I've been sleeping poorly of late and yesterday woke with a tremendous headache that endured all day. I took paracetamol and tried to take a nap in the mid-afternoon but neither helped so I just dealt with it and got on with my day until bed time when I struggled to sleep once again.
I spent most of yesterday morning researching a company I've applied to work for. The role is familiar as I've been doing it elsewhere, the company too, but there's a few items in the job description I'm not comfortable with, and a few things left out of the brief I'd have expected to see included. I thought some research might uncover answers and at the very least prepare me more for the video interview today. So despite my headache I pushed on and got it done.
I woke with the same headache this morning and quite early also. The plan was to take a shower, fuel up with a good breakfast and coffee then get myself into an appropriate headspace for the interview which is taking place shortly. I made breakfast and coffee and ended up taking it outside into my garden deciding it was a nice, if a little cool, morning to sit there with the plants and get energised - Oxygenate my headachey brain.
At the moment my garden is full of flowers including the flower used in this post and it's a pretty nice space to sit in right now.
What's really cool is that my fruit trees are all blossoming too. I have lemon, orange, plum, nectarine, apple, grapefruit and apricot trees and with all in bloom my garden is scented with the most amazing smells. This is especially so in the early morning. Seriously, I can't explain what it smells like well enough; you'll have to take my word for it.
I sat and ate my breakfast of toasted crumpets spread with butter and marmalade and sipped at my coffee thinking about the upcoming interview and ignoring the throbbing in my head. I found myself in a nice mood and as the sky brightened I felt prepared for what may come in the interview and beyond.
I'm not sure how things will go with the interview in about three hours and to be honest I'm not going to worry about it because that's not going to help move it along any more effectively. I actually have some doubts about the company but will approach it as best I can regardless; I'll always have the chance to say no to the role if I feel it's the best thing. I'll answer their questions, and pose my own, and whatever happens from there is going to happen either way so there's no point stressing about it; stress will only hinder my performance I guess.
Having this headache still has made things problematic as I'm not going to be able to concentrate at my peak, but I'm really pleased I chose to start my day in the garden with the flowers, my vegetables and fruit trees. I found it a nice place to think, to order my thoughts and to find some peace, a calm before the storm of the impending interview. I breathed in the amazing scents of the blossoms and the crisp morning air and put out some gratitude vibes for having good things in my life. You'll know if you're one of those.
I hope you have a great start to your own Tuesday morning when it arrives, no matter where on the planet happen to be. I hope you find something positive to start your day with also and that it unfolds like a flower seeking the sun.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Discord: galenkp#9209
The image is mine
Truly! I hope your head clears and the interview goes well. I said a little prayer for a clear path of your choosing.
I have no doubts or worries about you getting it. When timing is right. Not a moment before.
The interview went pretty well really. I think so anyway. There's was nothing I would have done differently so let's see what they think. They said there were other strong applicants and there may be a second round of interviews for the short listed people. Or not.
Time will tell.
Well that sounds pretty good in my book. Just enough incentive to make you feel good but not so much to make you feel like you're a shoo-in. I think you'll do fine! I'll be thinking of you.
Time will tell.
Your garden sounds like a lovely place to start a day. I am imaging the smells... all intertwined.
My day is starting pretty normal, up and as dressed as I'm going to be since I now work at home, which means comfortable clothes are my only concern. No curling hair, no make up..... so nice. The coffee is waiting and I'm reading a post or two before I log onto my work computer on the other side of the room. Obviously not as prime as your morning start, but still pleasant.
You're talking about the spring blooms and blossoms and here we are just barely getting starting into fall. I love lots of things about fall.. .or autumn if you like, but I am not a fan of cold weather, so if I could skip back to spring, that would be nice.
It's spring somewhere though... right? That is a nice thought. I'll try to keep that in my head.
The work from home standard dress code.
I know what you mean about autumn (fall) but here's the thing...How about I enjoy spring on your behalf for a whilst and then next year when I head into autumn and winter you can enjoy spring on my behalf. Deal?
I'll be expecting to get those spring vibes from you now and then.
It sounds like a good plan. Here's some spring time blossom to keep you motivated.
Wow... that's beautiful ! Thanks !
Most welcome. 😀
Fruit tree blossoms smell pretty great XD
Your poor head x_x has it eased up since? How did the interview go?
The noggin is still playing marching band music on the inside in a very displeasing manner. It's a cacophony of painful throbbing. I'll live though.
The interview went well and time will tell if I progress to the next round. If so then 😊 and if not then 🤮 to them!
You probably will so I hope this is a job that you want XP
I'm not so sure. They said they had other strong candidates.
I recently read, in a gardening blog, that with the decline and stress of the bee population, and Pollenators in general, that, Gardeners are committing to ADDING 10% more flower and plants for feeding Bees and Pollenators. I am committing to that goal next year, as well.
