Change! Loving it, life is pretty good right now!

in OCD4 years ago



New job: long term if all goes well!

I think I mentioned it before, that I was offline some more because of trying to fill in the perfect application for a job I wanted. I spend about a week on and off writing it and answering the questions before I felt confident enough to send it in.
My hard work paid off, as about a week ago I got notified that I was hired.

I didn't even need to update my resume, my application was convincing enough that I needed to be the person for the job, yay! I actually wanted to apply before covid-19 hit the world, but then I assumed this was all going to be put on hold and honestly forgot about it completely as I was busy with other things anyway.

It turned out that the process was in the finalizing phase a few weeks ago and I decided I wanted the job so I put my all into it. I don't have the credentials to get hired, at least not on paper, but I'm 100% sure I will nail it. There will be challenges, but life is boring without them anyway!

Once I get through the probation period, I will have a long term job (and steady income), so I'm gonna make sure I will put extra effort into it these next months.

If you're curious about what kind of job it is, sorry that's something I'd rather keep to myself, but it's quite a step up for me and I can work from home mostly. So I'm happy!

A little less time for (dot) art projects

Besides the work-related stuff going on, I have found less time to be creative. It's not a huge problem because tools are underway and it will be much nicer and easier to create dot art anyways when the tools arrive. Below three W.I.P.s :) forgive the bad lighting.


I will update when they are done. Meanwhile, I'm secretly working on a gift for a friend as she gave birth to a baby boy who I will meet this week. So exciting and it will be a very welcome thing to enjoy some baby giggles and cuddles after these crazy months.

I hope it turns out the way I want and that she likes it of course.

No Poo Update: It seems that my hair is finally transitioning

I wish I could tell you how happy I am using words only, but honestly, I can't even put it into words. I hated the itching and it was hard to stay determined and not give in to the itching and wash it again too quickly. The key to keeping calm was wearing it in a tail and try to ignore it rather than scratching my scalp. It was hard but I finally think my patience paid off as now my hair feels non-greasy and non-itchy and the last time I've managed to not wash it for 8 days!



I have to admit, that it's not a quick shower of a few minutes when it's time to wash my hair though. I really take my time using the Dr.Bronner's first and then (which takes even more time) the water/apple cider vinegar mixture using a spray bottle. It's super important and since I've done this a few times properly my hair's condition has improved so much!

The hardest part is now over, I'm sure and now there's simply no reason to get back to the chemical stuff for my hair, why would I? I have a year's supply (probably much more even) of Dr.Bronner's and the apple cider vinegar is not expensive compared to the shampoo and conditioner that I used to buy before.

#nopoo for me, another step forward using fewer toxins in my life!

Moving out of this apartment

I sent out my 60-day notice to vacate today but will probably move out sooner. It all depends on some other things, but now this has been decided I look forward to August as I will have a huge terrace as well, BBQ time, yay! This may actually be the greatest news I wanted to share, busy but exciting times ahead, I'd say!



I'm hoping that I can find a good routine soon and that I'm able to be more active on Hive. No promises though, I really want this job to work out and this means I have to spend a bit more time on that for a while. You may see me hop in to read some posts, comment more than actually writing here for at least some weeks. Wish me luck with all the new stuff, hehe :)

Thanks for stopping by!


Good luck on the new role. Whilst I'm not one of those you can do anything you put your mind to people, because a person simply cannot, I think you have the right attitude to carry you forward and place yourself in the best position to give it your all.

So...BBQ's on your terrace come August? I'll bring the wine. (Or at least, another mouth for all that delicious food!)

Thanks! There are limits to the attitude that you can do anything you put your mind to. You have to be realistic of course in what your abilities are and I'm one of these people that can say "Ok, I know you would love to do that, but you have a serious lack of X (whatever skill needed), so keep dreaming and move on". If you are truly honest with yourself, I think you can figure out what's worth putting your effort in to make it work.

I've booked quite some successes envisioning and feeling I succeeded, but I'm also very easily distracted (and I know that) when some noise comes to my path that I can't ignore. So my successes come with ups and downs lol, it's fine, I'm just very very happy that today I can say, everything that I'm envisioning unfolds as I want it to unfold which is awesome.

Still need to deliver what I promised regarding the job, so that's the only thing making me a bit nervous at least for now because I don't have the needed info to start yet. Waiting for now, so it's still "the unknown" and that's probably making me nervous :)

And yeah, BBQ's at my place haha see you then :)

The unknown mostly always makes people feel a little anxious or nervous. Trust in your ability, keep your attitude in the right place and just get after it. It will work out or it will not; What's important is that you feel you have tired your best to make it work. :)

Exactly my thoughts, the worst-case scenario is that I can add a new experience to my resume and earned a very decent amount for two months. The best case is that after these two months I get an even better salary for multiple years in a row and learn even more.

Either way, it's my turning point of becoming self-employed again because of the international company behind the job and payment method. Which I was otherwise going to start later this year. Now, it's already set up and that's exciting as well, plus unlocking other opportunities. I'm a happy camper either way :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Well, I hope we hear in a few months that everything worked out for the best and you're rockin' it!

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