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RE: Change! Loving it, life is pretty good right now!

in OCD4 years ago

Good luck on the new role. Whilst I'm not one of those you can do anything you put your mind to people, because a person simply cannot, I think you have the right attitude to carry you forward and place yourself in the best position to give it your all.

So...BBQ's on your terrace come August? I'll bring the wine. (Or at least, another mouth for all that delicious food!)


Thanks! There are limits to the attitude that you can do anything you put your mind to. You have to be realistic of course in what your abilities are and I'm one of these people that can say "Ok, I know you would love to do that, but you have a serious lack of X (whatever skill needed), so keep dreaming and move on". If you are truly honest with yourself, I think you can figure out what's worth putting your effort in to make it work.

I've booked quite some successes envisioning and feeling I succeeded, but I'm also very easily distracted (and I know that) when some noise comes to my path that I can't ignore. So my successes come with ups and downs lol, it's fine, I'm just very very happy that today I can say, everything that I'm envisioning unfolds as I want it to unfold which is awesome.

Still need to deliver what I promised regarding the job, so that's the only thing making me a bit nervous at least for now because I don't have the needed info to start yet. Waiting for now, so it's still "the unknown" and that's probably making me nervous :)

And yeah, BBQ's at my place haha see you then :)

The unknown mostly always makes people feel a little anxious or nervous. Trust in your ability, keep your attitude in the right place and just get after it. It will work out or it will not; What's important is that you feel you have tired your best to make it work. :)

Exactly my thoughts, the worst-case scenario is that I can add a new experience to my resume and earned a very decent amount for two months. The best case is that after these two months I get an even better salary for multiple years in a row and learn even more.

Either way, it's my turning point of becoming self-employed again because of the international company behind the job and payment method. Which I was otherwise going to start later this year. Now, it's already set up and that's exciting as well, plus unlocking other opportunities. I'm a happy camper either way :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Well, I hope we hear in a few months that everything worked out for the best and you're rockin' it!