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RE: Smile fishing

in OCD5 years ago

I saw that movie Extraction only a week or so ago. It puts into perspective what you say here. It makes me feel very fortunate to live here, but then even our society is changing. Maybe not as bad as yours, but change is happening. It is for that reason I maintain my skills,not just with firearms but in other areas. I am not the victimtype. It might not prevent it, but will make it more likely I can avoid it.


Well, let me give you some more context about our situation. We had a Member of parliament named Bodi. His side business is drug trade. A drug named YaBa. A cocktail of methamphetamine and caffeine that hitler used to feed his soldiers so that they do not get tired on the battlefield.

So, this guy alone provides the 90% yaba supply in our country. And his business is close to billions in worth. Lol. And he is that public figure who created job for the poor with his blood money . So everybody likes him and his popularity lets him out of any situation with the law enforcement. And he is still in power. 😑😑😑

Now, he is a known druglord but we have countless others like him who are involved in arms trade, smuggling and so on. But our government cant do anything cause these guys have friends in high places.

When most of the people here earn less then 2K yearly and these guys trade in 100s of billions with capable friends. How do we not get victimised? And most of our populous dont even know they exist, or they do know but they just dont care anymore😑. Some narcos like shit is whats going on here.

It sounds fucking hideous if you ask me. I'm glad I'm not there. I'm sorry, but I don't know how people can stand living there. It must be pretty difficult. Do you feel trapped? I think I would. People here have no clue that that goes on, and take their lives for granted. It's pathetic really, considering what you're going through.

Nah man, it doesnt matter. When you are a plankton, you cant do anything about a shark though can you.. Youll either be an ordinary bystander or a casualty of war. In any event, one cant do anything cause they are just too small to make any noise. Unless we had guns though..

Ooh boy.. We started with talking about fishing and now we're so far off. You are a great guy Galen.. Thank you for being such a good sport.

You're welcome mate. The world is small, but also so vast and unfortunately people in one place can't really understand what it's like elsewhere. I hope you get by and that you can make a difference and thrive someday.

Amen brother, amen. You know, most of the people around the world still live in a fake reality where freedom is just a concept. We had a Liberation war in 1971 and that created our country. More than 3 million dead and mostly in genocides. Google it and youll see the actual extent of violence we had to endure. Still after that, i dont know how we got stuck with these vile creatures. I suppose in a population of 170 million and the size of the country being too small, this was bound to happen. Maybe thats why i love hive so much. That sense of actual freedom. Like i can say anything here and Ill be okay. No chance of my family along with me getting abducted in the middle of the night. If anybody ever tastes the true essence of liberation hive brings, theyll never want to leave.

Your comment about hive is quite relavent. Yes,I can see how it would provide and emotional escape. I think this is something many others take for granted or, at least, isn't as important. We have 26 million people in a vast country, you have 170m in a very small one. I know where I'd rather be.