Okay, fuck it - I am going to go back to the gym.
I am tired of being a lardass and feeling like my arms, legs, shoulders, knees, feet and head belong to someone else - someone who likes to only eat trash and sit around on the computer doing fuckall. I despise that person, I am surrounded by that person and it annoys me that I am now one of those people. Everyone chooses their path as to whether they will improve or not and I am failing to meet my own path, knowingly.
Don't get me wrong - I am also nowhere near as lardy as the average lardass, but I am too lardy for my own feeling of wellbeing and that all that matters. I don't think comparing myself to the people around me really helps, other than reminding me that I am quickly regressing to the population average of being physically useless.
Well, that is not entirely true - the average is useless but there is a growing minority of people who are insanely healthy and getting more so. The out-of-shape tech geek profile is no longer the case, as at least for the people who are at the top, they are not. The CEO and almost entire management team of the IT company I work for are fitness fanatics, running marathons, padel, gym, martial arts... I now look like one of the plebs that has retired my body to life on the couch.
I am now a member of the P.U.R.E movement - Physically Unfit, Retired Early.
But I am going to have to come out of retirement, because I don't want to be one of those fathers that can't play with their kid when they are ten years of age - that is only five years away and I will be nearing fifty. I m quite sure, fifty sucks more than forty.
You Only Live Once!
Drink, smoke, be merry! Eat all the shit you want. play games in front of the screen. Netflix and chill!
Just don't remind yourself that you will probably live twenty years past your retirement and have to spend the majority of your life struggling to walk stairs, out of breath, in pain, unhealthy, feeling like shit.
Rather than a fine wine, I feel more like a carton of milk left out in the sun. And seriously, I am not even in that bad shape, considering. I have no idea how people feel in their own skin, but I feel terrible. I can't imagine (partly because of the stroke 😂) how I would feel if I was ten, twenty or thirty kilos heavier. I am around 86 now, which is the heaviest I have ever been, but I know quite a few who are around my height but have 20+ on me. I know a few who have -15 too - and they seem to have better lives.
This is not about looks, since I really don't are that much, it is about quality of life. If I am not willing to improve my own physical quality of life, I am probably not going to be the kind of person to improve much else. Or at least, I will be less effective at improving, since I will have to spend more time and energy on dealing with health issues or like the current situation - far less motivated to do anything.
I think that this is partly why the modern manager is generally fit, as it gives the energy needed to get through the mount of work they do. I remember hearing that the highest paid in companies work something like 20% more hours than the average worker. Sure, they get paid more too - but that is only part of the equation - being able to do the work is half the battle and, most can't.
Yeah, I still work quite a few hours, but the more out of shape I become, the harder it is to maintain pace and quality. So, if I did have the opportunity to retire early and do what I wanted - my physical condition would limit my choice anyway - not ideal. Work for more options, be limited by lardassiness.
There is of course some level of "diminishing returns" in regard to fitness, with some people taking it to an extreme for no real gain, but the early return on improvement is enormous and no matter how bad our current condition, we could all feel quite a lot better that we do now. Well, I speak for myself.
I could feel quite a lot better if I got off my lardass and got myself to the gym, which for me, is the hardest part about working out - getting there. It is literally only a kilometer away and I drive past it a couple times a day. No excuse really.
People seem to get upset when the ideas of fitness come up. In fact, I was talking to a colleague the other day who has started losing her pregnancy weight and how because of this, one of her friends chastised her as not being "body positive" - Body positive seems to be defined as people who are happy being out of shape and feeling like crap - which is not really a very positive message for anyone with a body. If you are happy feeling physically crap, best of luck to you - but don't make it seem like that is how it should be for everyone.
If I feel like a lardass and want to feel better - that is my choice.
If you are happy being a lardass - that is yours.
I am not happy in my own skin - it feels like someone else's. So, it is time to V-off and tear off the lizard to become the human beneath. Does anyone get that reference?
Anyways - soon my daughter's birthday party for her friends will start,
and there are cakes to be eaten.
It's a special occasion. Like every day.
[ Gen1: Hive ]
Lost 13 kg during the Pandemic by finetuning the way/what I eat, some supplements, and small walks around the block. Now that's 'done' I've reached a new threshold I need to break through, just walks and a few squats around the house won't get me there (but still mindblown it DID get me to that -13 kg!).
So I too have joined a gym, just last week I signed up after a few weeks of trial :D For me the main focus i:s less weight on the damaged foot = more steps without too much pain. At least, that's my thinking, and the first weight loss seem to indicate I can have somewhat longer walks with somewhat less severe recovery days. Who knows where this journey will get me.
Next time we meet in Amsterdam we'll be the hottest people walking around, I promise you that :D Cheers and good luck!
13kg! wow - congrats! It must be a fair bit easier on your foot.
How have you managed with the squats, has it been okay?
