Human as we are, we get sick sometimes, it’s normal, we are all susceptible to various diseases. Our body is like a machine that in order to function well we need to take care of it, perform a regular maintenance and cleaning.
Like a machine our body will also experience difficulties, or some defects or may incur damage along the way. Our body needs vitamins for us to keep going with less hassles.
When we get sick, we need to take medicines to relieve whatever that bothers us, like body pain, body rashes, allergies, etc. It is okay to take over the counter medications, most of them when taken in a normal dose are safe.
But taking antibiotics is a different thing. I remember there was a time wherein people can just buy any antibiotics in any drug stores without prescriptions. Meaning they didn’t consult a doctor first before taking antibiotics. Most of the times also taking antibiotics were administered in a wrong way.
The following instances are wrong way of taking antibiotics:
Taking 1 capsule a day
Antibiotics are supposed to be taken 3 times a day. Like when you cut yourself and you need antibiotics in order that the wound will be cured fast, taking Amoxicillin 500 mg a day for 7 days is the normal and effective way of taking it.
This is a very common misconception of most of the people around. They think taking 1 capsule of amoxicillin is already enough or taking 1 capsule 3 times a day for 1 to 2 days can completely cure the wound or eliminate cough, etc.
We should know that bacteria may develop resistance if they will not be killed by taking the required dosage and duration.
Taking the wrong antibiotic
There are different kinds of antibiotics, like amoxicillin, cloxacillin, doxycycline, cephalexin, ciprofloxacin, etc. They all may kill bacteria but they have specific functions. Not to mention side effects or contraindications. That is why it is best to consult a doctor first before taking antibiotics.
Good that this time, buying/selling antibiotics is already prohibited unlike the old times. This is good because taking antibiotics now is controlled, thus eliminating the possibilities for patients or sick people to develop a more serious illness by taking unprescribed medicine and worst in a wrong way.
So, if you feel something wrong that you think you need to take medicines or antibiotics it's better to consult a medical expert to give you the right medication that could surely give you relief and cure and not a more serious problem in the future.