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RE: A gratitude post - What are you grateful for?

in OCD5 years ago

Ah yes...There was much rejoicing that night and our brother-knight was the star of the evening. We all gathered around and collectively, in in great unison, shouted Ni three times in a row before singing our theme song in acapella.

Good times man. Good times.


That, and a barrel of ale is perhaps the best way to celebrate any occasion. What a grand gathering of lads. We Ni together, we Ni together. Brother-Knights of Ni for life.

I don't think works too well outside of Bad Boys 😆

Nah, it works...Lol.

I will now end this comment thread with a simple question...

Lol...If only I knew.

Ha, you've failed your Monty Python trivia. The answer is...

I fail in most things I undertake.

Ah, that's because you don't have shrubbery. Have some shrubbery in your life, and all is well.