Who has the G-dog followed lately?

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

Every so often I do a post about some of the people I've followed recently. It makes me feel like I am doing a little something to help the community find others to follow and I like to think it helps expose those I've followed to a wider audience.

It is very difficult to get noticed here and I know I would have been very grateful had someone done this for me back three years ago when I first started.

So let's delve into a few of the accounts I've run into. I'll also give them a G-dog rating which will help you determine how good they are.

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@sofiaquino98 has been around since July 2017, only a month after I joined myself. I had seen her posts around the place but not clicked into one until only a few months ago. What I found was wondrous. She is a deep-thinking young lady who offers a mixture of thoughts about life and personal experiences in her posts. She does some cool arts and craft work and is not afraid to add a healthy dose of passion and personality to her posts.

Rating: Legit!

rocket fuel coffee morning rambles. He peppers his posts with some very interesting photos and isn't afraid to keep it real, be himself and rock it in a pretty awesome way. This fellow has a great sense of humour, is happy to engage with others and to get involved with the community.@scubahead dived into hive in August 2018 and has entertained the masses with a mix of diving-related posts, Philippines-oriented stories and images and you'll not want to miss his

Rating: Legit!

old-school user who has been around since June 2017, the same month I started. She hails from the most legit country of Canada and feeds hive with some very interesting posts on animals, the environment, nature, food and cooking and a lot of very interesting thoughts. I've commented back and forth with her a bit and have found her to be intelligent, a lot of fun and very informative. A scroll through her posts will demonstrate this in no uncertain terms.@ladybug146 is another

Rating: Legit!

good guy. He thinks, feels and acts with passion and bucket loads of personality and, in my opinion, has a deeply caring nature and a desire to help people. He writes...And writes...And writes...He wears verbosity like a crown, but he has interesting things to say and so...@stevenwood has been an on and off...And on again user here but seems to have come back with renewed vigour and enthusiasm. He began his journey in March 2018 and I came across him a short while ago. This interesting, fun and engaging bloke seems like someone I would feel comfortable having beer with at the pub (as all the above are). He is a very genuine guy, I mean a

Rating: Legit!

I think I'll leave it there for now as scrolling through these people's feeds will keep you very busy for a while. I can add more later I guess.

You all know I'm always talking about the power of engagement and the importance on relationship-building here on hive. It is critical to growth; Do it and growth happens, do it not and...It doesn't. Not my best quote ever, just the simple fact.

Critical to engagement is finding great people to engage with and that's why I do these posts every so often; To slip a few users under your noses and I hope you'll take the time to check out these four...After all, they have a legit rating from the G-dog...That's gotta count for something right?

Just on another note, don't forget about the #weekend-engagement topic coming out in about 24 hours! Friday is the day, y'all know that!

Have a look on my feed tomorrow and check it out. There's hive to win, engagement to engage in and fun to have. Get on it y'all.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

Join the Engagement League


The undeniable truth is, For the fact you followed these people makes them worth following already. It nice and I hope I'd be part of the list someday.

They are good people I think, good posters who show passion and personality which is two of the three elements I look for...Of course the third is there too, effort.

You've engaged a little with me lately which is what it takes to build relationships so who knows, you may find yourself on the list at some stage. I'm the mean time keep doing what you're doing..


Thanks boss! Just taking the advice you left on my introductory post few weeks back and it been very helpful along the way. 🍻🍻

Great, I'm glad it's working. Keep it up.

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

I'm blushing but kind words indeed and very appreciated :)

Rosy red cheeks huh? Lol.

Getting people's names out there will improve the hive...So I do it. You are a deserving user.

cheers man. It's a fertile platform and a lot of fun. Some good and interesting people in here

You are looking so gorgeous

Oh yeah. I woke up this morning and said to myself, G-dog, you gotta look gorgeous today. Seems I hit my mark. Thanks.

Always, a great idea about what to post content every day my friend. Yeah, it's nice to recognize those people keep on engaging posts to influence other hivers as well.

These four are great users and we'll worth a look. Thanks for commenting.

true, it will influence other users to do engagement as well. They will feel motivated by knowing there are some recognition post like this. Nice idea in my own opinion.

