I'd expect you to go and hold that fault line together with your brute strength.

Vacation pounds can be lost by doing more housework and not sitting on that damned couch. 😉

Have a a great vacation and make sure you work those legs.

Thank you sir, you have a great rest of your weekend!