Golden opportunities and the return of cash

in OCD4 years ago

I learned about money early - My parents ensured it although it was not always directly. I learned through observation, the way they managed their financial affairs and, in a household that didn't have much left over at the end of the week, the lessons were always good ones. I recall hearing them at the dining table after I'd gone to bed talking softly about balancing the budget, what could be deferred and what could not; It seemed difficult and I remember vowing never to be in that position, that I would have a job that paid me a lot of money and I'd be able to buy anything I ever wanted; The thoughts of a naïve child.


The learn

I learned the concept and value of money, how difficult it was to earn, the effort that went into doing so; I started working at about thirteen so that helped. My dad was a very hard worker and a great example too; He was tireless, although I'm sure he got tired.

I learned the need over want ethos but ran right off the rails at times on that front. I learned about investment, return on investment, and how to save. I've never really stopped learning to be truthful, now with crypto-currency there's a whole new set of skills to master try and comprehend. It's a difficult thing for an analogue, none-too-smart, man like myself. I struggle through though and go ok.

I've done pretty well in life. Sure, I've walked some difficult roads but I've always managed to keep my head above water, find the ability to strive, work hard and have found success between the failures. I've also managed to maintain my generous nature, despite it meaning I get abused at times. Used. I guess it goes with the territory.

The ask

I've been asked for money a lot and have freely-offered it also, the most recent occasion being several days ago; It was a genuine offer but politely turned down by the potential recipient. It's in my nature to be generous though, of myself, time, knowledge and money. I like being this way inclined - Humble and kind. What I don't like is asking for the money back - It doesn't feel right, like it's awkward, and so I do not do it - Ever. If it comes back great, if not, I'll wear it; Another lesson learned.

The give

A year ago I loaned $3,000 to someone who needed it quite badly to solve some issues - It was the height of the covid-19 shenanigans and the person was quite desperate so I said sure here's some cash. There was no interest-payments attached, just a promise the funds would be returned by the end of 2020; They were not. I never asked for it, just chalked it up to another lesson learned. What could I do anyway? Break some legs? Over money? That's not my style folks. I'd written the money off when I gave it anyway.

The return

Late last week I got a message from the person telling me they would like to meet. I see this person fairly occasionally, several times a year I guess, so simply agreed. We drank green tea and chatted and then $3,000AUD landed on the table in front of me. There was also a sincere apology for the lateness. I accepted the apology of course, indeed, said it wasn't required, and that was that. End of story. No leg-breaking required, just a happy result as I was really pleased to see the money come back.

The spend

I drove away contemplating what I'd do with that money; Cash I thought I would never see again. The list looked like this: Gun stuff, coffee and donuts, Lego, holiday fund, my superannuation fund, crypto-currency...The choices were endless of course but...Gold. That's what won the day. An ounce of gold, and the change which went into some crypto.

I could have spent it all on crypto-currency instead but I like the feel of metal in the hand and I don't feel it's a bad choice - Maybe not your choice, but safe and sound nonetheless. I think. There may come a time when I wish I'd bought crypto-currency, but I'll enjoy the gold sitting in my safe so it all works out.

I'm really pleased this person found in within to return my money - Every time I loan money I never count on its return; Lowering my expectations like that ensures a pleasant moment if and when it is returned. Of course, I lose a little respect for humanity every time I get screwed around but something in me just keeps wanting to be generous. [Stupidity probably] I guess I refuse to be that person who takes all the time.

Now it's your turn. Tell me what you would have done with that $3,000 if it was returned to you! Gold, silver, crypto-currency, credit debt payment, savings, new television, school fees, a holiday, pay-it-forward, charity, hobbies, prostitutes, gambling, house mortgage...What would you do with a hypothetical $3,000 right now?

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209


More cameras and photography gear. I think the condition is call GAS.