Well sometimes I make it a a necessity to follow some people who I think their contents are good and their commitment level is wonderful as well. I guess when we all do this, it'll mean a lot

Yes, the more connections we all have and make the more the hive connects and grows.

you introduced me to a few accounts that really interest me. I really appreciate your behavior. What you do deserves respect. I wish someone was doing it for me too .. ohohohoh joke. Of course, one day I will be discovered. 🍻🍻🥴I believe in the power of time. Have a nice day.

Keep doing what you're doing, engaging and posting like you do and it will happen. You do a great job.

Thank you ! nice to hear it from you. experience is valuable to me..

What a great idea-and 4 people that I can't remember ever having read. New meat for me!

I believe utterly in the power of engagement. I really like to honor and support the 'real content' creators here. It's not really altruistic with me, floating their boat also floats mine. What can I say?

Thanks Gdog. A nice gift in my feed this morning!

I'm glad you like my idea and I hope you'll find something interesting when you look at their post feeds. 🙂

You're such a wonderful person doing this, I am sure 100% that your approval will help these accounts enormously. 👏


What a nice gesture! When I grow up on this platform I want to be like you! You support people regardless of the numbers on the blog, or the main language. It makes me want to keep working hard here and stay connected and engaged. Thank you very much for following me and for talking so nicely about me and my publications!
Muchas gracias, amigo<3!!

You're welcome Sofi. You're consistent and post with good quality so it was easy to add you to my list.

Thank you for sharing. It's not easy navigating my way around here so far but maybe little things like this can nudge me in the right direction. I definitely love quality content and so would check them out asap.

I'm happy to answer any questions you may have so don't hesitate to ask. I think the most important thing is to find the motivation to post or engage as you see fit, from within. No one can make you want to do it, only you. Just focus on having some fun and you'll be fine.

Aww man! You really are a touch of class.

Thank you so much my friend, this is massively appreciated. You know something... When I was growing up, I often believed I would be Prime Minister of the UK one day, I often thought there may be a constitutional change to electing the monarchy and I may one day wind up being King of all I surveyed. At times, in my most optimistic times I sincerely believed I would be the first man to walk on Mars as all 7 billion citizens of the planet screamed my name in adoration. I genuinely thought I would see an elephant fly...

But never... I mean ever in my wildest dreams did I believe that lowly me would receive a 'LEGIT' rating from the one, the only, Antipodean ((what the hell does that even mean, anyway???)) legend in his own lifetime The G-dog!!!

But actually ((between me and you)) this gave me a massive dumbass grin as you are one of the highlights of my blockchain journey! No no no... I know people say flattering, disingenuous or at the very least flippant, well meaning stuff all the time, but I mean it dude!

That beer would be incredibly welcome! Hey who knows it may well become a reality in the not too distant future! We would have a bloody good laugh mate, it would be riotous I have zero doubt!

Well, it would, once I got my head around that bloody ridiculous accent of course. We let the commonwealth become shoddy, unforgivable!!!

This post is indicative of the kind of guy you are and also telling about your ideal for the community as we step boldly forward. Listen before I end up adding a soundfile of Kylie Minogue and Jason Donovan singing 'especially for you' Ima sign off my friend.

Just know that you are appreciated buddy and I for one am bloody glad to know ya Brother :D

To those of you named in this post I am gonna come find ya and bloody engage y'all to death cos if you stand out enough for the G-dog to give you a shoutout you are people that I gotta get to know, just in case you are half as awesome as I am Hope to get to know you all soon.

Take awesome care of you Brother. Thanks again :D

Haha... Antipodean. I recall, on the day I was born, the doctor smacking my ass to make me breathe then saying well, what an antipodean little fellow we have here. Seems it stuck.

You're welcome mate...I usually promote the newer accounts but wanted to showcase a few that had been around for a while, as it shows quality and persistence, exactly what it takes here.

You're welcome mate.

I'll let you do the beer-ordering in case my colonial accent is unintelligible to the publican...Although I've always found that Australian's are universally loved Steven...We're just so adorable. So I'm sure my accent will just add another charming element for you poms to love. 😂