Many people extol the benefits of forgetting the past, however I disagree with that line of thinking...It's the past that brought me to the present and so why forget it; There's many lessons to be learned from the past that may improve, or at least bring the opportunity to improve, the present...So, for me the past is a legit part of my life. Having said that, I had a shit week at work and so am happy to forget not remember it. 😂
Saturday began early for me as I ended up getting an early night Friday as expressed in my last post. I was sleeping tossing and turning by 11pm and so at 6am I was out and about eating breakfast and preparing equipment for a morning at the range.
Today I was shooting a club match called steel action where four chest sized steel plates are arrayed two to the left and two to the right of the shooting position with a fourth head-sized plate used as the stop plate.
The idea is that from holstered the shooter engages each plate once in the fastest possible time. This is a timed match and when the stop plate is hit the clock stops leaving one with an elapsed time. The clock is Bluetooth-connected to the handheld shot-timer the range officer activates to start the stage. The shot-timer registers the sound from the shot and stores them in the device.
There is five strings, so the minimum rounds is twenty five to complete that stage. A second stage is then set up with a different configuration and is also run in the same way, another twenty five rounds.
It's a spray-and-pray style of shooting as speed is the key, rather than precision; As long as the plate it hit it doesn't matter where. I think my fastest time was around 3.69 seconds from holstered to five rounds and hits complete, so not lightening-fast, but fast enough. I'll finish somewhere around the middle of the top third of competitors I guess, in the top ten somewhere I suppose, although it's all about the fun for me, and hanging around with my bros and bro-ette's, talking some shit and relaxing. There's more serious IPSC shoot next weekend and the IPSC State Titles the following weekend, so a little fun now is welcome.
Once back from the range around lunch time this is what my handgun should have looked like..That's right, broken down and being cleaned...It didn't though. I'll clean it some other time; Just can't be bothered right now to be honest...No, this doesn't speak highly of me and is shameful! 😳
I had a good time at the range today; It was a relaxing, social, sort of day and one that I needed after the difficult working week I had which I can't seem to forget not recall, for some reason.
The rest of the weekend is ahead and Faith and I have a couple things planned being a hike later today, (just a short three hours) and a coffee catch-up with another couple on Sunday afternoon. I really want to go and see the movie 1917 this weekend also but am not sure it'll happen. Hmm, maybe later tonight possibly. Maybe not.
I hope your weekend is good and that you manage to make some memories because it's those memories that add to our our lives, the threads that construct our life-tapestry. You may as well make it interesting and vibrant right?
Pew pew...I mean, good bye. 😏
Tomorrow isn't promised - Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default
An original post written by a human
Discord: galenkp#9209 🇦🇺
All about the fun. I like that aspect 😀👍
Posted using Partiko Android
Yep, these days I'm not too worried about results; That's a younger man's concern. I'm comfortable at the level I shoot at, which is high, and don't need trophies to stroke my ego. Fun is what it's all about man.
Got to enjoy and have fun😀. I have had many trophies for my cars years ago. I don't care about that side of it now for many years. In fact I got rid of all trophies and just kept the little plaques from them.
Posted using Partiko Android
Yep, you know what I mean then. At some stage one swaps focus and importance I guess. 👍🏼
Nice Six-shooter ya got there @galenkp ;>)
Thanks mate. It's a CZ Shadow 2, 9mm semi-auto. Holds 10 in the mag (we are limited to 10 here) and one in the chamber so 11. It shoots really nicely.
Oh...a *Made in the U.S.A. precision piece of equipment.
Yes, I heard about the newer gun restrictions down under. We have some States here where there are 10 round mag limits, but where I'm at, there are none. It is kind of difficult though attempting to conceal an inserted fifty round clip, so I stick with 16 and under ;>P
Stick it in your pants maybe? LOL. No one would notice...
Yeah, our laws changed after a single-shooter 34 person massacre at Port Arthur. Still, I have many guns, semi-auto hand guns, shot guns and rifles capable of very long range shooting so...It's not all bad. The laws in England are draconian compared to ours, or so I understand. I'd like to make it to the States someday, see some of you guys I've met on steem...Who knows, we could go for a shoot huh?
The worse restrictive States here, are those that have cities with the highest violent crime rates and illegal gun toting violent predatory criminals by the Chicago, Baltimore, Washington DC (Nation's Capital) Los Angeles etc.
Law abiding, potential victims in those cities have been rendered mostly defenseless by their elected officials.
If they did notice, I'd probably have no problem adding to my Haram...
Yes, I hear you loud and clear. It's a very contentious issue I guess. It was here when the law was changed after the Martin Bryant/Port Arthur massacre when most of us lost the ability to own semi-automatic rifles and shotguns. Still, we work around it the best we can, make our other firearms work the best they can and move on. Here, as a licensed and law abiding firearms owner, I am very regulated - In fact the firearms branch have the authority to enter my home (with me in attendance) to do gun checks...The criminal who obtained a gun on the black-market...Well, no regulation. Doesn't make a lot of sense - Still, it's easy for the government to keep an already law abiding firearms own in check than it is to chase actual criminals. Idiots.