Legit way to spend the money, especially if it was funds one didn't expect to see again. It's like free money! 🤣

I would have to say I'd put $3000 Eth...I'm sure it's a dumb move and there are more knowledgable folks who would disagree. But...6% staking rewards on CB, a clear future towards De-FI...I don't know. I'd put it in there and let it ride.

This seems a legitimate use of the funds and as it turns out about 25% of my $3K was spent on ETH, the portion that wasn't spent on gold. So we think alike. I like gold though, a lot. :)

And...Yeah, there's always going to be an expert who always knows better than lowly folk like us...Let's let them be them and we can be us. Seems simpler that way right?

Yeah I agree...I like gold, silver, Eth, and BTC (and Hive, of course). I'm not smart enough to outsmart the market, but I like being lazy and holding things long term. And I really like staking rewards.

Nothing wrong with long-term holds but...At my age long-term is shorter than most and so...I take a risk or two.

A beautiful story, well, reality. I'm a sucker for happy endings, but at the same time, I'm pretty much like you. I like to help, but at the time would write off the money. What a nice surprise! That friend, colleague of yours is one of the good ones. Keep him/her.
What would I do with the money? Hmmm, I do like your choice of some really fungible gold in your hand. I'm old-school like that and like it. However, right now, I would have probably gone for 'put it in my Kraken account and get some weird shit coin e.g. doge, eth, dot etc. etc.' I just know soooo little about crypto, but it is hyper-fascinating to an old girl like me. Always something to learn. Always.

The triumphant return of my $3K was a nice surprise and yeah, the person is a keeper, (mostly). Lol.

I tend to look for balance when it comes to investment and with my metals see it more as a way of holding cash, at least in the short term, than for massive gains. At my age, 127 years old, I don't have a long time to wait whilst prices rise. So I throw some into crypto for what I hope is a more short term gain. Time will tell on both that and the metals...And eventually I'll die and it won't matter I guess.

Yep, always something to learn huh?

That's a hard all.

Three grand is a lot of money for me. While I work full time of the grand went to my hand at this very moment I wouldn't know what to do with it. I've automated my pay as I earn them so don't really give it much thought.

In your case of I had the grand handed to me. I'd probably be feeling like I'm mooning. Is that sad? For three grand?

Nevertheless if I have to think of having to spend that much money....

Probably hookers and drug.



Hope you got a laugh outta that one.

I'm not sure what my eyes are seeing here, they feel assaulted, but yeah, worth a laugh for sure! 🤪

Not sure assaulted is a strong enough word.

Yeah, I agree...I just didn't know what to say to be honest.

Very interesting to read your story! It's a very good lesson for me as well. Luckily you see cash back, not me 😅

I feel pretty lucky indeed. $3K is a bit of cash so it was good to see it returned.

if my money was back, I would invest into my dreamy farmstay 💯

There's nothing wrong with a farm-stay. Good use of $3000! ✅

Yes I think it's substanable use 🙏

Cool to have some gold lying around. As for what I would do with it; it would probably go into boat maintenance lol.

Ah yes, boat maintenance. I've never owned one but I know they can be costly to maintain, buy and run. Let's just say, overall costly.

I would have a job that paid me a lot of money and I'd be able to buy anything I ever wanted

If it's any consolation that might be a pretty common thing regardless of background. My family was reasonably well off and I was also going to have a job that paid me a lot of money and I'd be able to buy anything I wanted and travel anywhere I wanted with no dramas whatsoever XD

who knew that you're "allowed" only 4 weeks off a year and were expected to work 40 hours per week

and even worse some of us more clueless ones carried this idea well into uni, even the ones that were also working part time jobs and should probably have had more of an idea of how the economic world was working out, I guess we were all extremely limited by lack of experience XD

But you seem to have done alright in the meantime :)

I'm pretty much the same with you, I've loaned someone money to get them through to the next payday, they said they'd pay it back, I wrote it off as soon as it was gone and in my case it hasn't come back and probably won't, and that's fine. Glad yours came back, makes me think that the person just took a while scratching it all together so they could return it in one go. Nice purchase you made with it, that pirate chest must be looking pretty healthy :D

If it's any consolation that might be a pretty common thing

As a seven or eight year old listening to one's parents decide how they're going to buy food next week it seemed completely normal to want to have a job that paid enough.