Deal - we can set up booth in the redlight district! ;D
Yes, it is, and that's not just from the weight loss but also the inflammation around the foot and other joints that's now gone :-) So I don't wake up with pain at all anymore which of course is a huge win :D
Yes, as long as I don't do lunges or jumps but use the foot in standing position I seem to do fine :-)
Let's see who can buy the most HIVE with their earnings after one night behind a red light window! :P
Hey! Congrats on all your work, how amazing you don't wake up in pain anymore! Thats huge! I don't know if this might help but if your foot is an issue would a static bike work well for you in the gym?! Just a thought?!!!
Lol I just moved from steemit to Hive, this is the first post I’ve read and I have to say this is the the most eloquent and funny self deprecation post I’ve seen. ‘Twas like something from a book lol great writing.
Welcome to a proper blockchain community! :)
Thank you.
Great piece as usual. It's fine that you're aware of how unfit you are presently and want to take steps to change that.
Also don't get me started on those who want to guilt trip others into being lazy, all body positivity and stuff, I mean by all means I'm all for body positivity yo ( love yourself and try to improve yourself too), just don't criticize me for not wanting to be too relaxed with my fitness and health.
PS: Happy Birthday to your daughter, hope y'all have a great party. Lay off those cakes If you can 😉😅, we are talking healthy eating and living here.😌😌
I always find it amusing when people who most of the time complain about how they feel, tell others to be more like them :D
I didn't eat too much cake!
I always had the mentality of All or Nothing while working out, and I must say that that was the reason, I would get burned out and made me not want to exercise sometimes because of that. Plus it is so much harder to find the time when you think of a full/hard workout.
But just recently I have learned that that is so not true and that Something is so much better than Nothing and so now I have no problem exercising 5 times a week, or 6 and I really enjoy it because even if I do my 20 min hard workout, that is better than nothing.
yeah, the on or off approach kills many fast - it is too hard to maintain motivation for most.
I I am not sure if I will be boxjumping 140cm again, but who knows, perhaps I might be able to jump again. :D
Have a great workout!
Health is most priotised word we should always remember but in our daily life we sometimes ignore or skip fitness related task. i was also had lot weight like 110 kgs and my Doctor prescribed me to walk in the park but i was such lazy wake up early in the morning ,could not manage doing walking everyday and one day bought Tradmill which helped me little but i am still 106 kgs. one of my friend suggested me practicing Yoga and pranayama as i also had to heal my mental stress. Its miracle ,am getting much better physically and mentally. Please never ignore your fitness in your daily life if how busy you are.
I am pretty short, so 85 for me is far too heavy - But I am also quite muscly, so not sure how much the percentage really is. still too much fat for sure though.
I think that once you start down the path and see results, it is easier to continue further for more results, as well as improve other areas, like diet.
Happy birthday to your daughter 🎈
I've been trying since last year to put on weight, just 10kg. I weigh 50 at the moment and my clothes don't quite fit like I'd want them to.
Everyone should be able to feel comfortable in their own skin.
I reckon that being slim doesn't equate being fit.
Had a group work out some months ago and I was panting so hard and someone pointed it out to me, the need to be fit, aside just the weight.
being thin can mean "skinny fat" too - which isn't healthy. My wife is just over 40kg (very short too) but she would probably feel better a couple kilos heavier, if it was muscle. She hates the gym.
Hey! try to test novelty exercises and new daring stuff bro. So you won't get bored too soon.
Not going to be that it occurs to you to quit the drubbing before you get totally fit as you wish. };)
I don't get bored working out, unless running.
Yeah, you don't have to run or lift weights at all to stay in shape.
Just focus on hanging yourself from the walls and cornices of high buildings, towers and bridges in your surroundings, and use any beam, tube, stick that you find on the way as pull-up bars while you majestically ventilate your body in the void. ;)
After all, remember that you have a fair amount of stairs in your own home that you will have to walk up and down in the future. Hahahaha.
P.S. From time to time, you can also try to do a few flip-flaps while walking along the cornices. Just to check and verify how your sense of orientation and balance is doing at a given moment. };)
You can put your laptop on top of the treadmill, two birds one stone.
I have thought about finding a secondhand spin bike
The first step is usually to tell yourself you are going to be more physically active while the next step is to actually start. One thing that can help out is having an exercise partner. This would help to motivate you to exercise more
The problem with exercise partners, is that I have to work to their schedule, which is usually a challenge. but, I do miss having people to workout with - I used to like working out with my wife, but she doesn't go now at all either.
March 2020 I decided to start a journey to lose weight and it changed my life forever.
20kg after I feel like a different person and the definition of body positivity has changed to me completely.
I feel so much better and I feel confident in my skin, it wasn't easy but it was worth it.
20kg is huge in a year and a half - great work!
Thank you, sometimes I forget how huge that is because I haven't gotten to my goals yet.