Looks like you've got a portion of your garden for the bees, too!
Oh yeah, this is a good point and I've made an extra effort to have lots of bee-friendly plants about the place. I welcome them. The bee population is critical and as you point out, declining.
yeah, one of the first things I plant, is some marigolds, right next to where I plant the Tomato. AND, each spring, I never cut my grass until the other flowers are in. No cutting of dandelions, as they are the first flowers most bees can gather pollen from
I have potted marigolds at each corner of my VegePods and dandelions around the place as well. I don't count the bees around the place, but there's a few. 😊
Just relax and picture yourself that flower and the scent of the garden. I have the feeling half of that headache is probably due to the interview although you may not realize it.
I wasn't stressed about the interview at all and it actually went really well. I'm not sure if I'll take the role if it's offered and if it is there's a few things I'll try and negotiate but the interview went well.
I still have the headache. I think my neck is out and am seeing the chiropractor tomorrow.
Good decision to take a visit to the chiropactor. Happy to hear the interview went well.
Have you seen the Hivefest announcement?
I think the back-cracker will sort me out. Nah, hadn't seen the HF announcement. Thanks for letting me know.
Headaches suck at the best of times. Headaches that span two days? No thank you. You seem to have found serenity in the sights & smells of your garden which no doubt helped a tad, at least the mood if not the pain. Gratitude is always a good space to start the day.
Hope your chiro sorts out the headache or can find what's wrong. Speedy recovery G-dog & best of luck on the work front.
Hey Andy, I'm feeling generous today, would you like a headache? I have a cracker to offer you free of charge, no strings attached.
Hmm, nah I guess not.
Lol I'm okay thanks, I'm dealing with my own figurative headache over here.
Hope yours goes away soon!
Ok, let's just hope both yours and my headaches disappear forever.
Sorry to hear that you are feeling poorly. Just the other day, I was about to ask if you are sleeping better. I guess you are still not.
I think both could be related somehow. Maybe you should take a break from it all. Go off grid for a couple of weeks. Find some nice natural environment and just chill.
Take it easy. I hope the headache goes away soon.
Yeah the sleep is a issue sometimes but of late hasn't been too bad. At the moment. Not sleeping that well though. I'll battle through though, do what I can to feel as good as I can.
Thanks for your kind message.
Okay. Take care and keep well.
It seems that the headache you are experiencing needs to be checked by a doctor, I usually just take paracetamol and rest for a while, the headache will get better soon,
You seem to need more accurate medicine,
I agree, headaches can be the precursor to other more sinister ailments but I don't have the time to do so prior to my video interview. I think I might have slept incorrectly on my neck a couple days back and so am going to see my chiropractor later today. I'm hoping that's going to sort me out. We'll see.
I hope I can recover today so that all activities can run smoothly, because headaches will really interfere with work and can cause work to be delayed,
Have a nice day my friend,
Coffee will make headaches worse. Drink chamomile tea instead. Need to shut down the computer 2 hours before sleep. Blue light can affect your sleeping pattern. Exercise for an hour early in the morning help with sleeping better too. Best wishes!
Thanks for your advice, I'll see how it goes and hopefully it'll make a difference. 😬
Hope your headache goes away soon amen😊😊
Thank you for your kind thoughts.
After severing a very stressful 8 year relationship. I had a headache for 4 months straight. I went to a couple of doctors and a physiotherapist/massage therapist - but I didn't want to take drugs, so I just persevered.
Then one day, it just disappeared. It's been 6 years since then and I can't recall having a headache since. I truly hope yours goes away a little faster. ;-)
I'm sure that you realized when heading into the interview ... that in your situation, you are as much interviewing them as they are interviewing you.
I've had headaches before, not for months, but enough to not like them. Mine is nothing too serious and it'll sort itself out eventually. I only have a brain the size of a pea so the headache doesn't have much to work with.
On the interview thing, yeah you're right. I know. Been around for a while.
Hey, my name is Ibrahim, I'm a German living in Belarus. I would be glad if you visit my profile, I'm trying to write a blog about my medical study in belarus, if you would like to follow my blog it would be a pleasure for me 🙂
Hi Ibrahim, thanks for your message.
I can see you're fairly new around here so I'll give you a tip.
Dropping in on someone's post and saying nothing at all about the post but asking for a follow and for that person to view your own posts is not well regarded. Had you commented about my post a little maybe, and it's a big maybe, it may have been ok to invite me to see yours, but to simply ignore my post? Hmm.
As it stands I feel you're only here to ask me to follow you and that makes me feel you don't care at all about my post and are not interested. It's a shame as you seem quite a polite person.
The way to move forward is to engage in the comments with people on their posts with the view to generate a relationship and then, maybe they may decide to take a look at your own work. Dropping in and asking as you have done will have the reverse effect from that which you desire.