But you seem to have done alright

I'd say I've done more than alright considering I left high school early and never got handouts. A little better would have been good, but I can't complain really.

makes me think that the person just took a while scratching it all together so they could return it in one go.

This is exactly what happened and it showed great strength of character. I guess it would have been good for her to communicate what she was doing but I never said that too her - I just said thanks for the money.

that pirate chest must be looking pretty healthy

It's going ok...But can one ever have enough? Lol.

Yeh wouldn't surprise me if the drive was even stronger then.

Apparently too much is never enough if some person's post sig on some forum sometime back was anything to go by XD

Look what we have here...

I would be happy with one of these

Me too!

Ten would be nicer of course.

My wife and I are in a group (of about 20 people) that monitor flyers for "super" deals on stuff, then we buy that stuff and donate it to shelters that need it.

i.e. Recently, there was a double-coupon deal that essentially made some feminine hygiene products (tampons and pads) free at a Drug Store Chain (Shoppers Drug Mart) . We basically cleared the shelves of all stores in a 100 KM radius, then donated all of it to some local women's shelters. (Picture a couple of completely full mini-vans ;-) ).
i.e.2 We did the same in the fall, when there were some Winter jackets on sale at a Retail Chain (Canadian Tire) for 90% off. We bought them all, then delivered them to various shelters that we felt would distribute them properly.

So ... back to your question ... I think I would likely set aside $1000 for the next time a "super" deal happens on stuff that we can donate, but then, I'd use the remaining $2000 to travel somewhere (once the travel restriction is lifted).

I like the balance in the use of funds - A little for yourself and a little for others. Sounds perfectly acceptable. Nice charity work by the way, I'd imagine it's very appreciated.

Where would you travel to? (In the situation above.)

My wife and I were talking about that question ... but let me briefly describe our last 3 vacations. We flew to California for a vacation, and immediately after Napa and Sonoma valley were hit by fires. We went to Australia ... and then ... it was ravaged with fires. We then went to Italy - and had to escape when they locked down due to the beginning of the pandemic. (Our train was stopped as we crossed the Swiss border. All people who lived in Italy were removed from the train and sent back)

So we are thinking of heading to the Big Island of Hawai'i - If the volcano erupts - we might have to make a sacrifice to see if we can clear the curse.

Hmm, curse or just bad luck?

I like the sacrifice idea though. Head down to KFC and get a bucket of chicken and sacrifice that with some fries and a Pepsi too, just to make sure. That's sure to lift the curse.


This is from a visit to the Big Island back in 2009. This is a "skylight" over an active lava tube. I'm sure that tossing the chicken in there would appease the gods.

I've always wanted to go there and see a live volcano. I'm hoping to do so one day and will take a chicken.

That picture was taken while hiking up to Jack Thompson's house in Royal Gardens. Out of 120 homes, his was the only house that the volcano had missed (at the time)...

We had contacted him on a whim and asked if we could hike to the house and if he needed anything. Luckily, he was in town and agreed to meet us at the base of the volcano.

We hiked in with a jerry can of gas, toilet paper, and some groceries. We stayed the night, then had French Toast in the morning. Then hiked back. It was an amazing experience.


We were sad to hear that the volcano had finally overcome the house. It truly was an oasis.

At the time of our visit (2009) his plan was to head to Thailand once he lost the house. He had no delusions that the house would survive. It was just a matter of when.

If I was thinking selfishly for my self. A decent camera to shoot my content. And a really sweet Orange Osage bow since I don't have Osage around here I will probably never build one of that. For my family I'd put it in the bank because we have another kid on the way

Hmm, well I think b cause it's hypothetical it's all good to spend it on the camera and bow. In reality I'm sure you'd do the more family-oriented thing and bank it. 😬