We love your lardy lard lard as it is, but feel free to unlardy the lard because you'll probably feel a lot better when you don't lard over into a lard every time you try to lard
My lard, my lard, my lovely lardy lard. :D
Might I suggest...Everything day.
Fucken lift heavy shit bro...Then go on the treadmill. T-dog be like...
Everything day looks like my kind of routine!
Well, there were so many gym memes to choose from I got a little lost in them, mostly funny...I decided to go with something totally serious.
You fell down the rabbit hole of gym memes. Most are made in the Russian meme factory.
Yeah, 20 minutes of my life I'll not get back. Got some new gym workout techniques though.
Time well spent :)
Bugger all else to do.
That everything day gym gif is hilarious. Thanks for the much needed laugh this morning!
I'm on vacation and my girlfriend's daughter made a comment while we were at Universal studios yesterday. She asked, "Why are superhero legs so thick"
I replied, "Because everyday is leg day!"
Laugh? You mean that meme's not a legit gym workout? Ok, now I have to change it up at the gym!
Lol, yeah, everyday is leg day indeed. Now, get yourself to the gym and get on it! 😂
I actually have a pretty sweet home setup. #bachelorhome! 😂🤣
Shut up!
Nice set up bro, and a good deal of weight there. Weider stuff is good. I'm not the least bit jealous.
You must be a massive unit.
Ok, I'm a bit jealous.
Ok, I'm a lot jealous.
I'll not be showing you my home gym. It's...Umm, well I think I'll just call it rustic. Does the job though.
Also...I see a steam mop there. Good on you for adding housework to your gym workouts. 😁
"Shut the front door!"
I shopped for a while. The rack is amazing and seriously helps with condensing what's space you need to work out in. My 7ft bar is hard to see, but that bar hanger is also amazing. I'm in Utah and I kept having horror thoughts of that bar sitting horizontal on the rack and a big earthquake hitting (we are due for it here) and that bar just getting shot right at my head. The couch is just to the left of this a bit.
I'm not that big, I am probably around 154lbs. I'm on vacation ATM and so, probably some vacation pounds have been added!!😂😂 It's now just dawned on my why they don't have a scale in the bathroom at the hotel here. Lolol
Seems like you have a decent set up and know how to use it. With all those weights you do, if there's an earthquake I'd expect you to go and hold that fault line together with your brute strength.
Vacation pounds can be lost by doing more housework and not sitting on that damned couch. 😉
Have a a great vacation and make sure you work those legs.
Getting there is so difficult but there are some things that are extremely worth it and exercising is one of them.
The benefits of exercising is too much from being cardio protective to being neuroprotective.
Exercise even helps with mood changes.
You feel aa little better when you exercise regularly
If going to the gym is hard, you can start with a mobile home work out app and then progress gently
You are doing great at least you know what you don't want to be. That's the first step.
I can't get the idea of the body positive movement cos it doesn't make sense at all.
Also learnt a new acronyme PURE
The apps and working out at home are far harder for me - too many distractions. Once I am at the gym, no issue. It is just the getting there part.
Mood improvement is something I am looking for, as well as a sense that life isn't completely worthless :)
I hope you enjoy this benefit and yes, life isn't completely worthless
Your mindset is already in the right direction, and that will lead you to positive unexpected results. Life is all about cycles I think... we all go through ups and downs. Might as well enjoy all of its shit n glory. Nice man!
I think it was William Wallace who said:
To Shit n glory!!
I feel like that for one year and half due to mostly working remotely. However, I try to be active and do some households at the weekends. Fortunately I could keep my weight.
I see that you have said "You Only Live Once" for the second time. Don't you believe the afterlife?
I am the same weight, just the balance between far and muscle has shifted.
No afterlife in my world. I have a very sound reading for it, as well as an argument against whatever God people might believe in. People can believe and act as they choose though, as long as they don't try to force me to believe and choose the same as them.
People will find their belief after questioning.
This is the 2nd post I am reading on this platform. This writing is amazing. Your daughter's birthday is coming and there are cakes to be eaten but definitely not by the 'lardass' who expressed his/her thoughts in this piece.
I pretty much tell myself this daily...
I stay pretty physically busy when not in the drivers seat. But over 100 hours a week avrage sitting in it does some damage.
I can not park this Prime Mover soon enough. I pine away for the day I can join that club.!!
I have to do some push ups or pull ups at least twice a day or i feel like i am going insane in front of a screen.
I know the feel, have fun at the gym!
Yeah, I should do something like this too. I have a pull-up bar downstairs, but can't use it at the mo due to the neck issue which caused the stroke. I should keep some bands next to me and set a reminder every hour to spend a couple minutes with them.
in Canada its like -30 Celsius half the year so I just dont leave the house some days, that pull up bar goes a long way!
I know the feels. I am in Finland :)