I like the balance in the use of funds - A little for yourself and a little for others. Sounds perfectly acceptable. Nice charity work by the way, I'd imagine it's very appreciated.
Where would you travel to? (In the situation above.)
I like the balance in the use of funds - A little for yourself and a little for others. Sounds perfectly acceptable. Nice charity work by the way, I'd imagine it's very appreciated.
Where would you travel to? (In the situation above.)
My wife and I were talking about that question ... but let me briefly describe our last 3 vacations. We flew to California for a vacation, and immediately after Napa and Sonoma valley were hit by fires. We went to Australia ... and then ... it was ravaged with fires. We then went to Italy - and had to escape when they locked down due to the beginning of the pandemic. (Our train was stopped as we crossed the Swiss border. All people who lived in Italy were removed from the train and sent back)
So we are thinking of heading to the Big Island of Hawai'i - If the volcano erupts - we might have to make a sacrifice to see if we can clear the curse.
Hmm, curse or just bad luck?
I like the sacrifice idea though. Head down to KFC and get a bucket of chicken and sacrifice that with some fries and a Pepsi too, just to make sure. That's sure to lift the curse.
This is from a visit to the Big Island back in 2009. This is a "skylight" over an active lava tube. I'm sure that tossing the chicken in there would appease the gods.
I've always wanted to go there and see a live volcano. I'm hoping to do so one day and will take a chicken.
That picture was taken while hiking up to Jack Thompson's house in Royal Gardens. Out of 120 homes, his was the only house that the volcano had missed (at the time)...
We had contacted him on a whim and asked if we could hike to the house and if he needed anything. Luckily, he was in town and agreed to meet us at the base of the volcano.
We hiked in with a jerry can of gas, toilet paper, and some groceries. We stayed the night, then had French Toast in the morning. Then hiked back. It was an amazing experience.
We were sad to hear that the volcano had finally overcome the house. It truly was an oasis.

At the time of our visit (2009) his plan was to head to Thailand once he lost the house. He had no delusions that the house would survive. It was just a matter of when.
It must have been such a great experience and one I'd like to have had. Nature has a way of winning.
you might have something good to share on the topic this week considering your hike to the volcano. Just a thought. The topic runs all weekend so you'll have loads of time to make a comment. Take a look Friday if you like - It'll be on my post feed and in THE WEEKEND community.Hey, you might like to take a look at my Friday post, the #weekend-engagement topic this week...I think