Conspiracy theories and Quarantine

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

Image used as per contest by @derangedvisions
This post is to let the Hive Community know I'm still alive and kicking. The restrictions in South Australia are really taking hold now, but honestly it doesn't seem so bad (vs. getting a terrible virus and getting very sick). I started writing this post for the competition here:

But then realized I don't use any other social media like twitter, so.....I might not meet the rules..anyways I'll just post a bit anyways and let others know about the contest as the prizes look pretty damn good and I think it would be good for people to share thoughts and what they are up to.

What is happening where I live

We are now living under an emergency situation - what our Government is calling Level 2 restrictions, and everyone is trying to 'beat the curve'.

For those not aware what 'beating the curve' is...ummn I'm not 100% sure, but maybe someone can respond to this post and let me know. As best as I can tell its the social responsibility of us all, by practicing social distancing (don't come within 1.5 meters of people around you) and slowing down the spread of the virus. As best I can tell (as I don't really watch the news, so happy to be corrected), the strategy is to slow down the rate in which the country is infected for two main reasons.

One - Delay until a cure can be created, 12 - 18 Months pending whom you ask.
Two - Reduce infection rates to a steady flow, so hospitals and funeral homes are not overwhelmed.

OK on with the conspiracy theories - There are a number of 'possible' reasons why the virus came, and I guess being asked to stay home as much as possible you end up contemplating these allot. Out of respect for those who know people whom are sick or have relatives who are sick , it might be best to stop reading here (As I don't want to disturb or upset people ......with just theories - These things are not meant to be offensive, they are simply things I have heard or read (paraphrased a bit for this post).

Here is a quick list of the top 5 conspiracy theories on how the Virus came to being, I have heard, read or are being discussed during lockdown:

  1. Created by the Americans to attack the Chinese, since they have been sly and accepted partial capitalism (creating a socialism style control system), that has rapidly expanded - this seems to connect to the conspiracy that world war 2 never really ended, rather this is just another attack in the never ending war of capitalism vs. Communism.
  2. Created by the Chinese to attack the Americans, this theory is the opposite of the above, except its just a sly plan for the Chinese to wipe out all countries population so they can just walk in and take the houses and stuff
  3. Created by Aliens in the future who have a time machine and are using the incident as a kind of ninja smoke bomb to cover their need to secretly kill people off in inhuman experiments and cover it up as....the virus must have killed them!.
  4. Created by humans eating live bats, that it is just a natural reaction (a kind of evolution self defense mechanism that was inevitable). Many examples in nature of plant growing thorns or working in conjuction with other animals and bacteria to fight off attacks; in this theory us humans are the attackers and so this is a bat immune response.
  5. The Govts of the world got scared by bitcoin and decided to create a reason to ban cash!

I'd be keen to hear if others have heard/read any that seem as possible as any of the nice to know which one in true :)

Outside of contemplating the Virus and its implications for the world what else am I doing?
I was sick for about 2 weeks with 'simular symptoms' but have not been formally tested. Feeling better now, I have commenced going out again, the symptoms have passed (Apart from a little shortness of breathe).
I'm going out a bit more now, and trying to excercise... but of course maintaining social distances. I am still buying take aways and supporing my favourite local businesses...yes I am standing a couple of meters away from people in the line ups. Last night I ate nacho's watching the sunset at the beach.
A quick film of the sunsetting in South Australia taken from my IPhone

I'm also working from home at the moment, which is different. Working from home now includes numerous breaks out the back with the pets.

This is me out the back enjoying a work break in my tiny backyard

Outside of working and walks on along the beach, we are hitting the TV pretty hard and I'm playing a few strategy games on the PC with friends and family.

I'm currently thinking about those jobs around the know the ones that never get done.

I hope everyone is staying safe and enjoying time at home with loved ones.
Picture of me spending time with the pets during lockdown

Outside of this we are slowing making a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle and browsing and commenting on hive posts - of course! :)

Please take care friends and take time to remember how lucky you are if your not sick..that this lockdown while a pain is for protecting not just yourself but your family and friends... and Hive on!


Everyday I contemplate those jobs that need to be done around the house.... maybe tomorrow. :)

HAha...well motivation can only go down from here - if we keep going this way, tomorrow might not be able to afford the parts :(

Definitely #5 they are scared of bitcoin 🤣

They wont ever give up attacking it! hodl

D: well glad you're feeling better now! Did you stay home for another couple of weeks after getting better just in case? :D

How's working from home working out for you?

I'm actually not minding the lockdown itself too much as I can always find something to do (and a whole pile of stuff I really don't), kind of annoyed about all of our stuff having to be canned though XD

My conspiracy theory is that martial law is going to get slammed in "for our own good" and none of these "temporary" measures are going to get rolled back when the virus buggers off XD

The symptoms (sore throat, cough, fatigue) really went a bit over a week ago - As I can't be sure If I had it I'm being careful and keeping my distance..Also still avoiding elderly and others I know it Autoimmune or heart issues.

Tend to agree with your martial law view/theory -- I suspect though they just say the troops are there to make you feel safe...its not really martial law haha

Thanks for the updated Upgoats! updated this post appropriately :)

Glad to hear you are feeling better! I lol'd at the theories, thanks for sharing them!

Thanks muchly - take care out there, its a bit nutz