Anyway, it is what it is and the good thing is I get to shoot every week, compete, hunt and cull, essentially int he same manner as I did previously.
The worst restrictions in some States here are for handguns...especially for concealed carry, which require a special license. When I got my first one years ago in NYC, it took nine months to get approved, and that was for job related purposes...
Sounds like you enjoyed your day of shooting. Cool way to unwind after a crummy week.
I completely agree with you on remembering the past, we can learn so much from what we did or where we were or who we met along our journey called life.
Memories can uplift you when you feel down or alone. For me, the Holidays make me think of those that have passed, and almost always, I remember the good stuff and feel blessed.
Have an enjoyable weekend @galenkp, hope you can make the movie.😉
The shooting yes, but the social aspect too. That's always good as there tends to be no agenda at the range...Just people hanging out and being social. I'm not sure if we'll make the movie however there is a window after we see out friends for coffee so fingers are crossed. I love history and so moves like 1917 really appeal.
I hope you and the big fella are having a good weekend. 😁
Teasing me with pizza slices? Now I want some pizza! Lol.
We were a family. Thick or thin, we all were in.
When you love somebody, nothing can stand in your way.
But that's how farm-mom feels.Hey good day, whatever time it is. when you retire, one of the first things I loved, was NOT answering the bell. My life was controlled by one thing or the other, but because my @thebigsweed always took care of us, that's 4 kids and a wife, I always felt blessed. Not that I wasn't pissed off at him or those 4 monsters from time to time, but that commitment was always there.
I think you and Faith have that same commitment.
Keep on keepin' on. I sure believe you 2 have it going on.
Have a great 2020!!!
Blessings to all.❤
Hey there, thanks for saying so, about Faith and I, and I like your ethos on family. It seems rare, or pushed aside, mostly these days which is a shame. Good to know there's still family values out there.
Yup, I am a tough cookie. Think you 2 are the same way, bumps don't always have to bruise. Just stick together, try new things and live life BIG!
If you are conversing with me or anyone, that's cool, means you are alive.
It can change in a split second. So just go for it. Love your camper by the way
strap it on and head to Virginia lol
Seems like a good plan. 😊✅
I am happy for you and incredibly jealous of your shooting filled weekend (and sorry that your week wasn't so great). AWESOME pics and nice strap there. That shooting competition sounds like tons of fun.. also... did you see your movie?
Hey there, yes it's a lot of fun at the range mostly. Sometimes, when I'm not shooting well it's not so much fun...😀
No movie unfortunately, just didn't get time and now can't be bothered going out again. I'll build some Lego instead. How'd you go with your RV?
Well, replaced the MAF sensor earlier today. I think we need to add a little more tranny fluid, but it's already running a lot better. It's rough still, but we'll see. I had drained it completely and the tranny fluid that I have been adding has helped. Found that the leak I had patched had sprung open again, so, fixed it, too. We will continue and find out tomorrow, but I need to go buy a quart or two more, and I'm saving that task for the morning.
Ah ok well that's somewhat positive. Hope it all works out. :)
Yay for fun XD
Are they being specific about forgetting the past? Like it's one thing to "forget" that stupid thing you did (as in don't obsess about it) and another thing altogether to actually forget it so that you make the same idiotic mistake/s continually because "forget the past"? XD
Yes that's a good point Ry. I think a little of both. Some conveniently forget things preferring the ignorance is bliss scenario and others just never learn.
I can only speak for me in that I rarely forget anything...Sure, I may forget what coffee of chai Faith wants when I'm up ordering at the counter sometimes (happened the other day) but when someone crosses me I never forget. When I make a mistake or decision with negative results I never forget. You know? We need to learn from the past and the only way to do so is to recall it, evaluate it and make changes. It's a fairly broad subject I think and one that I enjoy talking about in real life.
Humans have the ability to remember, certainly document the past. We have libraries full of books outlining our mistakes, failures, successes and triumphs...And yet we make the same mistakes...Over and over. Isn't greed, ego and hubris a wonderful thing. (Sarcasm).
Think we make the same mistakes because we are SO sure that we know more this time so can do the same thing with different results o_O
Doing the same but expecting different results is the definition of insanity they say. 😊
Shame on you sir galenkp! lol..that sounds like fun. Are you doing the State matches? Did you see 1917?
I'm competing in the State Titles yes. They would miss me if i didn't. Someone has to come last.
1917 only started here last week...Seeing it Sunday.
lol...someone has to finish last! I bet it won't be you but let us know. You'll do a post about that movie? All I know is it was up for about 10 awards of some kind, don't know if it was the Academy or not.
I'm not very good at reviews but I'll probably do a post. I've heard it is amazing and so i'm looking forward to it.
The State Titles are fiercely competitive...I might come last...But there's no shame in it. Someone has to. 🙈
Great attitude about the Stats sir galenkp and I'm sure the review will be dang good.