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RE: Change! Loving it, life is pretty good right now!

in OCD4 years ago

The unknown mostly always makes people feel a little anxious or nervous. Trust in your ability, keep your attitude in the right place and just get after it. It will work out or it will not; What's important is that you feel you have tired your best to make it work. :)


Exactly my thoughts, the worst-case scenario is that I can add a new experience to my resume and earned a very decent amount for two months. The best case is that after these two months I get an even better salary for multiple years in a row and learn even more.

Either way, it's my turning point of becoming self-employed again because of the international company behind the job and payment method. Which I was otherwise going to start later this year. Now, it's already set up and that's exciting as well, plus unlocking other opportunities. I'm a happy camper either way :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Well, I hope we hear in a few months that everything worked out for the best and you're rockin' it!