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RE: Who has the G-dog followed lately?

in OCD5 years ago

Aww man! You really are a touch of class.

Thank you so much my friend, this is massively appreciated. You know something... When I was growing up, I often believed I would be Prime Minister of the UK one day, I often thought there may be a constitutional change to electing the monarchy and I may one day wind up being King of all I surveyed. At times, in my most optimistic times I sincerely believed I would be the first man to walk on Mars as all 7 billion citizens of the planet screamed my name in adoration. I genuinely thought I would see an elephant fly...

But never... I mean ever in my wildest dreams did I believe that lowly me would receive a 'LEGIT' rating from the one, the only, Antipodean ((what the hell does that even mean, anyway???)) legend in his own lifetime The G-dog!!!

But actually ((between me and you)) this gave me a massive dumbass grin as you are one of the highlights of my blockchain journey! No no no... I know people say flattering, disingenuous or at the very least flippant, well meaning stuff all the time, but I mean it dude!

That beer would be incredibly welcome! Hey who knows it may well become a reality in the not too distant future! We would have a bloody good laugh mate, it would be riotous I have zero doubt!

Well, it would, once I got my head around that bloody ridiculous accent of course. We let the commonwealth become shoddy, unforgivable!!!

This post is indicative of the kind of guy you are and also telling about your ideal for the community as we step boldly forward. Listen before I end up adding a soundfile of Kylie Minogue and Jason Donovan singing 'especially for you' Ima sign off my friend.

Just know that you are appreciated buddy and I for one am bloody glad to know ya Brother :D

To those of you named in this post I am gonna come find ya and bloody engage y'all to death cos if you stand out enough for the G-dog to give you a shoutout you are people that I gotta get to know, just in case you are half as awesome as I am Hope to get to know you all soon.

Take awesome care of you Brother. Thanks again :D


Haha... Antipodean. I recall, on the day I was born, the doctor smacking my ass to make me breathe then saying well, what an antipodean little fellow we have here. Seems it stuck.

You're welcome mate...I usually promote the newer accounts but wanted to showcase a few that had been around for a while, as it shows quality and persistence, exactly what it takes here.

You're welcome mate.

I'll let you do the beer-ordering in case my colonial accent is unintelligible to the publican...Although I've always found that Australian's are universally loved Steven...We're just so adorable. So I'm sure my accent will just add another charming element for you poms to love. 😂