Sounds like you enjoyed your day of shooting. Cool way to unwind after a crummy week.
I completely agree with you on remembering the past, we can learn so much from what we did or where we were or who we met along our journey called life.
Memories can uplift you when you feel down or alone. For me, the Holidays make me think of those that have passed, and almost always, I remember the good stuff and feel blessed.
Have an enjoyable weekend @galenkp, hope you can make the movie.😉
The shooting yes, but the social aspect too. That's always good as there tends to be no agenda at the range...Just people hanging out and being social. I'm not sure if we'll make the movie however there is a window after we see out friends for coffee so fingers are crossed. I love history and so moves like 1917 really appeal.
I hope you and the big fella are having a good weekend. 😁
Teasing me with pizza slices? Now I want some pizza! Lol.
We were a family. Thick or thin, we all were in.
When you love somebody, nothing can stand in your way.
But that's how farm-mom feels.Hey good day, whatever time it is. when you retire, one of the first things I loved, was NOT answering the bell. My life was controlled by one thing or the other, but because my @thebigsweed always took care of us, that's 4 kids and a wife, I always felt blessed. Not that I wasn't pissed off at him or those 4 monsters from time to time, but that commitment was always there.
I think you and Faith have that same commitment.
Keep on keepin' on. I sure believe you 2 have it going on.
Have a great 2020!!!
Blessings to all.❤
Hey there, thanks for saying so, about Faith and I, and I like your ethos on family. It seems rare, or pushed aside, mostly these days which is a shame. Good to know there's still family values out there.
Yup, I am a tough cookie. Think you 2 are the same way, bumps don't always have to bruise. Just stick together, try new things and live life BIG!
If you are conversing with me or anyone, that's cool, means you are alive.
It can change in a split second. So just go for it. Love your camper by the way
Great philosophy! 🙂