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RE: Golden opportunities and the return of cash

in OCD4 years ago

I would have a job that paid me a lot of money and I'd be able to buy anything I ever wanted

If it's any consolation that might be a pretty common thing regardless of background. My family was reasonably well off and I was also going to have a job that paid me a lot of money and I'd be able to buy anything I wanted and travel anywhere I wanted with no dramas whatsoever XD

who knew that you're "allowed" only 4 weeks off a year and were expected to work 40 hours per week

and even worse some of us more clueless ones carried this idea well into uni, even the ones that were also working part time jobs and should probably have had more of an idea of how the economic world was working out, I guess we were all extremely limited by lack of experience XD

But you seem to have done alright in the meantime :)

I'm pretty much the same with you, I've loaned someone money to get them through to the next payday, they said they'd pay it back, I wrote it off as soon as it was gone and in my case it hasn't come back and probably won't, and that's fine. Glad yours came back, makes me think that the person just took a while scratching it all together so they could return it in one go. Nice purchase you made with it, that pirate chest must be looking pretty healthy :D


If it's any consolation that might be a pretty common thing

As a seven or eight year old listening to one's parents decide how they're going to buy food next week it seemed completely normal to want to have a job that paid enough.

But you seem to have done alright

I'd say I've done more than alright considering I left high school early and never got handouts. A little better would have been good, but I can't complain really.

makes me think that the person just took a while scratching it all together so they could return it in one go.

This is exactly what happened and it showed great strength of character. I guess it would have been good for her to communicate what she was doing but I never said that too her - I just said thanks for the money.

that pirate chest must be looking pretty healthy

It's going ok...But can one ever have enough? Lol.

Yeh wouldn't surprise me if the drive was even stronger then.

Apparently too much is never enough if some person's post sig on some forum sometime back was anything to go by XD