No company is perfect yet on the other hand no one is irreplaceable in a company. You are very lucky if you find a perfect company or even a line manager who appreciates your work. That said, you have to do what you feel is right for you and your family, and it sounds like your parents will understand and aren't putting any pressure on you.
It's a big decision to make under the current circumstances, but to be honest if you have no major committments in life at the moment, now is probably as good a time as ever to do it. It get's more difficult as you grow up 🙃 and have your own family. Have you considered a working holiday visa to places like Australia or NZ or even Europe/UK?
It's sad but it's true.
There's always a pressure from my family, but I already made it clear to them that it's my life we're talking about. I'm just happy they understood my decision.
Regarding visas, it's really difficult coming from the Philippines. It's in my plan, but not in the immediate future.
Thank you so much for your wisdom, Pauline! 😄