Yes that's a good point Ry. I think a little of both. Some conveniently forget things preferring the ignorance is bliss scenario and others just never learn.
I can only speak for me in that I rarely forget anything...Sure, I may forget what coffee of chai Faith wants when I'm up ordering at the counter sometimes (happened the other day) but when someone crosses me I never forget. When I make a mistake or decision with negative results I never forget. You know? We need to learn from the past and the only way to do so is to recall it, evaluate it and make changes. It's a fairly broad subject I think and one that I enjoy talking about in real life.
Humans have the ability to remember, certainly document the past. We have libraries full of books outlining our mistakes, failures, successes and triumphs...And yet we make the same mistakes...Over and over. Isn't greed, ego and hubris a wonderful thing. (Sarcasm).
Think we make the same mistakes because we are SO sure that we know more this time so can do the same thing with different results o_O
Doing the same but expecting different results is the definition of insanity they say. 😊