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RE: Conspiracy theories and Quarantine

in OCD5 years ago

D: well glad you're feeling better now! Did you stay home for another couple of weeks after getting better just in case? :D

How's working from home working out for you?

I'm actually not minding the lockdown itself too much as I can always find something to do (and a whole pile of stuff I really don't), kind of annoyed about all of our stuff having to be canned though XD

My conspiracy theory is that martial law is going to get slammed in "for our own good" and none of these "temporary" measures are going to get rolled back when the virus buggers off XD


The symptoms (sore throat, cough, fatigue) really went a bit over a week ago - As I can't be sure If I had it I'm being careful and keeping my distance..Also still avoiding elderly and others I know it Autoimmune or heart issues.

Tend to agree with your martial law view/theory -- I suspect though they just say the troops are there to make you feel safe...its not really martial law haha

Thanks for the updated Upgoats! updated this post appropriately :)